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Posts posted by tharae

  1. I think the best thing Abhisit can do to get his reconcilliation road map on track is to stick to the offer of a November election. That would send a sincere and positive message to all the redshirts, who by his own admission are mostly ordinary people, not terrorists, not to mention the much larger population of the "non elites".

    In doing this he would be undermining the influence of Thaksin and the core leadership group, effectively saying I offered you this early election and your leaders rejected it, the rejection lead to more deaths .... you were promised victory, you got defeat, I will keep my promise...

    In his meeting with the foreign diplomats he concerntrated on rule of law issues, they were also looking for signs that moves towards reconcilliation were being made, they didn't see them.

    Instead of the Premier asking them to take a positive message back to their governments, he would have come accross better if he had given them a positive message of reconciliation in action.

    Of course the wrong doers have to be arrested and have their day in court, but as many others have said, " don't forget those yellow shirts at the airport"

    On the contrary, the worst action the Abhisit Government could take would be to implement the actions that were offered as part of the reconcilliation roadmap. This would send the wrong messages to, not on the Thaksin supporters, but also the general public, by rewarding and reinforcing "poor behaviour". A fresh approach is required.

  2. None the less, in the former LOS I have met a large number of hard core antisocials from Down Under and they are not pleasant people in any sense. Consequently, the major problem of Old World countries is that they have a great history of stupidity to live down, which is something they have yet to learn. :)

    Your application to Hallmark to compose Birthday cards for the Australian market has been refused.

    Refuse where?

    You should post more often as I enjoy a good josh. :D

    Great! We have something in common. I love a good josh too. The rogan kind.

  3. Stupidity is a rarity amongst Aussies and Britons. That is why it is newsworthy when it happens. As for our New World cousins, it's well known as the norm.

    Judging from the way you keep posting this same crap over and over again, you must have grown up in the wilds of Alabama.


    Okay, theres 'hitting the nail on the head' and then theres 'driving the nail all the way home in one strike', this time UG, you have nailed it like nobody has ever done so before. :)

    If his coat of arms doesn't already have George Bush on it, it should. The Land Down Under which began forced settlement from Britain at the same time the US was founded as a sovereign state is Old World? Maybe because it's still a part of the UK Commonwealth but not by much else.

    Brits started shipping the persecuted/prosecuted poor to Down Under after they were profiled, arrested and convicted due to the fact they had to scavange to survive. Britain had stratified socioeconomic classes then as it continues to have in the present - at least Tony Blair effected some democratic principles to the House of Lords but it's just a tad late now and not even directly related to those who were the victims of the bizarre idea convicts effectively could be shipped to an opposite universe (hemisphere and part of the world in the hemisphere) without eventual conseqence to the larger world. That was weird thinking unique to the Brits which might also help to illuminate how they managed to lose their North American colonies and what developed into a continental nation besides, not to mention the subcontinent called India. Great work by Westminister, unrivaled by any government anywhere else I dare say.

    But that's all history.

    None the less, in the former LOS I have met a large number of hard core antisocials from Down Under and they are not pleasant people in any sense. Consequently, the major problem of Old World countries is that they have a great history of stupidity to live down, which is something they have yet to learn. :D

    Your application to Hallmark to compose Birthday cards for the Australian market has been refused.

  4. What a knob and tosser - typical army reservist wannabe. All he needs now is a yellow Hummvee and he's set :) It makes me ashamed to say I'm Aussie - a real embarrassment to Australians.

    Yes the same shame and embarrassment felt by the Brits over the "Savage" guy.

    Lets hope its not Aussie Bashing Racialist time for your people on Tv,as it was with the Brits and stupid "Savage"

    Some Posters on here have a severe Pack Instinct, smell the blood and go for the kill!

    Let it go.

    Every expat country has it's, shall we say, problem people. Doesn't matter where their from, OZ, UK or US. Everyone knows it and we have all seen examples of it. In some cases it makes us wince (our own countrymen) and in others it makes us laugh, or in this case, deride.

  5. In Australia there is a weekly TV "Infotainment" program show called Foreign Corespondent on the Government owned channel, ABC. This is, as you would expect, a bastion of leftist Journalism. A month or so back they did a very short take on the situation in Thailand. It wasn't so much biaised as shallow and poorly researched. They had the opportunity to present the situation in Thailand at the time, but instead chose to attempt to sensationalise the situation. So while there is bias, there is also some very poor quality journalism.

    A parting thought. How many programs do you see in the electronic media or in the print media, that are not some much about reporting a particular topic, but rather about the reporter who is reporting. Way too much navel gazing.

  6. Being ex police I got friendly with a lieutenant colonel that works in one of bangkoks stations, the one that covers RCA. He told me that thailand does have a points system for driving offences but to his knowledge he has never known points to be issued.

    I got points for speeding some two or three years ago.

    They stopped me at the toll gate Bangna (towards Eastern Seaboard) and said I was going 135 km/h (which was actually true). Took my licence, gave me a paper saying that I can pick up my licence at the Highway Police from next day on. At the Highway Police, they first asked me whether the police asked for money and had I paid any! I said no and no, got a small lecture that I should never pay to policemen and report if anyone asked for money, a got fined THB 400 amd got a receipt. Good, I thought. Then I was told I can pick up my licence in two weeks, as the point system is a bit slow... Two weeks later, I got my licence back and was told how many points I now had. By now I have forgotten how many, because they have already expired.

    No alcohol involved. In fact, given the taxi prices in Bangkok, I don't even want to drive when I have a good night out. However, things may be different in Pyhuket, I don't know.

    If it is true that you were doing 135mph (which is almost 220kph) on a public road, then you clearly have no regard for other road users. The Police should have taken your car and turned it into scrap metal and banned you from driving for 12 months.

  7. I know one "Red" who will not be returning to the Udon Thani in a hurry. The wife of Khanchai Prypana, Arphorn Sarakam, who was stopped by Police, at Wat Pathum-wanaram. Hubby is already in custody at Phetchaburi. Anyway, wifey was in the Merc 500 SEL, heading out of town. Guess what the Police found? Diamonds! (did you ever wonder what happened to the merchandise at Central World, it wasn't all Italian brand name clothes that went up in smoke). But wait there is more - they found a stash of weapons.

    So what is this about, the "new money" leading the poor, against the "old money"? Very tacky.

    Have you got the source for that?

    Not doubting you -- just not read it anywhere else.

    My wife found it on this website:


    It's in Thai. So unless you're fluent, you will need to get your partner to translate.

  8. I saw a report that the mother of the guy that died wanted to have the body for the funeral, but the red shirts took it and paraded it around the city. :)

    Where is the link?

    Let me help , if I may. The deceased body was being used, quite disrespectfully, by others , in a way that was not accordinging to the wishes of the immediate family.

  9. I know one "Red" who will not be returning to the Udon Thani in a hurry. The wife of Khanchai Prypana, Arphorn Sarakam, who was stopped by Police, at Wat Pathum-wanaram. Hubby is already in custody at Phetchaburi. Anyway, wifey was in the Merc 500 SEL, heading out of town. Guess what the Police found? Diamonds! (did you ever wonder what happened to the merchandise at Central World, it wasn't all Italian brand name clothes that went up in smoke). But wait there is more - they found a stash of weapons.

    So what is this about, the "new money" leading the poor, against the "old money"? Very tacky.

  10. Kasit knows where all the foreign ministries are based. I am sure the government will be only too happy to pay for him to visit the US to plead the case. They may take him a bit more seriously this time when he asks them to deal with Thaksin.

    Problem is, largely, the government finds it extremely hard to make a case to the world concerning exactly why Thaksin has been found guilty in the first place, then beyond that, they find it extremely hard to understand how Kasit can even be in this job having rather stupidly joined the PAD protests.

    I see a common problem here. Maybe Kasit is the problem when it comes to the government being able to explain to the world why they should arrest and extradite Thaksin. The government knows that there is every chance in the world that any extraditing country would turn around and deem the old charges politically motivated so they daren't try. I wonder if they will do any better with the "terrorism" charges. Oh of course, they appear not to want to pursue that one. I wonder why.


    The Australian government tried to extradite a rich Australian (Christopher Skase) from Spain a few years ago. He had been convicted of various fraud offences. They failed miserably.

    Extradition isn't an easy process. Especially for something that is related to politics.

    Particularly when you have to rather embarrassingly explain that the reason he is out and about at all is because he politely requested that he wanted to go to the Olympics and you let him travel. Oh, the tangled web we weave.

    Not embarrassing when you can blame the previous government for it. :)

    I think you will find it was the previous, previous government........which not only makes more sense, but even funnier :D

  11. Kasit knows where all the foreign ministries are based. I am sure the government will be only too happy to pay for him to visit the US to plead the case. They may take him a bit more seriously this time when he asks them to deal with Thaksin.

    Problem is, largely, the government finds it extremely hard to make a case to the world concerning exactly why Thaksin has been found guilty in the first place, then beyond that, they find it extremely hard to understand how Kasit can even be in this job having rather stupidly joined the PAD protests.

    I see a common problem here. Maybe Kasit is the problem when it comes to the government being able to explain to the world why they should arrest and extradite Thaksin. The government knows that there is every chance in the world that any extraditing country would turn around and deem the old charges politically motivated so they daren't try. I wonder if they will do any better with the "terrorism" charges. Oh of course, they appear not to want to pursue that one. I wonder why.


    The Australian government tried to extradite a rich Australian (Christopher Skase) from Spain a few years ago. He had been convicted of various fraud offences. They failed miserably.

    Extradition isn't an easy process. Especially for something that is related to politics.

    Particularly when you have to rather embarrassingly explain that the reason he is out and about at all is because he politely requested that he wanted to go to the Olympics and you let him travel. Oh, the tangled web we weave.

    Ah, but the Aussies ensured Skase contracted emphysema (what a way to go) and carked it. That saved the taxpayer lots of money with court proceedings etc. And watching the media chase this idiot all around majorca made great sunday evening television.

  12. The US has lost their creditibility, so who cares? With the USA bombing of Iraq (remember, it was because of Weapons of Mass Destruction, now according to Fox News it is because of the terrorists!) which has ruined the infrastructure and stability of Iraq (true, it was no picnic under Sadam but according to the Iraqi's their life style is worse off today); and with their negligence of their financial institutions (banks and wall street) taking advantage of "loop holes" in order to make profit, ...and with China being the growing economic machine in this region, I don't think the USA has as much influence any more. (Maybe the old Vietnam Vets reading this can set me straight)

    PS-- The next time the US miltarty comea to Thailand to do their annual "War Games" with the Thai military, I hope they skip the out dated war games and teach the army how to deal with mobs of violent people, terrorists, and thugs in demonstrations. I think this would be more beneficial.

    An article on how even handed and understanding the US has been and you spew off topic emotional baggage.

    Go search, you will find that the US did provide the Thai military the training in crowd control that you have kindly asked for.

    OK Good.Now we have established root cause. :)

  13. The army should of stormed the scum weeks ago , that is the only criticism i have of Abhisit , he could of ended it earlier .

    LOL you have no clue about what is really going on do you.

    "Ended it earlier" it would have only started it sooner.

    I'm trying to stick with you here and follow the logic. So to end it later would only have ended it later? Will Paul come as superman?

  14. Actually it started with Abhisit, who knew very well what would be the outcome of a harsh crackdown, yet insanly and irresponsibly proceeded with it.

    Of course, blaming everything on Thaksin is the convinient excuse that relieves one of using the grey matter... as to the real cause of the problem.

    There is some relief knowing that one day Abhisit will pay for his crimes behind bars.

    And what would have been the outcome of no crackdown?

    So you must think it's over now? A victory for Abhisit?

    "No crackdown" would have been his best option. He's now started a civil war....just wait and see. What you saw today was nothing more than a strategic withdrawal.

    So what would have the opposition done if the boot was on the other foot. Thrown flowers into the street?

  15. When you take into consideration the limited support Abhisit has had from the Police (about 20%) and the Army (about 50%) he has done a superb job. I'd like to see how some the leaders from the West would have performed in this environment. Couldn't see Obama bin Ladin from the US, or Mr Dud from Oz or whoever is in charge in the UK these days coping anywhere near as well as Abhisit has.

  16. TAN: INN: Dindaeng red-shirt protesters announce independence from main gathering and said it will hunt down members of the press

    BBC & CNN are you getting this? Amnesty International, what have you got to say now?

    I suggest contacting Amnesty International yourselves and call upon them to condemn the redshirt violence, particularly the attacks on the media which is in effect an attack on freedom of speech.

    Here is their website, scroll to the bottom where there is a contact link - http://www.amnesty.org/

    Sometimes Amnesty gets it right as even a broken clock is right twice a day BUT aren't they in the business of only representing criminals? Have they ever condemned the actions of a group of people hurting lawful authorities?

    You're on the money JC.

  17. Assuming you're assertions are correct (many would disagree) then an Amnesty isn't going to solve anything. It will just become more protracted, and that isn't going to help anyone.

    No it wont. the plan includes early elections that are considered fair by all parties.

    THAT is where amnesty will lead.

    I understand that it is very hard to swallow amnesty to people you feel have hurt you or others.

    in fact, there is no other way forward except horror.

    I appreciate your optimism. The Amnesty in Sri Lanka worked really well there

  18. Assuming you're assertions are correct (many would disagree) then an Amnesty isn't going to solve anything. It will just become more protracted, and that isn't going to help anyone.

    Clearly, there is no good will from the reds, who have turned down a reasonable way forward. Right minded people (no pun intended) are becoming more and more disillusioned with the Reds as each day goes by and they continue to act like a collection of leaderless factions.

  19. My wife is originally from a village just outside one the North East cities under curfew. She rang her brother last night, who runs a small (vetry modest) convenience store outside of the village and does fence contracting, among other things. Hardly wealthy. He said that he, and most of the people in the village, detest what Thaksin and his followers have done to Thailand. They are all out wanting them to be routed.

    So any suggestion that everyone from Issan blindly supports the Reds is blantantly incorrect.

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