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Everything posted by bbbbooboo

  1. Hmmm… i saw a grilled meatball seller behaving suspiciously the other day…. I wonder if i should report him?
  2. Hmmm…. “Literally dying on the vine”…. thats a great phrase?
  3. Hmmm…. Definitely be very , very careful on pedestrian crossings in Pattaya( Thailand generally). It might be my imagination but i’m sure Thai drivers speed up for crossings and take aim for you if they see you on one.
  4. Hmmmm…..a most foul accusation….. how could it possibly be true in such an upright society as Thailand( sorry couldnt stop smiling when i wrote that)
  5. It sounds like your instinct is saying something is wrong with this girl. Your instinct is always right. Follow it
  6. Hmmmm....surprise.... surprise. I'm not holding my breath.
  7. hhhhhmmm... i'm sure he will rush back so he can be imprisoned...wouldnt we all ?
  8. It doesnt matter where you go, Richard Heads are always there
  9. Hmmmm…. I’m sure he will rush back to Thailand due to this offer ?
  10. hmmmm... is that blood from the murder on the front and back of the kayak? Why didnt he wash of it off ?
  11. hmmmm... there is more chance of me winning the lottery than Thaksin returning
  12. Here’s one to think about. When you close the refridgerator door how do you know the internal light goes out? It might not and be wasting all that electricity? It would pay to check
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