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Posts posted by Pilotman

  1. 2 hours ago, TigerandDog said:

    Done that and they don't give a damn. Even emailed the Federal Health Minister back in oz, surprisingly he actually replied, but same response "aussie expats are not their responsibility".

    A disgraceful response. Doesn't matter how much you have contributed into the system in tax etc, all your life, and still are doing in many cases, including past military service, once you are beyond the shores of a western country they don't want to know you.  Well, in the words of the prophet they can just go and xxxxx themselves. 

    • Like 2
  2. 16 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    How do you know ?




    How do you know ?



    Vague, how do you know ?



    All British Embassies have provide what I’ve needed when I’ve needed it. Of course they have, I’ve not expected more than I understand they can provide. 


    I don’t expect them to vaccinate me. 


    I don’t expect them to provide legal documents verifying my income when that’s impossible. 






    I see that the Chinese are going to vaccinate all their own citizens based in Thailand?  Well, well. 

  3. 14 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    How do you know ?




    How do you know ?



    Vague, how do you know ?



    All British Embassies have provide what I’ve needed when I’ve needed it. Of course they have, I’ve not expected more than I understand they can provide. 


    I don’t expect them to vaccinate me. 


    I don’t expect them to provide legal documents verifying my income when that’s impossible. 






    I have covered this in other posts, but I can give two examples, one more detail than the other.   In my Military days we needed the active support of two Embassies, one in the Middle East the other in the Caribbean.  In both cases not only were they of no help whatsoever, despite being mandated by the FCO to give all assistance, they actually managed to compromise what we were doing on both occasions.   In the end we froze them out of the processes as we couldn't trust them.   Second example; while the  CEO of a high profile UK company, involved in logistics, aviation and marine, we set out to complete a joint venture here  in Thailand. Our Thai partner was enthusiastic but we were up against a military owned company that was an effective  closed shop.  We asked for a meeting with the Commercial Secretary, which was supported again by the Trade people in London, to try to get support, what we got was a short meeting with a Thai National Embassy clone, who was clearly not interested in us, or in helping us against a  Thai company, he all but admitted it to us.  Not once did we meet with a UK Diplomat and the Commercial Secretary couldn't be arsed to see us.  That did it for me.

    The one and only positive experience I have had was with the Mission in Taiwan. They fell overt backwards to help us and we landed s long term contract with the Taiwanese Ports and Marine Authority.  They were and are the exception, although they were not a full Embassy and were only established to promote trade links.  Even then, we had to pay a lot for that support. . 

    • Like 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    That just means they are uniformly incorrect in their understanding of the role of an Embassy. 


    A high volume of incorrect opinions do not make any of those opinions more correct. 



    The role of our Embassy is not to extend pubic health care beyond borders. But it can take on the mission to ensure we are included in our host nations plans. 

    And they uniformly fail in that ,as they do in supporting commercial activity and trade. I know, as I have had to deal with various UK embassies over the years.  Apart from the Mission in Taipei they have been hopeless. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Don't be a bigot, open your mind a bit, the problem is nutrition is similar to religion


    2 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Don't be a bigot, open your mind a bit, the problem is nutrition is similar to religion

    Open my mind to utter nonsense, no thanks. 

  6. 35 minutes ago, LukKrueng said:

    How? By illegally importing vaccines? AFAIK most embassies get their staff vaccinated in their home countries


    why illegally?  They can come to an agreement about importing vaccines.  isn't that what 'diplomats' are supposed to do and be good at, or are they useless at that too?  

    • Like 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    I've only seen such accident first-hand. It was thirty years ago on soi Ruam-Rudi in Bangkok.

    A motorbike with a passenger rode over half-a-dozen telephone cables laying in the road. As they went past, the cables became tangled in the motorbike's rear wheel.

    Suddenly the cables became taught, stopped the motorbike instantly.

    Driver and passenger both flew over the top of the bike, hitting the road hard.

    and I bet they were not wearing strong helmets? 

  8. Just now, johng said:

    Like the soi dogs,potholes,sand and diesel on the road not much if anything will be done about it. ????

    Pattaya has proved that given a will to do it, the hanging wires can be sorted out.  Good on the Pattaya Authorities that they have buried many of the cables and removed many of the dangerous ones. Still a lot to do admittedly.  As for Soi dogs, the recent drive to catch and sterilise many of them, albeit very limited in scope, shows that it can be done. Anything is possible given the will, the drive and the money. 

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