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Posts posted by rainman

  1. You can see the idea behind this approach, when the yellows took the airports, it had worldwide coverage, plus effected tourism in a big way, this in turn hit the pockets of the working classes, the ones the yellows don't give a hoot about, so it was effective. The reds obviously think the same approach will work for them, they've been nice as pie to the Bangkokians, apologising for the inconvenience, etc. Now they're blocking Malls, tourist areas, and now the immigration bureau, but don't they realise, causing problems for the tourism industry will have a long lasting effect on their (the working classes) pockets. The Royalists and elite don't give a dam_n if they never see another tourist in Thailand, remember the national anthem translated says "Thailand is for Thai people" they don't need our pittance, they're way to wealthy, and they'd rather we stopped giving money to their poor because we're upsetting the balance of their class--driven society.

    I doubt that Siam Paragon being closed will affect the tourists that much. Every time I'm in Siam Paragon, I see maybe 30-40 Thais per 1 foreigner. And while I agree that the working class "red shirt" Thais do work there, I'm also sure that the 30-40 "high class" Thais per foreigner will also return whenever the red shirts leave to buy whatever they wanted to buy when it was closed. Or they will just go to another shopping center elsewhere in the city which is open and also owned by the same group, so it's not really money lost. If you've been to The Mall Bangkapi this past weekend, you'll notice there's about twice as many people there as usually.

  2. Arisman, Kwanchai, Suporn (E-saan Rambo) leading the attack.

    All criminals, deserve to sit in jail due to the incidents at Pattaya and many other issues.

    This is getting worse as they are getting desperate. Well, how nice was the period under the military government, quiet, and life went on as normal!

    Do the yellow shirt criminals deserve to be in jail for laying siege to the airport?

    1) Typical red diversionary tactic --- this is not about the PAD

    2) When the arrest warrants went out for the PAD leadership they reported the next day to the police.

    3) The court case against the PAD leadership is ongoing (unlike the Red fearless leader they are actually participating in the legal process, not hiding from it)

    4) Arisman himself stated he would turn himself in on Apr1 when his last warrant was issued. That time has flown and he still is on the street.

    So --- to sum up --- please feel free to address the issues of THIS thread!

    Look, jdinasia the twister, is back!

    Surely the PAD have reported to the police the next day, but they have been free ever since and their court cases basically "frozen", just like the "donation" case against the Democrat party. It's not going anywhere. People want justice. And if people don't get justice, these things happen. How about we get rid of the double standards? I'm sure that will improve things a lot.

  3. I wonder if Hun Sen really meant what he said or if he said it as a 'trap' to Suthep. I'm sure he said it, but couldn't it be that because he didn't say it publicly himself, and therefor there's no evidence that he ever said it, but let Suthep repeat it to the media, that once Hun Sen is back in Cambodia he will say that he never said that to embarrass Suthep? Suthep surely took the bait if that's the case. We'll see.

  4. This is probably just coincidence, but has anyone noticed that Abhisit's father has a board seat, with Prem, at CP Group? And CP Group and Bangkok Bank (where he's on the board as well) provided financing for the PAD protests and airport takeovers?

    And maybe its just a further coincidence that in Thanong's blog today he says Red Shirts are getting funding from a major food supplier and a bank.

    Should be perfectly acceptable then, right? Or are you suggesting that Abhisit & Co. are as corrupt as Thaksin & Co. allegedly are?

  5. Rainman>> And your statement that thousands lost thier jobs?

    I'm sorry, not thousands, but 1 million jobs:


    Kasit Piromya, 64, will be sworn in on Monday as Thailand's new foreign minister. His job of rebuilding Thailand's battered international image will not be helped by the fact that he was a prominent supporter of the protests, and still is.

    More than 350, 000 travellers were stranded three weeks ago when a few thousand demonstrators from the ultraroyalist People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) stormed the airport. Investor confidence has been badly shaken and analysts say that lost tourism business could cost 1 million jobs.

    But Mr Kasit told an audience of astonished diplomats and foreign journalists on Friday that the protests were "a lot of fun".

  6. Link please thats prove what you say

    For starters:


    "The management has told us to sue the PAD and launch preventive measures. Preliminarily, the damage is Bt64 million a day plus lost opportunity cost. We're not sure about the exact damage claims as other losses must be incorporated, including the impacts on King Power and the airlines," Serirat said.

    The lawsuit will be filed in the Civil Court by January, he said.

    Due to the airport shutdowns, AOT agreed to waive rents on duty-free shop operators and pay compensation to operators and airlines. The exact amount is not known, Serirat said.

    Earlier, the board of Thai Airways International also backed a plan for the national carrier to sue the PAD for about Bt20 billion.

    And that's only damages done to AOT.

  7. Have you ever thought that maybe they're not being paid? 100,000 people, each paid 1,000 Baht per day as some of the newspapers have claimed, for what ...3 weeks now? That's 2,100,000,000 Baht. 2 billion Baht, yes. Don't you think that maybe people are coming out of their own free will, because they're fed up with the government?

    Heh heh, that's cute. Yes of course they all just came down here on their own no money changed hands and no free gas, or food or anything else. One day they just all woke up and said dam_n it we need the lower house dissolved and ummmm they headed to BKK to make it happen.. all those pics and videos and first hand reports of payments well that is just a Yellow shirt scam to make the REDs look bad (not that they really need any help of late) you are a very funny guy RM, I do indeed hope your post was in jest... because if nothing else it was very funny.

    I have staff that have told my wife and I personally of being paid to "protest" in the interest of accuracy it was not 1,000 baht per day but 500. I don't know if that is the going rate or not.. and I am sure that some of the people came on their own with valid concerns and full knowledge of what they want to change... but that I am betting is a pretty small minority.

    They were paid for gas, not to protest. Of course, you can twist it, I'll give you that. You obviously have never been outside of Bangkok and don't own a car either. Driving from Chiang Mai or the North-East to Bangkok costs more than just the 2,000 Baht they received. They probably paid another 500 or 1,000 from their own pockets to get here. Not to mention going back (though you're right, they could get another 2,000 Baht to drive 70% back home).

    And so they're being paid 500 Baht to protest? That's still over 1 billion Baht.

    Rainman, you are pathetic....I feel for you and your family.! I hope that a bit of rest when all this is over will help you to recover!

    I'm pathetic and you feel sorry for me because ....I explained the cost of driving from the North or North-East to Bangkok? Or did the simple math of 100,000 x 500 x 21? Save your pity for yourself :)

  8. Latest phone-in from Thaksin, being reportec now on Nation website
    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra made a phone-in to address the protesters who seized control of the Rajprasong commercial area and said he was proud of what they have done.

    Thaksin said the red-shirt people had it "for Thailand's future".

    He said the "ammart" or elites-back government would be unable to suppress the people.

    He said the red-shirt protesters did not damage the business in the area but helped foods vendors and restaurant owners have better business.

    The Nation

    :):D :D :D

    You couldn't make it up...

    It is quite funny when Siam Paragon doesn't sell a couple of Gucci or Louis Vuitton bags, but instead the poor food vendors make a bit more money, isn't it?

  9. A bomb planted inside a garbage bin near the Saphan Khao Intersection exploded at 9:30 pm, police said.

    No injuries were reported.

    The Nation

    dam_n, why they just NOT ARREST those 3 red leaders?? For the sake of public security and order!! Just really not understand it!! Or is arresting the heads of public disorder and terroristic activity has something to do with Constitution and Democracy?? :)

    Without ALL the heads, the Hydra is harmless. And the heads are well-known, and their locations are well-monitored. So, whatta......??

    Why didn't they arrest the yellow-shirt PAD leaders when they took over the airports? At least they're fair, got to give them that, no?

  10. Have you ever thought that maybe they're not being paid? 100,000 people, each paid 1,000 Baht per day as some of the newspapers have claimed, for what ...3 weeks now? That's 2,100,000,000 Baht. 2 billion Baht, yes. Don't you think that maybe people are coming out of their own free will, because they're fed up with the government?

    Heh heh, that's cute. Yes of course they all just came down here on their own no money changed hands and no free gas, or food or anything else. One day they just all woke up and said dam_n it we need the lower house dissolved and ummmm they headed to BKK to make it happen.. all those pics and videos and first hand reports of payments well that is just a Yellow shirt scam to make the REDs look bad (not that they really need any help of late) you are a very funny guy RM, I do indeed hope your post was in jest... because if nothing else it was very funny.

    I have staff that have told my wife and I personally of being paid to "protest" in the interest of accuracy it was not 1,000 baht per day but 500. I don't know if that is the going rate or not.. and I am sure that some of the people came on their own with valid concerns and full knowledge of what they want to change... but that I am betting is a pretty small minority.

    They were paid for gas, not to protest. Of course, you can twist it, I'll give you that. You obviously have never been outside of Bangkok and don't own a car either. Driving from Chiang Mai or the North-East to Bangkok costs more than just the 2,000 Baht they received. They probably paid another 500 or 1,000 from their own pockets to get here. Not to mention going back (though you're right, they could get another 2,000 Baht to drive 70% back home).

    And so they're being paid 500 Baht to protest? That's still over 1 billion Baht.

  11. The very bottom line is that the poor people are tired of the middlemen stealing from them. You have to admit that the red shirts have not taken over government buildings nor have they closed the airport.

    The yellow shirts and their pet politicians managed a coup to oust Thaksin and then their puppet politicians managed to oust the two other two legally elected PM's. You could call Abhisit legally elected, but that is quite a push. You are not happy with the politicians? Wait for the next election rather than oust three legally elected PM's.

    Like it or not the current government owes the yellow shirts BIG time. If Abhisit holds elections within six months, I think the red shirts are being unreasonable if they refuse to accept those terms.

    hmmm this one deserves to be ripped apart line by line .....

    The very bottom line is that the poor people are NOT tired of being stolen from and want Thaksin back to do it some more.

    The reds made a play for Government house but were rebuffed. They have mentioned the airports but have been told "No"

    The PAD didn't push any government out and to do so is just a simple LIE. The PAD prevented the PPP government from passing laws to whitewash Thaksin. The courts ruled on the PPP and they are history because of it.

    You could call Abhisit legally elected .... because he is.

    Yes this government is PROBABLY in place because of the PAD stopping the PPP from unilaterally changing the charter with no referendum.

    The reds have no option but to be unreasonable --- their boss says that the dems can't be allowed to set the next budhet or be the seated government when the next military reshuffle occurs.

    (BTW --- you revisionist history is making me see Red.)

    Here's jdinasia, the twister, again. The red shirts have clearly stated at the start of the very first day of the rallies, that they will not take over the airports like the yellows shirts have done. Look it up, there's a statement out there that the newspapers even published. The PAD didn't achieve anything. The courts had already set a date for the verdict, what PAD did was simply billions in damages and thousands of Thais losing their jobs.

  12. I wonder if the red Shirt Brigae paymasters will reimburse those who are injured in any fracas as may arise, or will the pay masters take the money and run ?

    Have you ever thought that maybe they're not being paid? 100,000 people, each paid 1,000 Baht per day as some of the newspapers have claimed, for what ...3 weeks now? That's 2,100,000,000 Baht. 2 billion Baht, yes. Don't you think that maybe people are coming out of their own free will, because they're fed up with the government?

  13. 129322.jpg

    What is this farang doing protesting for the pink shirts? I thought the government would revoke the visas of all foreign workers who went to protest? Or is that only if they wear a red shirt (so called double standards)?

    Is that a farang? Is he a Thai national? I don't know for sure about either.

    I do know someone in this thread claims to have been a participant in the red rallies, I watched People TV a lot and never saw a white face in their rallies though!

    Go to BP and watch the videos. Yes, my statements are based on videos that you can actually watch. I can't post the links because ThaiVisa doesn't allow you to post BP links, so you'll have to find them yourself. You'll see quite a few women wearing pink dragging their farang husbands behind and encouraging them to shout "Shut up Thaksin" and "Go Abhisit! Go Abhisit" while at the same time their leader talks on stage about how they are neither pro-red or pro-government, but simply pro-peace. Shortly after, they chase down a red shirt guy on the motorbike and hold him hostage until the police steps in.

  14. I'm more concerned about the pink shirts' message for "peace". The red shirts are now into their 3rd week of protest without violence, while the pink shirts at Lumphini today attacked and took hostage a red shirt on a motorbike, until police officers saved him.

    Red shirts = 3rd week without violence...

    Pink shirts = not even 1 day...

    Pink is clearly the new yellow this year.

    Now, you're not a stupid man, and I accept your statement of "Red shirts= 3 weeks without violence ..." at face value, BUT you don't think the lobbing of grenades into the 11th Infantry just before the Red shirts appeared MIGHT not have been an incitement to violence? You don't think they weren't trying to get the Army to open fire on them (not the leaders of course)?

    Got another question for you. If a gang shows up at YOUR house, where YOUR family resides and showers it with blood. Should they expect any reaction from you? Just asking..., cuz if the Red shirts haven't been violent as you say, PERHAPS its because no one has risen to their provocations. Just saying...

    Already you're more upset by office workers going to the park than by people who pledged to turn Bangkok into "a sea of fire". Why is that?

    So you've got proof that the grenade attacks are done by the red shirts? Source please?

  15. The 2,000 Baht gas money paid to red shirt drivers can hardly be considered as getting paid to protest. Anyone who's ever been outside of Bangkok (probably 1% of ThaiVisa posters), driving to Chiang Mai or the North-East, knows that gas costs at least that much, likely even more, to even get to Bangkok, than just 2,000 Baht. So if they got 2,000 Baht, they probably paid some additional money out of their own pockets.

    Why the pink shirts didn't get paid 2,000 Baht is probably due to the fact that walking from the Silom office building to the Lumpini park is free.

  16. I'm more concerned about the pink shirts' message for "peace". The red shirts are now into their 3rd week of protest without violence, while the pink shirts at Lumphini today attacked and took hostage a red shirt on a motorbike, until police officers saved him.

    Red shirts = 3rd week without violence...

    Pink shirts = not even 1 day...

    Pink is clearly the new yellow this year.

  17. All photos taken by friends who work in an office building near Lumpini Park.

    According to them, many people working in the offices around there actually went down to join in and support the pink shirts' rally... even during office hours... haha.... :D

    I wonder what the bosses will say... or maybe boss was in the rally too... :)

    Earlier I heard some of the pink shirt speeches, saying they were losing money because of the red shirt demonstrations. Then they go and join the demonstrations during work hours? Aren't they losing money then too? Or are their employers paying them to go protest?


  18. Police rescued a red-shirt motorcyclists who was captured and attacked by pink-shirt demonstrators inside the Lumpini Park.

    The pink-shirt people were dispersing at 5:30 pm when the spotted a motorcyclist in red-shirt with the logo of the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship riding inside the park.

    They ran to attack the man, prompting police to come to rescue him and free him from the pink-shirt people.

    So much for the "peaceful pinks" and "pinks for peace" :)

  19. So the redshirts throw blood all over Bangkok and never tested any of their donors. And then, to cover it up, they scream they're going to bring human rights and criminal complaints against Ramathibodi Hospital for allegedly testing the tainted redshirt blood and releasing results to the press. Sounds like a cover-up for their own recklessness.

    Another person that comments without knowing anything about what happened. They didn't "throw blood all over Bangkok". They poured blood at the front gate of government house, and at the front gate of Abhisit's house. It wasn't "thrown". The people closest to the actual people that held the bottles were actually the media reporters.

  20. The specious tactic that reds on this board use is to disregard the violence and threats of violence and the totally non-democratic behaviour of the Reds by trying to make the discussion about events of 2+ years ago.

    Violence and threats of violence? You need to read Jatuporn's statement again. He said that he would organize a peaceful rally in front of the University. That's the only "threat".

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