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Posts posted by ThaiPauly

  1. do the guys that have married a prostitute actually tell their friends & family, about her former profession? what's the reaction?

    These kind of questions psychos me off. Before we go on discussing, can somebody explain to me what is a prostitute?

    Is it the girl who marries to get a better future?

    Is it the girl who marries her father's business partner to rescue the company?

    Is it the princess who marries the neighbouring country's prince to re-unite the kingdom?

    Is any girl who take of her pants FOR YOU a prostitute?

    Jeez, get real and stop drooling. :o

    You are spot on Axel, what the f33k has it got to do with him, I hope you see what mean about him. I think he is lying through his teeth. What sort of question is that to ask?

    well for the record I met my wife on Sukhumvit Soi 33 (Well known to many) I have told all my family where I met her and what she WAS, there I have said it now, and I do not give a flying F##K what other people think that why zealots like HP pi#s me off, its got FA to do with him and should be of no interset considering his perfect life. For the record Axel I DO deserve my Wife and I am a GOOD husband to her, but.... well.... him, I want to stick on of his speard right up his a##e.

    sorry I dont mean any harm, but I defend those that have relationships or marriages to BG's so attack people like me at your peril (not you Axel) I am here so shoot me, Come On!!!

  2. HP and TP, what the <deleted> do you get so excited about?

    Once you forget the BG, TG, prostitute or whatever and just respect a girl or woman for what she is, you might feel better.

    I tell you a secret, I would marry a lovely TG, never mind what she is or was, just got one problem. my wife objects to.

    Now get back to your corners and learn one thing, the woman or girl you love is what you get, but perhaps you don't deserve her.

    Axel, this is between me and him, he said things, and i ain't the "forgive and forget" type of person, he has explanations to give, please leave us to get on with it.

  3. i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


    I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

    or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

    You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

    PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

    I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?

    i'm only here for a laugh and a joke... a pint & a smoke...

    It Shows, you should stick to the "Jokes Make my day" section where you were posting every ten minutes when you first became a memeber :D

    And to answer your question, I would Marrry Anyone I was in LOVE with.

    Tell me if I had been (not to say I was not) a "Male escort" in Farangland would that have seriously limited my chances of marriage?

    but if it was a prostitute.. how do you know she loves you? doesn't it matter that she may have been having her furrow ploughed by all & sundry for months or years in many cases? good on you if that's what you want... but don't get stressed when i suggest it's not for all...

    Harry, oh thou who has a whiter than white maiden, come on, you are now clutching at straws (and they are very short) You did not answer the question did you? I do not begrudge you your ideal life for one moment, the fact that you refer to your girl as "Madamme Palmer" means that you are not ready (or don't trust her enough) to commit. the "MP" bit is just a ruse why not just put GF or BG we dont really care you know, honesty is the best poilcy. You dont know me, I have a few freinds who know who I am on this site, and the commend my honesty, I am not two faced, I tell it like it is (and will probably be banned because of it at some stage)Having said that, you already know it, otherwise as I understand it with 2 kids (correct me if I am wrong) why don't u commit to MP, GF, BG, , stop talking s##t Harry and add something constructive to this site, c'mon, let it go!!

  4. Marriage to Thai lady does it last.

    Any statistics on how long Falong Thai marriage lasts.

    What is the significance of a Buddha wedding to Thaïs?

    Should they be a poll on this?

    Your honest comments appreciated.

    I don't have any statistics but I do have some observational experience having been married to a Thai national for some 17 years and having been living in or at the very least maintaining close ties to Thailand for nearly 25 years now. I have met many, many a folk over the years who have married a Thai, both former bar girls and women not from that scene. And the bottom line is that few of the marriages last and that many of the marriages that do last still involve daily challenges.

    A cross cultural marriage, and this is from personal experience also, is like roller skating on an ice rink. You have two world views, as the cultural anthropologists would say, that have the potential to come into conflict, such as perceptions on health, child raising, family, and dreams to name just a few.

    Bottom line is that the odds are against a lasting marriage so hold on to your pocket book. On the other hand, when I meet a nice girl who works at a bar, having no other viable work options, and she meets some dumb falang who falls in love after one week I urge her to try to marry the fool and take as much money as she can get but I also tell her who knows, maybe it will work out for a lasting relationship, but get paid one way or another from the get go in case it is a hopeless relationship.

    As for a Buddhist wedding, I know few options in Thailand unless you marry a Muslim from the south or the rare Thai Christian. But caveat emptor, the Thai Christian churches tend to be fundamentalist American sects with a frosting of third world animism that are not what most would call mainstream Christianity.

    Good SENSIBLE post, thank you Bizz

  5. they wonder why they're hated as well, messy, dirty, thieving no good bastards.

    I trained in Muay Thai for over 10 years and the only time I ever needed it was in Oxford ,

    I know where you are coming from with this, my home town is not all "Gown" and it is now a troublesome place, but why is that while in the Sukhumvit early Sois I see all these martial arts weapons openly on sale? Are the legal, I mean can you openly carry a "Kung <deleted>" stlyle star around in your pocket without being arrested?

  6. Quote Farong

    I was once in a relationship similar to yours. Was a rollercoaster ride--extreme emotional ups and downs. That was with my EX-wife. Those were hellish years.

    Next time--LET HER GO. And there will, be a next time. You say you love her? Then respect her will and let her leave. You break down and cry making her feel guilty so she stays.--You are selfish. Get yourself some good farang friends down there and hang out with them for a while. .

    Farong, all relationships that end in disaster have extatic highs and extreme lows,

    Normally the sex is great but outside of sex the relationship is rubbish.

    IMHO if you have a steady relationship without confrontation and the extreme highs and lows that is a recipe for a successful marriage.

    after 4 marriages I feel well qualified to speak on the matter, I have also been where you have, (though not with the same girl-unless her name was Jessica :o

  7. One factor that has been overlooked is that second marriages, where the first marriage has ended in divorce, are more likely to fail than first marriages.

    So armed with these "Facts" Richard what chance of a 4th marriage being sucessful????

    You have the stats, spit them out then

  8. I have a question that I can not find an answer to. Why is it that Thai people do not posses an iota of what we farang my call common sense.

    My point is this.

    recently I got married and had my family stay in a hotel. One of my sons got drunk and thought he had lost a very expensive ring during the night or in a club he went to.

    the following day he reported the loss to reception, but no ring turned up. He moved rooms the day after the wedding so he was still within the confines of the hotel. All the service staff where aware that he had moved rooms (and that he had lost his expensive ring).

    The day we left my wife (who of course speaks Thai) caught the Head Housekeeper outside our room and bought up the subject of the ring. She said she would phone the Chambermaid who cleaned my son's room. After the call she came and told us that the ring was indeed in the possession of the Chambermaid.

    now call me stupid, but if you are going to lets say"Find" something and not report that you have "Found" it, it does not make ANY SENSE to say "Yes I have it here" What followed for this unfortunate girl was an inevitable dismissal from he employment. It would have been to her benefit in more ways than one to say "NO" have no seen it, I mean where is the LOGIC in saying "Yes I have stolen it-I did not do what I should have done and handed it in -I STOLE it.

    Where is the logic in this-has anyonehad any similar eperiences?


    But she did have his consent.

    He donated sperm to the conception. Yes or no?

    Nature doesn't give a s--t about "deception" or "contraception". Nature says you put sperm in a vagina, and you're ASKING for pregnancy. Period.

    What a load of crap, I'm with Roo boy on this one (sorry for calling you a tosser in a previous post Roo-sling anther shrimp on the barbie). If SHE knew SHE was not taking contraception and led him to beleive (without saying as much) that she was -then it is a cut and dried case of deception, I want to exhume, Hanging Judge Jefferies, he would take care of the scheming little vixen. (For non Brits, he sentanced more people to death in the UK than any other judge, lucky for you Roo it was before we started shipping all our undesirables to Ozz) :o

  10. Prostitutes become Prostitutes for many different reasons, mostly financial, OK in the UK many University students go through college selling themselves to get their degree. I have seen blue movies where they actually interview the student before she gets down to it!!! (made in the good ole' US of A)

    If you are a BUYER then there must be a SELLER. I married a bar girl and am glad I did. I was buying, she was selling, does that make me better than her just because I HAVE money?If you saw her you would not think she had ever been a bar girl ( and NO I am not posting her pic) but "Needs Must When the devil drives" How can you support a child and give him/her a reasonable existance without MONEY. How can you live on 5,000 baht a month? Could anybody reading this do it? what does "Girl from bar" think. In my 2 years here I have never come accross a BG who actually does it out of choice, but WE go to Cowboy, Nana, Patpong because we CHOOSE to. (I dont anymore -but that is irrelevant)

    Some are Good, some are Bad, sod's law, you make your bed etc, my marrige may not last (I speak from experience having tied the knot 3 times before so this is my 4th marriage) But I will tell you this, if it goes T#ts Up then I knew the risk to start with, and will not be crying in my beer, I will just as like head up to the three places I mentioned before and try again,

    hey guys, we've only one life, LIVE IT, you are a long time dead. To coin a phrase "I don't give a hoot" what you out there think, I am HAPPY and those that look down on me, hey S##W you, you are not me and for christ's sake leave your morals in "Moral Land" = Farang Land

    Sorry to go on- it's passion :o

  11. i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


    I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

    or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

    You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

    PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

    I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?

    i'm only here for a laugh and a joke... a pint & a smoke...

    It Shows, you should stick to the "Jokes Make my day" section where you were posting every ten minutes when you first became a memeber :D

    And to answer your question, I would Marrry Anyone I was in LOVE with.

    Tell me if I had been (not to say I was not) a "Male escort" in Farangland would that have seriously limited my chances of marriage?

  12. i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


    I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

    or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

    You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

    PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

    I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?

  13. Personally I prefer to keep fish and plant Takhai Hom, the scented Lemon Grass.

    P1P does this work as a detterent then, I am very worried at the moment because the house I am buying is surrounded my rice feilds which are flooded at the moment (lots of standing still water). I have already been ill from mostiqto bites and dont want the same thing to happen again.

    Meanwhile call me "the white Deet"

  14. Ok, how about this. Are there taxes on money transferred into a Thai bank account?

    Not to my knowledge I have been tranferring large sums of money from the UK for the last 2 years and have had no comebacks. just my bank ringing up to find out what the money is for. (Because of the new money laundering regulations introduced after 9/11) I say it is for a property and they are happy with that, which is any way the truth.

    I have bought my property in my wife's name with a 30 year leaseback, in other words I am the tenant in her house and if we were to split she cannot get me out (officially :o ) until my lease expires. I will pay her 100 baht a month rent for it

  15. If you are loking for accomodation for Thai staff forget about agents, get someone who speaks thai to read the local press. Better still get them to walk the soi,s and take down numbers of "For Rent' signs, you should be able to get somewhere in Phra Kanong for about 2,500-3,000 per month, all depends (I am assuming)if you want the accomodation for staff that are Thai, if Farang then use the Bangkok Post, agents put on about 10% so private ads are better. Look for the ones that say "For rent by owner" you will get a better price, just remember you can beat a farang down on rent but not a Thai, they would rather have the property empty than loose face reducing the price.

    good luck

  16. I was in Home Pro the other day and saw this device on sale that mimics an animal and attracts mozzies and (get this word) "No See Ums"to the machine before they get to you. Costs range from 30,000 baht to 110,000 baht depending on the size of land you have.

    Worth investigating a bit more I think when I have a bit more time.

  17. Five minutes ago I responded to a post offering a free way of travelling to Thailand (Legally)?? I replied to it on two forums, when I saw it again I said he should be banned. well I have to take my hat off to you for seeing it for what it was and deleting it. As a relative newcomer to TV does this happen often?

  18. Thailand's Bangkwang jail - know in the West as the Bangkok Hilton - is one of the most notorious prisons in the world. Until now, the reality of life in Bangkwang has remained a secret. But for the first time ever, the jail has opened its gates to television cameras. After two years of negotiations, Thai officials have allowed a crew from the BBC's This World series to film inside the prison.


    The inmates who bet the rest of their lives against drug profits and lost brought the shit down on themselves. What did they expect ... luxury accommodation and gourmet meals ? From a humanitarian standpopint, I don't think anyone should spend ten seconds in Bang Kwang. From a rational standpoint, taking into account the nature of their crimes, I have no sympathy for them at all.

    "Thai prisons are tough," says Director of Prisons Khun Nattee as a warning to tourists... "you don't want to be in Bangkwang."

    Truer words were never spoken!

    What you are saying in fact Rod is that it took the authorities two years to get the prison in any kinda fit condition for the BBC and the outside world to see.

    It was great PR, the prison came out of it far better than any stories or books I have read about it, do you think those interviewed (I saw it in the UK) might have been told

    "Now dont say anything bad and we will knock a few years off your sentence" If I was in there I would jump at the chance to lie through my teeth for a few extra years of freedom F#@k what the outside world thinks, wouldn't you?

    from what I saw I am still convinced it was great Thai propaganda considering what the outside world feel about Thailand's human rights record, especially since the drug wars, but the documentary clearly sent out a warning to idiots that think they can waltz in carrying drugs, DONT DO IT YOU F@#$KWITS.

  19. Harry, the plain truth of the matter is you cannot buy 'Sex Aids" in Thailand. Annne Summers would make a fortune if they could open a shop in BKK.

    touchable.com sell a very wide range of sexy undies via e-mail and will post abroad, as for sex aids, well you just have to go back home to get them :o

  20. If Nathan said admission was FREE then I would be even more sceptical in so much as "they just want to get you in front of them so they can pitch you" It also means that if you are willing to spend the 500 baht then you want to get your money's worth from the speaker.

    IMHO he is in "No Win" situation If they don't charge then its a scam and if they do charge its a rip-off, some firms ARE genuine, I consider myself to have been a reasonably astute businessman when I worked, there are always companies who want to sell you stuff you don't need or want. I always work on the premise of "Buyer Beware" if you dont like what you are hearing nobody is going to beat you over the head with a club to buy the product are they?

    I can see nothing wrong with this post, if people are prepared to part with 500 baht then let them. If they ar interested in investing they have money anyway and as Dave Thailand said 500 baht is nothing to him and the same goes for the majority of us who use this site.

    At least they are not offering a bottle of whisky, a rental for a day or a box of chocs just for showing up, hw many of you have fallen for that old Timeshare scam in the past???

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