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Posts posted by ThaiPauly

  1. Roo Boy, u r a tosser, you are a decendant of an ex-con so your attidute does not surprise me in the least, I reckon your family must have insulted someone pretty important (do you hear chains rattle in your sleep?) :o

  2. My advice is go for it, as Wolfie said "risk what you can afford to loose" that is what I have done, one house in my wife's name and thats it, any other property I buy is in the sky and will be mine. A bit younger than you but after several failed marriages to Farang women (I am not tarring them all with the same brush- just my PERSONAL experience), my Thai wife treats me better, we have "an arrangement" I suppose, I take care of her financial and accomodation needs and she takes care of my every whim without question, we love each other (well I know I love her) :o

    It can work , but nothing lasts forever, I am enjoying what I have NOW and am only to aware of the pitfalls, I live for TODAY, I may be dead tomorrow and so may you, Happiness is a state of mind and most people are as happy as they want to be or as miserable as they want to be. Enjoy and have fun, I have been with my Tilac nearly two years and it is without doubt the single best thing I have ever done in my life.


  3. I too have heard thay there are iminent plans for a new GC although I can shed no light on where I am afraid, I know a man who might and when I next speak to him I will beg the question and post back



  4. I saw that programme when in the UK, and I have read "The Damage Done" The stories are poles apart, if only 50% of the book was lies, I believe only 25% of that programme was true.

    How easier than to bribe prisoners with an eiser life than to go on TV and lie.

    Would u do it?

    I bloody well would if it can save some of my time in that ######-hole.

    I am absolutley positive that they would have made sure you only saw what they wanted you to see. :o T.I.T

  5. David Beckham (England Captain and perfect penalty taker) was at a news conference and answered a question put to him with the answer "well I like em coz they are small fit in me pocket nicely , minty, have only 2 calories and leave my mouth tasting fresh"

    A voice from the back said


    "We were asking you about"

    "TACTICS" :o

  6. I love LOS, the only thing I find hard is coping with the heat, I thought I would get used to it But I have not, at the moment I can deal with the weather we have had over the last week, and can probably cope with 3 months of it without feeling uncomfortable. I know I am overweight and that does not help I am sure. BK is a very muggy city, I am hoping for better luck and a little bit more comfort by moving up to Chaing Mai as its a little cooler there and I know that I can live without sweating all day for at least 4 months of the year.

    Otherwise having lived here two years I think I have adapted quite well, but I (unfortunatley) do not posess the power to turn up the air- con knob once I get out of my condo.

  7. The garbage men were doing their rounds as usual when they came to a house where a new occupant a Japanese Gentleman had moved into.

    As in most streets in the UK the garbage bins have to be put out on the morning of collection.

    Noticing the bin for this particular house was not on the pavement the Garbage man knocked on the door and after some time the Jap opened the door.

    The Garbage guy noticing the gentleman was not english spoke the pidgeon language to the guy.

    "Where's your bin" "I was in da toilet solly' No says the garbage man "Where's your bin" "I told you " said the Jap "I was in da toilet" No No says the bin man "Where's your wheelie bin" " Ok Ok says the Jap

    "I was having a W#nk" :o

  8. I had no such problem, I just took the divorce paper to the British Embassy and they produced a document in English giving me the freedom to marry in Thailand. I had this translated into Thai and signed it, then I was able to marry. Is there not a Norweigen embassy in BK that operates the same system?

  9. How old was Craig? Sorry for your loss, I have two mid-twenty year old son's here and I worry for them sometimes very bad things can happen here, and I am so sorry it has affected you and yours.


  10. If its your busines then you have to employ four Thais as well, and its true, you could not be seen to be working there, but recently on Ko Phi Phi I saw farangs working their bars, Islands have one police force, so you would soon get to know them and then its just a case of extra monthly Charges!! Scope the place out and see how many police are on the island and how freindly they are.

    Good Luck :o

  11. IMHO it is this childlike behaviour and associated violence which allows them to be so easily corrupted, they have no consideration for others, do not care about the people around them, and their superiority complex could be attributed to their ignorance of the outside world.

    Superiority complex?

    Seems like you are the one with the superiority complex, i would suggest that you cancel your next flight to Thailand, for good.

    I am a Farang myself, but i am amazed that when a farang cannot understand another culture, he calls them stupid people.

    Tell me something...........how do you think you would get along if you was dumped in the middle of 'The Amazonian rain forrest', how would you survive?

    Do you think you would be able to do all the things that one of the Rain forrest Natives do to survive in such an enviroment, would he think you where rather stupid because you did not know how to survive without his help? You would be very grateful to that guy, you would not survive alone.

    But if you met this same Rain Forrest Native in a modern city, you would call him stupid because you could not understand why he was so confused in a city enviroment. But is he stupid, or is it that you just do not understand another persons culture and psyche.

    Because you do not understand another persons ways , it does not mean they are stupid, it means You do not understand. :o

    Well said Begs

  12. Would You Less Secure With A Westernised Thai?

    Just a humble observation gentleman, to add more depth to your words and to increase job prospects it would be advisable to ad verbs to your sentences and headlines.

    Ain't that a tip!

    Hmmm, those that live in glass houses should not throw stones- ad should be spelt add, an ad is an abbreviation for an advertisement Aussie. :o

  13. Yeah, when they started to build our house once the first hole for the first support pillar had been dug my wife threw money into the hole and cut some kinda ribbon. Also the same day apparantly a monk had come and done some praying but we did not get there on time to see him, so yeah it is normal custom I would say. Builders organised it, I am sure they would do the same if your GF has no contacts there.

    PS. My house will be finished in 4-6 weeks , are you moving to Chaing Mai perchance?

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