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Posts posted by smotherb

  1. 1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

    In my home country the nationality of any thug who struck a child would be less a consideration than the actual violence itself. 

    I did not say nationality would be the major consideration and I doubt whether corporal punishment of students is as acceptable in your country as it is here in Thailand. However, I'd wager in most European countries and in the US if the teacher were foreign and a different religion, like a Muslim, foreign or not, there would be more of an issue. Hence, my comment.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Fulwell53 said:

    Adults assaulting children ....regular occurrence in the west.

    Not surprised the thais are horrified.

    They let these underqualified no hopers redeem themselves and this is what they get in return.

    Thailand really needs to closely look at the westerners it lets in.

    Very very shady a lot of them.

    The vast majority I have encountered in different locales around thailand have me bewildered that they have a passport.

    Awful awful people 

    I do not know to what part of the West you refer. In the 50's and early 60's when I went to public schools in the States, corporal punishment was accepted; however, by the 70's it was discontinued.  

  3. 5 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Seems the posts here are a lot more forgiving then when the Thai teachers do the same. Though a fair number do condemn it that is good.. but the reactions are milder. The guy is as wrong as those Thai teachers.. too bad for him the result might be a lot worse. 

    Thai teachers are sometimes disciplined for abusing children, especially if the parents have some pull. However, you have to remember Thailand has not yet reached the point where corporal punishment of children by teachers is considered outrageous.

  4. 4 hours ago, jaltsc said:

    "The foreign teacher at the center of an online furor after he attacked a P5 student during an English class has wai-ed the child and his mother in apology."


    They keep telling foreigners to learn the "Thai Way" to behave. Now that someone has followed that advice and is acting in the traditional Thai manner for treating students, they want to kick him out of the country. Go figure. 

    He is not Thai; think of your home country parents' outrage if a foreign teacher grabbed and kicked their children; especially if that foreigner would have been of a different religion. And, I applaud the police for checking on his immigration status and teaching credentials.

  5. Well, I have a 31 year old TCK--hate that term, by the way. He has one culture, the one his mother and I have developed together.  Although he may display many of the good points you mention; most of those admirable traits have come from the openness of his parents and the fact he has lived in the home countries of both parents and several other countries. I know plenty of other children, some adults now, who also have parents from different cultures and races.  I see far too many of these children who may have traveled, but never lived in their father's home country, whose father spends little time with them, and the child often hardly speaks the language of their father. Consequently, most of them demonstrate the culture and language of the parent who was their primary caregiver; usually the mother. 

  6. 10 hours ago, oby said:

    you really are confused, he was talking to you.

    think about it!!

    My my, I have thought about it. Certainly the woman who perpetrated this despicable act displays those three traits, but so does Trump. He is ignorant, at least for the workings of government and diplomacy; he is selfish in that with all his money he refused to reimburse those who indebted themselves to his "fake" university; and he is bigoted as has been noted by the several court rulings against his immigration ban. 

  7. Well, I think there is little doubt there was interaction between Trump's people and the Russians, but how much and to what end? I can see of no legitimate reason why Trump or his people would fight an investigation if they are innocent. More importantly, I do not understand how any patriotic American would NOT want to see the results of a full investigation into that interaction.

  8. 11 hours ago, rosalinda said:

    LOL. I'm going (perhaps obviously?) for the three-week course of foundation study in Vipassana meditation that WDS offers for foreigners. I went for a "trial period" about a year ago, for five days, and liked it a lot. (It's completely silent! You don't have to talk to anyone!! Right up my alley.)


    I know what the basic course of study is like, and the daily schedule, accommodations, and food, etc. (Wat Doi Suthep actually provides student meditators with simple private rooms, which include a bed, a chest, a light, screened windows, and an electric outlet. Plus shared bathrooms with sinks and showers, and also a laundry room. Not nearly as uncomfortable or inconvenient as I had been led to expect.)


    Differences are that I was there in March last year, so the weather will presumably be different this time. I'm trying to figure out how to plan for that.


    While physical comfort is not really a priority in this programme, physical _dis_comfort is also not required. So I'd like to find a happy medium, in which I can plan for appropriate clothing, mosquito remedies, etc., to minimize unnecessary physical inconvenience and distraction, and focus on what I'm studying.


    I know some of the things I'll need to bring up with me (two or three sets of white clothing; appropriate nightwear and footwear; some nuts, protein bars, and packaged soup and tea to supplement the morning meals; hat and sunscreen; my toiletries and an electric adaptor, etc.) I'm trying to figure out what I should add to the list.


    CNXBKKMAN, CantSpell, and Graemej100, thanks so much for the thoughtful suggestions. Those are just the sort of things I was trying to think of. I'll look into the rain gear and mosquito net.


    I also appreciate the reminder about the temperature. Days do start there at 5 AM and when you're holding perfectly still for a long time you can really feel the chill much more easily than if walking around, so I'll also look into warm socks and a scarf/ gloves/ fleece cover-up for early mornings.


    I wonder if I ought to look into bringing an extra blanket or even a sleeping bag for nights?


    There will be no air-con, so I'm going to think about the possibility of bringing a small electric fan to use in private during the day.


    Mosquitoes are a concern, especially given that, again, I'll be holding still a lot, so will kind of be a sitting target. I'll bring that mosquito net, and I guess also a lot of DEET. I'm not sure what else I can use to keep them away at night. Hm.


    Any other ideas much welcomed. Thank you again.

    If 18 at 5am is the coldest, do you really think you'll need gloves, blanket or sleeping bag?

  9. 5 hours ago, Flustered said:

    A bit late telling me that. from the age of 30, I spent less than I made which is why I am very comfortably off today. (and no PhD or MSc either - just good plain common sense).

    Note, I started that at 8--no college education, but the education got me better paying jobs; that was the plan.

  10. 11 hours ago, CanadianIban said:


    I guess it's because she doesn't get a lot of chances to have a conversation with people in English, if at all.  If you don't use it, you lose it and forget about it.  I know she takes English in school but I am not sure to what extent and complexity the class is.


    As for a translator, that's something I thought about.  Not sure how I can go about doing that since I know no one in Bangkok.  Is there such thing as hiring one locally in Bangkok that is always objective and isn't biased?

    I don't live in Bangkok, but I am sure you canfind someone. Do you not know any Thais who speak English or farangs who speak Thai? Of course, you could place a notice on any university's or English school's online bulletin board asking for the services of a translator.

  11. 12 hours ago, Flustered said:

    Thank you for your valued contribution to the thread. As always it is entertaining.


    I find this thread very informative even if you do not. It is very interesting to read what people think is the required amount to live on and how it can be achieved.


    I am sure that with your education and business acumen you do not have to worry about surviving on a mere £1K per month. Perhaps you could give finance lesson on how to make money so that others less fortunate than yourself can benefit from your vast experience.

    I worked from the age of 8 and always managed to save something. I paid for my own education and used the education to get better jobs. Here is your finance lesson; always spend less than you make.

  12. 10 minutes ago, CanadianIban said:


    I'm sure she's doing the PA to Laws route for a good reason.  I haven't asked her what her goals are as she does have trouble explaining and expressing some stuff in English when the conversation/topic gets complex.  Google Translator isn't always accurate either.  I found out that if I type out my questions (in English), she actually understands most of the time what I'm trying to ask.  But like I said, she has difficulty trying to find the proper English words from time to time to put together an answer.



    I am assuming you are referring to an individual login account on the university's website where she can check course status, tuition balance, etc?  If that's the case, I am really not sure how I would go about obtaining that kind of confidential access...other than asking her?


    It seems rather unusual that she would not speak English any better than that attending those degree programs, but of course, this is Thailand. Yes, google translate is almost useless for any in-depth conversation. Is there not someone who can act as translator for you two? You really ought to know her intentions.

  13. 36 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

    Would be interesting  to know which school, because you come across as having a low IQ.  Please, reread your own post...Street food and a few Leos per day?  300 THB or 9000 per month.  There is a very large gap in your story.


    If you can't live on 1000 per day, here, after rent, you must have some very serious physical, e optional, and physiological issues.  That would easily be more than 99% of the !local  population spends. How much can one possibly pretend here?


    Sorry you chose to continue this. Your opinion of my intelligence is something you have to rationalize and wonder why someone so unintelligent has manged to get your goat so many times on so many subjects.


    15 minutes ago, Flustered said:

    Of course you do. Which is why you spend so much time posting garbage on TV. A good use of that PhD, 2 x MSc and a BA .

    No, I am simply amazed at the ignorance which abounds in some here. Perhaps you and KKD ought to get together and put some money where your mouths are.

  14. 29 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

    Studied accounting and economics at business school; you did not.  Solly, you're post just didn't come c!owe to passing the sanity test.  My 80 something year old parents would have said the same thing.  Anecdotes are helpful in forums, but they need to add up.  Sorry, about your friend Hillary: I doubt she will suffer much longer.

    I hold a doctorate, two masters and a bachelors, all in business which necessarily included economics and accounting. I am not a Hillary fan and I gave no numbers that did not add up. You may think B1k/day is enough to live here, but I do not agree. Sorry you are so easy to please.


    Now, if you don't mind, I tire of your incessant bull and false promises--please honor your statement that you would not respond to my posts anymore.  If not, I shall continue to shoot down your ridiculous childish misinformed rhetoric.

  15. 42 minutes ago, jb61 said:

    not a trump fan, but it sounds like they are inferring we don't have a memory.

    Presidents JFK, Clinton, Reagan and even Obama had back channels to Russia, and Obama

    had a back channel to Iran.














    The first line of the first source says, "As the mainstream liberal left media begins anther assault on Trump’s imaginary Russia connections . . . "  Why doesn't it just say fake news?


    Let's do some research on The Duran:

    "The Duran – Media Bias/Fact Checking

    Notes: The Duran is an online news and opinion source with a strong right wing bias. There is evidence they have posted misleading information and they have ... "


    Let's try the daily realist:


    Welcome to The Daily Realist, my name is Garrett Keith (Creator, Editor, Blogger). I am 16-years-old and I live in the state of North Carolina. I created this blog for the sole purpose of talking about and expressing my opinions . . .http://thedailyrealist.blogspot.com/p/about.html


    Let's try Slate:


    "“Inaccurate, yet addictive”: Early opinions are mixed about Slate and ...


    Nov 8, 2016 - Slate and Vice want to shake up the way that news organizations report on election results. So far, no one is quite sure whether that's a good . . ."


    Well, you may not be a Trump supporter, but you sure listen to dubious sources--or should I say "fake news"


    And, I'll wager you missed a major point--back channels to other countries are commonplace, but when done by our president and/or his advisors they have been known to the intelligence community. And, even if they weren't; how does that diminish the need to investigate this fiasco?


  16. 13 minutes ago, KhonKaenKowboy said:

    Your numbers don't add up.  They easily have 1000 per day to live on....unless they are just paying stupid rent.  I know a guy on about 50k, and his total apartment bill inc!uding laundry is right at 5000, and he has a car, and slides the woman half his age 8000 per month.  I don't think you will see him at Limp Rock, on a  bender, he does go to Makro twice per month.

    Again you run your fingers over the keys and know not what you write. I said it can be done.  One of my oldest and best friends is living here in that situation, so I know his spending habits well.  He lives alone and spends every bit of his monthly income.  He doesn't live the way he would like; he can't afford it.


    Of course, people have different ideas of what living well amounts to. One of the Brits who used to stay here on about that much income moved to Cambodia to be able to live without teaching. Several others teach to help support themselves here.

  17. 25 minutes ago, CLW said:

    1. You CAN'T book online directly. Always have to use agency which means you have to pay a fee.
    I DON'T recommend you 12go.asia or probably another agency are the same.
    They charged me 600 Baht but only shown afterwards in the final bill.
    That was almost the price of one ticket.
    What you can do is make reservation by phone and pick up the tickets at any train station.

    2. Alcohol is STRICTLY not allowed on the train anymore. You risk a fine and being thrown out from the train. Also it doesn't show a good example for foreigners behaviour

    Well, that is why I suggested a first-class cabin. And, if you don't get drunk and act a fool you can easily enjoy a cocktail without offending anyone in the privacy of your own cabin.  I just asked my wife, she does the travel arrangements; you are right, apparently you cannot get them online, but she has her travel agent get the tickets for us. 

  18. On 5/28/2017 at 7:28 AM, mesquite said:

    I, too, would have to say "no."  I rented a two bedroom 100 sqm condo for 25000 per month at Floral Condo and  two years ago the rent was the same.  So that wipes out over half your budget.  Not sure how big your family is, but I would want at least 150 sqm for a famil of 4.  Those go for about 35k in that building.

    Well, he said a family of three. I would consider going away from the farang tourist traps to live, especially on that little money. One of your more expensive items will be housing. Housing is much cheaper in areas with few farangs. A nice two bedroom condo in a high rise building here in a city in the South costs B10-20k/mo; however, a nice two story 2bdr/2bth row house in a nice neighborhood is more like B4-7k/mo. Living in the boondocks would be even cheaper, but I need a city. Another great cost will be food and utilities--learn to eat Thai street food and cut-out a/c and the expensive internet and cable options to save more. Stay healthy; a hospital stay of just a few days can blow all your income. And, forget about imported goods; they are quite expensive here. However, I would not suggest that life-style unless you are used to living on the cheap

  19. On 5/28/2017 at 2:06 AM, cyberfarang said:

    The exchange rate went down yesterday, now you will only get 43590 for your £1000 and it`s forecast to decrease further as the £ weakens.


    With renting a two bedroom condo and supporting a family of three, I would say; NO, on what will probably be about 43000 baht by the end of the week. Unless you want to live on the absolute breadline, counting every penny or baht every time you spend.


    You could possibly swing it by renting a cheap one room apartment on the outskirts of town, no air con, just using a fan and buying cheap food at the local markets. Good luck.

    Although it can be done if you forget your Western ideas of living, but you certainly are not going to be able to live well on that little money. I know several retired Brits and Americans who try to live on approximately that amount of money; they are all single, have no private transport, rarely party except to drink a few of the cheapest beers, and spend most of their time at home without air con and eating street food. One recently had to go to hospital and had to rely on the goodness of friends to pay the bills. His medications now run him about B4k/mo, not including the check-ups he needs. 

  20. You can book online; I would take the first class cabin and bring your squeeze, but have her get some decent food and a bottle of your favorite spirits. You can buy mixers except soda on the train and get a bucket of ice, especially if taking the overnight train.  

  21. On 5/25/2017 at 3:00 PM, madmin said:

    A down and out wouldn't afford the plane ride or the the dowry plus the constant shopping of the Thai wife and sponging relatives who appear out of nowhere when ever there's food about

    Oh please, there are plenty of down and outs here now; how did they get here? If you are shopping for your wife in bars; you would be an idiot to pay sin sot. And, there would be few relatives sponging on a down and out farang. Methinks you need to rethink your position. 

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