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Everything posted by bbbbooboo

  1. hmmm… a Thai being prudent…. hush my mouth?
  2. hmmm…. as he saying goes “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” ?
  3. hmmm…. well what a surprise… Thaksin’s daughter of all people?
  4. hmmm…. yes Soi Bokhau and surrounds is definitely family friendly, it’s so obvious i don’t know why it hasn’t been rebranded before?
  5. hmm… nostalgia for a military dictator… spare me?
  6. Hmmm…. Oh good , more Russians in Thailand?
  7. There you go, stupid is what stupid does? Sad for the kids , but what is done is done?
  8. Hmmm… the usual mature Thai male response to circumstances not of their liking?The spoilt brat male child becomes the spoilt brat male adult ?
  9. Hmmm…. No longer a waste of oxygen. Good news that he killed himself
  10. Hmmm…. Crazy is what crazy does?
  11. Hmmm… the govt will claim that black is white, that up is down when it suits them. So what does this prove?
  12. Hmm … we should all have a certificate of innocence then, given that it actually proves nothing
  13. Hmmm….surely not, what a heinous accusation ?
  14. Hmmm… just a matter of time before someone gets to Trump , i suspect
  15. Hmmm…. Stupid is what stupid does(again)
  16. Hmmm…. Soooo wonderful… sigh
  17. There is some basis to this. Japs have a genetic predispostion to diabetes which can make drinking alcohol problematic
  18. Hmm… whats black, charred and hangs from the ceiling? A thai electrician.
  19. Hmm… talk about a Mickey Mouse process. You couldnt make this up ?
  20. Hmmm… there’s only 2 things that smell like fish and one of those is fish ?
  21. Hmmm…. 20000 baht is not exactly a life changing amount. It must depend on your perspective i guess :TIT ?
  22. Hmmm… i suggest it is the equivalent of self-mutilation, given the longevity of any tattoo, but whatever turns you on?
  23. Just driving on the roads in Thailand is an extreme sport i suggest, without having these beach add ons which are also clearly dangerous as well( remember the Aust guy plunging to his death from a parasail harness a couple of years ago in Thailand)
  24. What a heinous crime he has commiited.And to a Thai as well , hard to believe ?
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