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Posts posted by Pilotman

  1. 18 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

    Nice to see cats on TV.   This is Cola , arrived at our gate about 4 weeks ago , was a bit shy to say hello but now waits for my siesta so he can join me.  Biggest moggie I have ever owned , part mountain lion.


    cute but big, the cat's cute too. 

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

    No....your answer was irrelevant to this thread. Why would anyone come to the Phuket forum to get info on how it's done in Pattaya? If you had posted in the Pattaya forum, it would be relevant.

    No horses for anyone to dismount from here.


    The title attracts people who are interested in getting or renewing a driving licence, regardless of where they may live, so its relevant to all those people. What's it to you anyway. it's not impacting your life?   

  3. 3 hours ago, Psimbo said:

    Fascinating but COMPLETELY irrelevant to this thread about PHUKET and what ACTUALLY happens here.

    No need to use capitals mate, I am first language English, it's a useful information source for all TV readers, not just those down south. So high horse off please. 

  4. 2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    There is definite evidence that the Romans grew grapes in the UK, Iron age villages being built on higher ground, and Vikings farming in Greenland, all which lead people to believe it was warmer in the past.

    Oh yes, I agree, warmer, but how warm and for what part of the year, we know not.  Of course, as the English wine industry testifies, you can  grow grapes in the country now. Orchids grow in Inverness and palm trees in Cromarty.  Nothing  new under the Sun, excuse the pun. 

    • Like 1
  5. Sorry to give contrary advice, but in Pattaya Office at least, I would certainly take a new medical certificate with you, just in case.  In addition, getting there really early doesn't seem to work, as the overall waiting time ends up being the same.  Around 10am, after the first wave has gone through. can work, as does afternoon, around 2 pm.  

  6. 13 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Here's a very eloquent summary of what the latest research means:

    "The familiar maxim that the climate is always changing is certainly true. But even when we push our perspective back to the earliest days of the Roman Empire, we cannot discern any event that is remotely equivalent — either in degree or extent — to the warming over the past few decades. Today’s climate stands apart in its torrid global synchrony."



    There were no temperature readings available in Roman times, so we don't know. We can speculate, but speculation is often wrong and certainly not in any way scientific.  

    • Confused 1
  7. Read the reports from the UK, traffic at a standstill, melting roads, railways not working, people not being able to sleep, or work because it's too hot, London tube trains unlivable with; maybe Thailand is not so inefficient after all.  I feel quite smug in my fully air conditioned house and my pool in the garden not 20 feet away. Good luck UK. 

    • Like 2
  8. 8 minutes ago, Stubby said:

    Thank you, pilot man.

    Can I order a SIM online, or does someone from the UK have to post one to me. An earlier poster said something about they have to be activated in the UK to work.

    I don't think you can buy online,  I imagine that you need someone to buy it for you in the UK and send it over. Not sure if even that will work, as in these days of terrorism, the authorities in all countries are very sensitive about sims being delivered around the world, so it may get picked up by the postal service. You can try. but best to get someone to bring one over for you.  The previous poster may also be right in the activation. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Stubby said:

    I’m still a tad confused—it’s an age thing—so perhaps someone a bit more savvy can help?

    The question is this:

    Can I get a UK sim card, put it into any Thai mobile, and receive text messages to it, from the UK? I only need it for the changes to online banking.

    Thank you in advance,


    YES, if the phone is unlocked it can take any sim.


    My daughter has a Thai phone, which she uses with a UK sim when in the UK and changes over when she comes here to visit. She banks with her mobile.  

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Benmart said:

    My crystal ball is in the shop for repair, so any comment by me is speculative. China, in my opinion is positioned for change, perhaps internal, but change none-the-less. Population, environment and political upheaval are all possible catalysts that may hasten its evolvement into something much different from what we see today. How is that for typical TVF jibberish? Have a nice day sipping Chinese imported tea, sitting on a Chinese manufactured chair and tapping away on a Chinese made smart device.

    TV is meant for jibberish,  opinion, bias, speculation, argument (within reason of course), moaning, whinging;  that's what makes it fun, sometimes. 

    You may well be right, but I wonder at the reaction/impact of 2 Billion people, many of them pheasants and uneducated, taking the fight to the Chinese system of government.  It is argued that the communist, centrally based system was instrumental in saving the people from imminent starvation and enduring poverty after the Cultural Revolution.  That could happen again if the system is over thrown.  I don't like it, but maybe it is the best form of government for such a large and diverse country of near to 2 billion.


    My crystal ball is also in the shop for repair.  

  11. 1 minute ago, Orton Rd said:

    People on pensions can support themselves and have a guaranteed income. I would like to apply for PR but cannot as I have not worked and paid tax for 3 years, although what that has to do with it if you have been here over a decade I fail to understand.

    Well It's not much good grumbling about the rules for PR, they are what they are.  I imagine that the tax paying part is to demonstrate a previous and ongoing financial commitment and contribution to the country, over and above that required by visa rules, but I don't know, as I for one am not at all interested in being a permanent resident in Thailand,  temporary is fine for me. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, bowerboy said:


    1. Each of those countries has a process for becoming a permanent resident. Thailand does not (it does but not in any normal rational sense).


    2. Once you are Permanent Resident of those countries then you don’t have to report any more AND you can work and live like a local.


    Sure the barriers are higher in those places but that’s the whole point of them (to attract only desirables).


    why doesn’t Thailand do this? In comparison to those countries you mention what isn’t Draconian about the Thai system and lack of ability to gain a secure level of residence without being made to feel like a fugitive?


    I am here on a work visa. No way I would jump through all those hoops to live in what is basically a third world hitehole. Once my work visa ever runs out I am out of here.

    Nothing at all stopping you, or anyone else, applying to become a permanent resident in Thailand, there is a well publicised process for that to happen, as you can also eventfully apply for citizenship, if you so wish. In Hong Kong, such a status is not easy to obtain and is a long drawn out procedure.  Singapore is easier, but you had better have a awful lot more than 800K in the bank to succeed. 

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