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Everything posted by neverere

  1. Sometimes people get divorced.
  2. This is maybe the biggest non-story yet on Aseannow, the bar has been lowered again.
  3. A big part of the issue is public outrage at the sense of entitlement of someone who is wealthy and connected. Furthermore, the fact that it is a foreigner who has purchased this privilege is beyond the pail. A huge loss of face for Thai policing and the entire culture of corruption and privilege.
  4. No Thai's use bicycles? Are you sure about that. I see many daily, not a stitch of Lycra to be seen.
  5. Nail em up I say, nail some sense into them ! 😁
  6. I just did my 90 report online a few days ago, no problems, no discernable changes. The response was maybe a little quicker.
  7. "Rescue operations continue northeast of Thailand as teams desperately search for the missing victims of the tragedy." No wonder they haven't managed to locate the sunken wreck yet.
  8. 180 feet is not below the limit for safe diving. I suspect you are thinking of the recommended depth limits for recreational diving.
  9. Once those who wait to purchase duty free on arrival learn of this change and make their purchases in their departure airport, how much of a revenue boost will this provide for local businesses, or more accurately, domestic revenue coffers ?
  10. To identify a blue-ringed octopus, look for a small body about 4 to 5 centimetres long and around 15 centimetres in length, with small blue reflective rings across its body and tentacles. This differentiates it from the Ika Ikue octopus, which only has one to two rings on its body and is safe to eat.
  11. Maybe you need to look up the word aisle ? Or is it the word three that you are struggling with ?
  12. FYI There are no 3 aisle passenger aircraft. A middle row of seats would indicate a dual aisle configuration.
  13. What a non-story, trying to sensationalize an aircraft following standard procedure. Yawn.
  14. Wow, I have never seen a 3 aisle passenger aircraft. Are you sure ?😁
  15. The term "No good deed goes unpunished" springs to mind.
  16. The relevant dates and provinces would have been good to include in the article.
  17. I am pretty sure the British embassy doesn't provide Spanish interpreters, or at least not the one in Bangkok.
  18. You forgot dirty. Do you not think the reporting in the English language news might be nuanced towards Farang because they read English ?
  19. At what price to other road users/the public ?
  20. But probably not if you have the runs.
  21. They may be a little too focused on the immediate financial gain to consider their daughters future happiness.
  22. Looks like he is actually from Chechnya.
  23. This is sadly not a new phenomenon in Thailand. Domestic violence has always been commonplace and tragically results in death all too frequently.
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