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Posts posted by losgrad

  1. I think using the retirement visa income requirement as a base figure is a good place to start - 65k baht per month. As international currency fluctuates and inflation results may reduce your available income in the future, it is probably best to project years ahead in conservative terms. For me, over the next 10 years means at least double the current 65k or 130k baht per month.

    Yes, I know many retirees currently living on less than half the 65 k requirement, but theyve bern here awhile, have adjusted their lifestyles accordingly, etc.., but to start at that amount would not be the best long term plan.

    I agree with the above posters "DLock" and "Soutpeel" on what you'll be doing with your time and whether you'll be supporting only yourself or a family especially the cost of private education.

    Enjoy the preparations and planning. It's an adventure.

  2. For me, this is a very educational thread as I learn about history, governments, different perspectives and my errors in understanding. I hope discussions like this can continue and I can be passively educated and not forcefully re-educated.

    Everyone, please continue indefinitely....

    Thank you.

  3. Unless based on a "Truly Original Idea," the Thai Constitution will be modeled after either the written or unwritten constitutions of:

    A. Democratic/Republic nations of Australia, Canada, EU, Japan, UK and USA, etc...


    B. Socialist Republics of Cambodia, China, Russia, Vietnam, etc...

    P.S. Many Socialist Republics call themselves, "Democratic, Democratic Republic, Democratic Peoples, People's Republic," etc... so titles or labels are less important than how they function.

    Also good to remember a countries political systems are different than their economic systems.

  4. We contracted a baht bus from Pattaya Klang to Siam Country Club. 500 baht each way (last year used a taxi for 800 RT). Called them when we were ready to return and they were at the front gate before we walked from 18th green to the front gate.

    For entry, yesterday was 300 baht at the gate unless over 60 or under 18.

    Nice event that we've gone to many times over the past 6-7 years.


  5. As the 3rd largest economy in the world behind China and the USA, Japan with 120 million population would likely spend more per person than the 1.2 billion Chinese, but all three giants are welcomed as much as the 140 million Russians. Whether we spend baht converted from Aud, GPB, EUR, USD, Yen, Yuan or Rubles; Thailand will gladly accept and smile smile.png for both the short-game or the long-game.

  6. Not sure if this is allowed, so excuse me in advance...

    Without more specifics of what the first time visitor seeks, I'd recommend reviewing the "Lonely Planet Thailand" for a broad range of suggestions, concerns and explanations. When OP has questions, he can then inquire within this forum for specifics.

    Enjoy your first visit to the Kingdom.


  7. Regardless of the Editorials intentions, I had hoped there would continue to be a choice between at least two dissenting parties (good or bad) and it doesn't become a choice THE PARTY has preselected, but history is now showing a nation's success or failure isn't necessarily dependent on freely elected leadership.

    And yes, one must define, "success."

  8. In defense of those Police Officers;

    1) It clearly shows in that VDO that the knife in question is NOT a "Swiss Army Knife" !

    2) The knife that IS clearly visible is about 3 X the size of a "Swiss Army Knife" !

    3) The cops on site, behaved very professionally and calmly, but

    4) The Thai female Passenger was NOT very polite, but rather VERY arrogant & condescending towards the courteous cops and even exclaimed at some point during her tirade, that she was "a Citizen of The Netherlands" . . . . . - She also intimated that she carried that knife for "Self-Protection".

    5) Under Thai (most any nations's Laws) there IS a max. allowable "Blade-Length" making the distinction between a (Peel My Apple Knife" versus "Potentially Dangerous Weapon" knife.

    5) For clarity's sake, I attach a comparison picture of what people perceive to be a Swiss Army Knife and then, the knife in question:

    Swiss Army Knife's blade is approx. 5 cm in length.

    VDO shown knife appears to be approx. 15 cm in length.

    The ONLY problem with this Post, therefore, is the Heading; it should have NOT have included the words "SWISS ARMY KNIFE", because it wasn't ! ! !

    As Churchill put it so brilliantly:

    . . . For everything that happens in this world, there's a logical explanation . . . . . . .

    . . . and THEN; there's the truth . . . . . . .


    Yes, from reading the post title I was agreeing with the majority of posters, but after watching the full video that knife would not be what I call a typical Swiss Army knife or at least what we assume when you hear that term. With the blade length, It would be illegal in many jurisdictions especially after big mouth says it's for protection.

    In this case, the RTP was actually lenient if only charged them a 500 baht fine. That's an easy fine to carry a concealed weapon. Yes, I know there are many larger garden and cooking tools that could be more effective in a fight, but intended purpose has bearing under the law just like killing with a car vs. a sawed off shotgun.

    • Like 2
  9. I think it's broader than just Americans, but all Western Expats vs. the hordes of Chinese tourist now being welcomed into Thailand. As those in political power follow the money, they may favor mainland Chinese politics (and now Hong Kong) and possibly governmental design to reach their favored image of Thailand.

    I hope I am wrong, but with censored news, it's more difficult to discern reading between the headlines.

  10. window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());

    It is important to take your time and remember that courtship is best foot forward - - you must see beyond that. Also important is to check out the family. Since it is oft spoken and oft true that we marry the family too, keep both eyes wide open when meeting them.
    Introductions through friends are the best way. Learning and knowing something of the culture is very important too. If you want a happy marriage, you need a happy wife and that comes partly of a husband who understands what his wifes concerns in life are

    ie - if her greatest concern is taking care of her parents and you meet them and say I am never going to give them a penny - you will not likely have a happy wife.

    There will always be cultural issues on top of normal man/woman issues - be prepared to compromise and accept things that might not seem logical at first - - sometimes there is good logic embedded in Thai logic.

    Checkout Vietnam, Cambodia, and the PI...take your time...do not rush into anything...and remember you can not own land in the Land of Smiles...

    Yes, be patient. Take your time as you have many choices and options. Live here alone for awhile before having anyone move-in. Maybe a year or two and then another 2-3 years before making any commitments with a prenuptial contract. It's too easy to get infatuated here and when it's over you'll start thinking again. Takes time and it'll prevent you from running out of money on the wrong ones. Sometimes good things come to those who wait....

  11. To the OP,

    I think your formula is a good start, but imho it's needs to become a multiple regression equation since age is but one physical characteristic. There are some men considered handsome even at 70 years of age whereas others at 40 are unattractive. Then, you also have behavioral and intellectual characteristics that can affect the quality and compatibility of your shared time - who takes care of whom.. There's also considerations of present and future value for both parties - will you or her be broke or obese in a few years, separation or divorce/death settlements, etc...the "long game."

    By the completion of all factors, she could end up having to pay you.

    However, if after all the analysis, you don't want to give her the 1000 baht multiplier, but choose -0-, then it's irrelevant or a 'free' GF :). In our dreams.

    • Like 1
  12. I don't find it so inconceivable that these men would be capable of doing it: drunk, young, male, poor, illegally employed, drifter, sex deprived, cabin fever (island).

    Do thaivisa naysayers accept that such people might commit murder?

    I will if the evidence is scrutinized and approved by an outside source. Immigrant workers getting the blame for crimes they didn't commit are a dime a dozen here in LOS. These guys could be serial killers on the run for Burma for all we know. But at the moment I am just not buying it.

    to commit such a murder, it is clear by the finds that some HATE was involved.

    I seriously doubt that young burmese lads, even drunk ,male, poor , illegal, sexied and so on, etc, will buid up this level of HATE, if their aim is only to rape a woman.

    Yes, more likely someone who was "publicly" shunned, who lost face when they attempted to make advances towards the young lady. This would be the prime suspects with motives, but that's just our armchair analysis from the keyboard so what do we know.....

    The authorities will assume global memories fade as they have in other cases......

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