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Everything posted by neverere

  1. If that is indeed genuinely the case here.
  2. To pay for the unforeseen event of repatriating his remains?
  3. It's more likely just a translation issue.
  4. Through the septic tank overflow.
  5. I think the issue with a nationwide cull, as necessary as it may be, and no matter how humane it is done, would be purely a cultural one. Buddhists generally don't believe in killing animals. Ironic, seeing how badly how many animals are treated here, I know. A mass spaying/neutering program would be far more acceptable. I wish the new government would makes funds available for such a program on a mass scale, rather the limited programmes we have seen in the past.
  6. Actually, it is against the law harm or kill animals: Thai penal code: Section 381 Whoever, cruelly ill-treats or kills an animal with unnecessary sufferings, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one month or fined not exceeding one thousand Baht, or both. I have personally only ever heard of one case where this law was applied though.
  7. Where do you suggest the dogs are 'removed' to? Also Thailand does, as a rule, not destroy dogs.
  8. Why this particular incident, and not the relatively recent demise of a Canadian falling to his death from a moving train, prompted this response, is baffling.
  9. I just love the "any old photo off the top of the pile will do" approach at Asean Now. Keeps us guessing whether the article will be related to the headline. 😁
  10. I see that expensive medication I paid for has been effective!
  11. 1.8 billion or 1.8 million? There's a big difference. Terrible reporting.
  12. I don't recall claiming to be an expert.
  13. You can purchase Heparin on Lazada.
  14. "There are at least 196 species and subspecies of snakes presently indigenous to Thailand and 59 species and subspecies would qualify as venomous."
  15. The big problem with the death penalty is that it is so difficult to retroactively overturn once incorrectly carried out.
  16. Thanks for validating my point.
  17. Those who purport that the term Farang is racist always strike me as a little thin skinned.
  18. That was in my first week here. 😉
  19. I don't think there is any election planned in 3 months time?
  20. Merely responding to your question. Sorry you feel so insecure. Maybe try some Xanax. 😉
  21. Recreational drug use refers to the use of drugs that have not been prescribed. People take it because it because it makes them feel good.
  22. Upcoming de-dollarization? Please do elaborate.
  23. Upcoming de-dollarization? Please do elaborate.
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