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Posts posted by losgrad

  1. Mowing hundreds of lawns during my weekends in grammar school, H.S. and college motivated me to finish school and get an office job with AC :), but after a few years became a farmer :( and then later back into the office :). While my kids were young, i kept a lawn on our family suburban house (within walking distance to the farm), but when the youngest hit his teens - low maintenance and water preservation prioritized. In retirement, I enjoy condo living :), the gym, bicycle riding and my electronics.

    To each their own, but I understand your pride of a beautifully landscaped and maintained yard, and the solitude physical labor can bring to oneself. We find our niches and change with our environments. Enjoy and congratulations on your move.

  2. For OSes, I have been bi- since the first PC and Mac. I have multiple MacBooks, an iPad, an iPhone and multiple Thinkpads, Lenovos, Samsungs and a Kindle Fire :) due to multiple location sets as transporting laptops is a hassle through airports or on my motorcycles in the States. They are tools. Start with what you want to do and find the right tool for the job. If you haven't already, you'll probably need an external hard drive soon for storage space and backup - get a few and keep in separate locations just in case.

    Enjoy your quality Mac Air and joining the converted :)

  3. Thanks to the OP for the report. I ride regularly from early morning to after dark, but mostly in heavily trafficed areas in Central Pattaya. I do also ride throughout East Pattaya and south quite a ways along backcountry roads where I am very suspicious of appraching vehicles from both directions.

    In the States I've encountered carloads of gangster wannabes so have learned evasive maneuvers, but mainly to anticipate to avoid being trapped.

    A few years back before moving to Pattaya, I also researched Chiang Mai and Hua Hin where I learned farangs on motorbikes were occasionally getting wacked on the back with pieces of wood just for the heck of it and no robbery intent.

    It happens everywhere and when bad guys have the opportunity with odds in their favor, they will do for fun or profit. Be prepared while living your life.

    P.s. My bike is <10k baht, but as mentioned it's not always for profit.

  4. I have both a Shoei and another brand full face "flip up" helmets that are really nice when you are stopped in traffic. They are not as quiet as the non-flip up full face helmets, but much cooler for this climate and speeds that are traveled here. I also brought one through carry on luggage with no questions asked, but although pricey here would be worth the added safety vs. the plastic hats they sell in most shops here.

  5. In my former business, I use to drive backwards most of the day and only had 2-3 inches of clearance on each side of my flatbed trucks. Using full-size side mirrors is great, but I'd also recommend opening the side windows enough to view the side mirrors and so you can 'hear' if you hit something or hear someone yell, just in case (oh yeah, doesn't help if you have stereo on LOUD :).

    Take care.

    P.S. In regards to the tint, in hot climates, I also like the dark tint on the back and sides only, but I am sure to open the windows when approaching an intersection or backing up. For the front, having it no lower than the bottom of the front visor also helps when you have to drive into the sun. On my motorcycle helmet I use black electric tape on the screen as riding into the sun can blind you and make for hazardous riding.

    The 'factory' tint is within the glass. Your dealer or other after-market vendor can install tint on top of this. If done right, it will last years before sometimes changing shades. If not, there will be bubbles (now or sometimes just a few months later) and look like it was installed by your neighbors grammer school kid :D If you are not happy with the after-market tint, it can be easily removed and another shade installed.

    Enjoy your new car!!!

  6. The overwhelming majority of Thais should support the government in taking any action to restore order and furthermore the Police and Army need to do their job without their personal views influencing their actions otherwise Thailand and its economy will end up like other basket case countries in the world.

    I agree... dated November 2008.

  7. I agree with the quote from Benjamin Franklin, 'Those who would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither."

    Additionally, I agree we need to screen passengers; NOT THINGS. Once a passenger has been deemed as a non-terrorists, why must they be checked and have their things checked EVERYTIME they travel. It's far better to devote greater resources to the higher-risk passengers.

    None of these machines will find true contraband. Only a 'strip and cavity search' as used before one enters jail or prison can really find things. So, are you ready to have the airport security guards sticking their rubber gloved hand up your ass... and your daughters two cavities every time you fly ?

    P.S. X-ray techs are trained and mostly careful on how they use their equipment. How well trained will airport security be and how well calibrated will these machines be to reduce any long-term health risks?

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