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Posts posted by Phuketshrew

  1. Arrived late last night from Yangon and transited through Swampy to Phuket. I was not asked for medical certificate (which I got in Myanmar yesterday). I was not asked for proof of health insurance (which I have). I was not told to self isolate (which I am doing) and there was no mention of loading an App on my phone (although people coming through regular immigration seemed to be doing that as I passed on my way to transit).


    I scanned my fingerprints but there was no hand sanitiser. I had my own travel bottle so was regularly sanitising throughout the trip.


    Typically there seems to be a lot of inconsistency in the way this pandemic is being dealt with.

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  2. 13 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Still does not explain it.. in Italy hospitals are overwelmed and they have to turn down people. So if its really bad it wills how. It has not. So cases might be higher as reported but not super high otherwise we would have hospitals that are filled to the brim.

    Yes, I agree. I am currently in Yangon and at present there are no official cases here. In conversation with our resident Farang medical practitioner, who also experienced the SARS epidemic, he explained that the COVID-19 virus does not survive in the heat. This may go some way to explaining why the pandemic seems more virulent in cooler countries (China, South Korea and now Europe and the US). However, no need for complacency as I believe it's still prudent to santise regularly, avoid crowded areas and just be generally vigilant. If it does not survive hotter climates then I am hopeful that we will get through relatively unscathed as it's gradually getting hotter here until the rains break in May/June. As the summer months approach in Europe and the US it may also help in stalling the virus. Hoping to get back to Thailand for a couple of weeks at Songkran but not looking forward to flying or transiting through the airports.

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