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Posts posted by rainman

  1. This is really embarrassing ... why don't they just dissolve this mob or at least arrest their heads?

    The problem doesn't go away by "dissolving the mob" or arresting the leaders. In case you haven't noticed, this is going on for over a year now. Simply cleaning up when your bathroom is full of water doesn't solve the problem. The water will come back unless you find the source of the running water.

    Thaksin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    As much as so many people on this forum are claiming, Thaksin isn't the main reason behind the protests. But I'm not here to educate people and you're free to have your own opinion.

  2. The Malls plead the red shirts to leave.

    The TRA estimates that more than 1,000 retail shops at malls in the area were forced to close over the past three days. About 5,000 employees who are paid by the day have also suffered.

    Now, that is somehow interesting how the elite bypasses the law and probably employ in a rotating manner their staff in order to avoid more payments and security for their staff. This is a very serious issue. Fortunately I never go shopping around there and never will.

    They're lucky that they're getting paid by the day. Have you ever seen all those "trainees" who are working for weeks and months without even getting paid? In Europe or the US, you have to pay a minimum wage even to trainees. Not in Thailand. My wife was working part-time as a trainee in one of the top hotels in Bangkok while she was at university. She had to pay for her ride to the hotel, she had to paid for lunch and she wasn't being paid a single satang.

    Of course, there's the promise that you will later get a job at this or that location, but the truth is that they will simply take the next trainees and therefor have free workers forever.

  3. This is really embarrassing ... why don't they just dissolve this mob or at least arrest their heads?

    The problem doesn't go away by "dissolving the mob" or arresting the leaders. In case you haven't noticed, this is going on for over a year now. Simply cleaning up when your bathroom is full of water doesn't solve the problem. The water will come back unless you find the source of the running water.

  4. Not that it matters because you will never condemn any tactic used by the Reds, but here:

    TAN Network: Red-shirt leader 'Rambo E-sarn' gives out EC chairman Apichart S. home address and phone number on red-shirt stage.

    THE NATION: Arisman, back on stage, now threatens to visit EC head Apichart's home, "and we won't take reponsibility for what happens there."

    And you can search for Arisman's infamous "don't fill your empty bottles here, you can fill them with gas in Bangkok" speech yourself on youtube.

    I certainly don't support "burning down Bangkok" but I don't see any source to the claim that you wrote again. So I assume there's no source? Your follow-up was quite different from your initial claim.

  5. While they're out here messing up our city, why don't WE go to their farms and set their crops ablaze and burn everything they have to the ground? Now there's a thought. Might be enough to have em' scrambling back to where they SHOULD be ...

    Your kind of mentality and opinions towards the poor and less fortunate farmers is what got us to this point in the first place. Now you're suggesting to burn down their farms and houses too? And what do Thais eat if you burn down the rice farms?

    You're disgusting, shame on you.

    :) The Reds have said they are willing to burn Bangkok and today they said they would attack people in their homes- if you start a hardball game, you better have the guts to hang in and see it to the end. The Red leaders have no problem threatening violence, but they sure run and cry when the smallest inconvenience hits them - not enough bathrooms mommmmmmy!!!!

    Do you have a source for your claim?

  6. BTW -- yesterday I saw 3 busses leave from Wororot Hotel (Rak Chiang mai 51 base) full with reds -- none dressed in red!

    4 hours ago I saw 3 more busses leave there this time everyone on board was in red.

    Wow, good for you. Glad you've had some buses to watch today.

    Anyways, going by the rate you're describing, there shouldn't be any left by tomorrow afternoon. Of course, you said 3 weeks ago that this would be over in a few days when all the reds are gone home. Looks like they stuck for nearly 3 weeks beyond your prediction ..but I guess it's good news for you that they're leaving now.

    Let me know when you've got some more BS to post :)

    Did I say that? Of course they actually DID go home .. the estimates of 16,000 watching from the rally site last monday during the discussions between the Red leadership and the Government must have escaped you :D

    I know you are hurt that you can no longer make your public claims about the courts though, so I forgive your forgetfulness :D

    You must have missed the 60,000 to 80,000 being reported by the government 2 days ago. Surely the government wouldn't inflate the numbers. It's in the BP and TN if you want to look it up.

  7. BTW -- yesterday I saw 3 busses leave from Wororot Hotel (Rak Chiang mai 51 base) full with reds -- none dressed in red!

    4 hours ago I saw 3 more busses leave there this time everyone on board was in red.

    Wow, good for you. Glad you've had some buses to watch today.

    Anyways, going by the rate you're describing, there shouldn't be any left by tomorrow afternoon. Of course, you said 3 weeks ago that this would be over in a few days when all the reds are gone home. Looks like they stuck for nearly 3 weeks beyond your prediction ..but I guess it's good news for you that they're leaving now.

    Let me know when you've got some more BS to post :)

    Rainman, JD is in Chiang Mai. He was indicating that Red shirts were heading to BKK not in red shirts, possibly for nefarious purposes. you are really not the brightest brass button on the monkey suit, are you.

    Nefarious means "not good"

    Well, more red shirts heading to Bangkok ...that's bad for jdinasia then, isn't it? Sorry then :D

  8. BTW -- yesterday I saw 3 busses leave from Wororot Hotel (Rak Chiang mai 51 base) full with reds -- none dressed in red!

    4 hours ago I saw 3 more busses leave there this time everyone on board was in red.

    Wow, good for you. Glad you've had some buses to watch today.

    Anyways, going by the rate you're describing, there shouldn't be any left by tomorrow afternoon. Of course, you said 3 weeks ago that this would be over in a few days when all the reds are gone home. Looks like they stuck for nearly 3 weeks beyond your prediction ..but I guess it's good news for you that they're leaving now.

    Let me know when you've got some more BS to post :)

  9. While they're out here messing up our city, why don't WE go to their farms and set their crops ablaze and burn everything they have to the ground? Now there's a thought. Might be enough to have em' scrambling back to where they SHOULD be ...

    Your kind of mentality and opinions towards the poor and less fortunate farmers is what got us to this point in the first place. Now you're suggesting to burn down their farms and houses too? And what do Thais eat if you burn down the rice farms?

    You're disgusting, shame on you.

  10. The real truth about Thailand is all political parties buy votes.

    They have done for decades.

    Now while in the Yellow owned media it might be fashionable to scream and shout it was Thaksin and TRT, they quite happily avoid saying "all parties did and do" this. Therefore it balances itself out.

    Now, in order to pay these "windfall" packets to voters the Democrats, PTP and all the other parties have sponsers...... just like all those that gave 600 million dollars to Obama's team to get him elected.

    And all these sponsers obviously get awarded meaty government contracts to get their money, and profit, back on the deal.

    However, it would appears that rather than play by the book, someone got caught and the paper trail shows a direct breach of the election law, punishable by dissolution, occured.

    What is good for the goose is good for the ganda.

    So TRT and then PPP have been dissolved and now it is the turn of the Democrats to be dissolved. They have "got away with it" twice before, however this time it looks like the evidence is just too damning, and this is why the case is not being delayed and delayed and the plan is to delay it at least another 18 months.

    The Reds are rightly pushing to get it sorted now.

    It might actually serve as the ideal "solution' to these problems, in the same way the PPP was disbanded and the Yellows shut up, now its time for the Democrats to be disbanded and then the Reds will shut up.

    Easy way out for all, lets hope that finally someone is not too scared to disband the Democrats.

    But the case against the Democrats isn't about buying votes, I'm sure they do, but this case is over a donation of couple of hundred million baht to the part by TPI Polene.

    Yes, the paper trail is there and obviously end of the day such large donations often go towards vote buying.

    However, the issue is here that the bank accounts clearly show the money trail the "excuse" trying to be made is to try to say the accounts are not linked and therefore there is no case.

    EG I give 200 baht to Jack, who gives it to Jill and who gives it to Fred, pre-ageeed.

    Actually I have given Fred 200 baht.

    I can say I never gave him 200 baht and I do not know who Jill is.

    Pretty simple way of looking at the case here. Its blatently obvious what happened, but people are trying to muddy the waters and come up with a flimsy reason why the elite sponsered Democrats should again avoid dissolution.

    A similar case may be Thaksin and the land buying by his wife.

    He had nothing to do with the deal, his wife and the seller were found guilty of nothing, but Thaksin was the only one found guilty based on "association" even though he had no direct influence of knowledge of the deal.

    Again, in the Takky case he is found guilty - no excuses.

    In the Democrats case everyone is expecting them to be found not guilty based on a flimsy excuse, one which could not be used by anyone in TRT/PPP as the courts would throw it out.

    Sadly it all boils down presently to what is nearly a, coup appointed EC, coup appointed Assets Examination Committee and coup appointed top judiciary.

    They all appear to be anti TRT, PPP, PTP, Thaksin etc... and pro-elite, Democrats etc..... to such an extent that "double standards" are now becoming the new standard.

    Which is why the people are now in red shirts demanding an end to the double standards and to get democracy back.

    Very well explained. Thumbs up. :)

  11. What would stop all this is the government enforcing the law regardless if it is red, yellow or blue shirts and regardless as to their cause. Peaceful demonstrations without threats and working with officials to minimize the impact on other citizens should always be encouraged but what we have now are law breakers who are going out of there way to break laws and provoke a response.

    This nonsense doesn't happing in other places (rarely) because people know they cannot get away with it.

    You see ...that works if a government is elected by the people. Not when the government that is elected by the people is overthrown in an army coup and then when enough members of parliament of the winning team are disqualified, a new government is installed. Naturally, the people will get angry and you get what is happening now.

  12. Thank you. We try to build something. And to anwer directly to your last statement, I will say everything will depends on the way the discussions are undertaken: Abhisit has a fair chance to win the following election if he leads correctly the discussions, but he fails to bring a clear answer to the Northern population, yes he will loose the Elections (This is my Humble Opinion).

    Some people have stated that he was the good guy.... Prove it, you have the opportunity and everything to win....

    Abhisit will win Bangkok probably 95% to 5%. But Thailand is more than Bangkok. And that's where the root of the problem is. The whole country is basically being left in the last century, while Bangkok is moving towards the next century. There's no real opportunity to make money outside of Bangkok, unless you already have money and can open a resort or another business in Pattaya or Phuket. There is no stable IT infrastructure basically outside Bangkok and the major tourist spots.

    If you look at the UK, for example ...or countries like Germany, Canada, etc. There are nearly equal job opportunities whether you live in small city or in London, Toronto or Berlin. IT companies, which are vital today to a country's progress, can be located anywhere and provide job opportunities.

    In Thailand, everything is in Bangkok. And that, in my opinion, is the root of the problem. There's no equal opportunities for you if you're born in the North or North East.

  13. Suchart in favour of dropping Democrat dissolution case

    Election Commission chairman Suchart Sukhagganond, speaking in his capacity as the registrar of political parties, on Friday voiced his legal opinion in favour of dropping the party dissolution case involving the Democrats.

    "I agree with the majority opinion of the investigative panel finding no cause to suspect wrongdoing by the Democrats related to the Bt258 campaign contributions," he said.

    As EC chairman, Suchart voted on Thursday to acquit the Democrats. But three of five EC members decided to refer the case for a review by the registrar of political parties instead of forming a decision on the issue.


    -- The Nation 18 dec 2009


    Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa. Double standards at its best. :)

    It's only a double standard if Suchart has found them not guilty when in fact they are guilty right? So what you're saying that Suchart is wrong to suggest that the party isn't guilty. His decision is wrong in fact and law?

    Or perhaps you're saying that the Election Commission must always find the defendants guilty since not to do so would be a double standard?

    It's clearly a double standard because he voted to acquit the Democrats, when clearly they are guilty. They can't receive more than 10 million Baht per year, according to Thai law, from one single individual or one single company. However they received over 250 million Baht in one year from one person. It doesn't get any clearer than that.

  14. It worked! :) Thanks to Thaksin's brother-in-law, Somchai and his incompetent gang, who were the ones, doing nothing at the airport.

    Let's go back a little in time, shall we? You're the farang that was wearing the PAD shirt and yellow headband, posting pictures on the internet, no? I'll see if I can find then again. If your PAD didn't take over the airport, there would be a lot less problems in Thailand now.

    Please we try to cool down and to stop whining: both sides have responsabilities, on this thread we try to be POSITIVE.

    Accusing each other to be a supporter of the Yellow or of the Reds is bringing us back and NOWHERE.

    You're right, but you've got to admit that kurtgruen's post was like accusing someone of being wet after dropping a bucket of water on them yourself. Anyways, the problem isn't going to be solved by dispersing the protesters or breaking them up. We had that last year. They'll just come back and as we've seen, simply stronger and more united. The government needs to start addressing the problem, not trying to get rid of the consequences. Elections would help a lot. If they're convinced that they have the support of the majority of Thais, there should be no concern. The problem is that the government knows that if they hold elections, they will most likely lose. And they don't want to give up power, simple as that.

  15. It worked! :) Thanks to Thaksin's brother-in-law, Somchai and his incompetent gang, who were the ones, doing nothing at the airport.

    Let's go back a little in time, shall we? You're the farang that was wearing the PAD shirt and yellow headband, posting pictures on the internet, no? I'll see if I can find then again. If your PAD didn't take over the airport, there would be a lot less problems in Thailand now.

  16. Even though the police forces or army breaks up the red shirt protests ...the problem won't go away. We've seen the police and army break up last year's protests, but the problem didn't go away, did it? If the Abhisit government believes it is backed by the majority of Thais, it should call for an election to settle the doubts once and for all. But the problem won't go away simply by telling protesters to shut up and break up their protests. They'll be back and the longer this goes on, the worse for Thailand.

  17. Suchart in favour of dropping Democrat dissolution case

    Election Commission chairman Suchart Sukhagganond, speaking in his capacity as the registrar of political parties, on Friday voiced his legal opinion in favour of dropping the party dissolution case involving the Democrats.

    "I agree with the majority opinion of the investigative panel finding no cause to suspect wrongdoing by the Democrats related to the Bt258 campaign contributions," he said.

    As EC chairman, Suchart voted on Thursday to acquit the Democrats. But three of five EC members decided to refer the case for a review by the registrar of political parties instead of forming a decision on the issue.


    -- The Nation 18 dec 2009


    Ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa. Double standards at its best. :)

  18. hmmmm if I remember correct it was the yellow shirts and Abhisits ppl which made all Airports in Thailand shut down.....let me know when I am wrong, but whats the difference in red and yellow shirt rallies yet?

    Abhisit came to power after weeks of rallies in Bkk, if this is Thaistyle so be it but same rights for everybody then.

    Guess we will see much more red shirts when Songkran starts

    I'd go look back over some older news threads if i were you, Abhisit was very outspoken and against the Airport closure... its very well documented.

    But just so you can understand it, i will spell it out for you "The Democrat Party is not the same thing as PAD" - infact PAD have since set up their own political party - New Politics Party or something like that (i'm not 100% on the name, im sure someone will correct me if i am wrong) - Not that i think PAD will get much support as a Political party.

    I'm sure he was completely against the airport closure. That's why he made Kasit, one of the PAD leaders, his Foreign Minister. And Abhisit's father serves on the board of 2 companies that financed the PAD airport seizure.

  19. well it could have been sustainable if thaksin did not evade taxes on the shincorps sale to themasek... 12 billion baht of taxes would have done the trick. and needless to say that thaksin would still be in power.

    Uhhh, no. Thaksin wasn't ousted about the Shincorp sale. This is about something very different. But few people here know that, I guess.

  20. Arisman, Kwanchai, Suporn (E-saan Rambo) leading the attack.

    All criminals, deserve to sit in jail due to the incidents at Pattaya and many other issues.

    This is getting worse as they are getting desperate. Well, how nice was the period under the military government, quiet, and life went on as normal!

    Do the yellow shirt criminals deserve to be in jail for laying siege to the airport?

    1) Typical red diversionary tactic --- this is not about the PAD

    2) When the arrest warrants went out for the PAD leadership they reported the next day to the police.

    3) The court case against the PAD leadership is ongoing (unlike the Red fearless leader they are actually participating in the legal process, not hiding from it)

    4) Arisman himself stated he would turn himself in on Apr1 when his last warrant was issued. That time has flown and he still is on the street.

    So --- to sum up --- please feel free to address the issues of THIS thread!

    LOL... This has everything to do with the yellows and what they did at the airport. Watch uddthailand.com. The fact that the yellows seized the airport plays perfectly into the propaganda of a double standard for the elite and the commoners. The yellows were allowed to seize the airport, but they want to arrest us for sitting in an intersection...

    As far as the yellows being brought to justice, they made one of the main instigators the Foreign Minister! Do you really think he is gong to jail??? Don't take it from me. New York Times today:

    None of the yellow shirts have been convicted for shutting down the airport, including Kasit Piromya, the current foreign minister who took part and reportedly said the protest was “a lot of fun.”


    This is all one big joke. They should have brought in the tear gas and fire hoses at the airport from hour one and they should have done the same thing here with the reds. The fact that they failed to act on the yellows will simply fuel the resentment among UDD supporters if they act on the reds... What a mess.

    Spot on! :)

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