It is obvious, somehow they thought same laws apply to them as to Thaksin and they were untouchables.
sorry, boys, should have checked the small print .. this is the land of law and order…
I thought Thaksin was in jail and only released from time to time for his medical treatment to keep him alive. He had this gravely sickness called Thai political corruption syndrome. What is going on???
Why are they kidding… it will be same as her brother… medical emergency.
during Soviet time: government was lying.. people knew they were lying..government knew that people knew that they were lying but they were still lying ….only useful idiots will believe…
No changes will happen Unless issues are highlighted It should never happen in the land of smiles… Soi dogs attracts, double pricing, noisy motorcycles, corrupt police…
Suicide BiB will conclude… jumped and crawled into the water drain to drawn when realized he was not dead bcs of the fall…. He was very determined … RIP
Corruption is accepted and actually highly endorsed in Thai culture as it is considered a form of smartness. Dual pricing is also a form of corruption and it is supported by all citizens.
Roads are for vehicles sidewalks for pedestrians. Was she crossing with caution or was she walking across without due care?
I see these saint cows crossing without any consideration for traffic around …
Sad, young Japanese man on vacation in this land of anger trying to do the right thing.
This Thai- Eng guy resembles a man driving motorbike on Maprachan lake walkway and became threatening abusive when reprimanded, possessed perfect english swearing vocabulary and …much more