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Posts posted by gabruce

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Give us a break whats with the good cop bad cop BS, we all know that both Suthep and Abhisit answer to the same masters!

    As you seem to know something that my self an many other members do not know

    we all are eager to see the proof you have that this is a fact, not just your opinion

    Now you would not be making this up would you

    Its called follow the money and common sense, it always amazes me how many can acknowledge that YL and many of the reds are just puppets, (including myself) but at the same time they think the other side are as pure as the driven white snow with nothing but good intensions and totaly backed by there own means.

    Here are some sipply facts for you:

    80% of the top 40 wealthiest Thais are Thai Chinese

    80% of the Thai stock market is controled by the Thai Chinese

    These same people control the courts, military, police.

    The list was made public a couple of months ago when the list of donors was made, which should give a good reference as to whom some of them are. Now not saying that all Thai Chinese are corrupt and want control, but this battle has always been about which elite side has control and can reap the benifits!

    So, your point is what? The Shinawatra clan is Thai-Chinese and is part of the elite. I think your point is this political conflict has nothing to do with most thai people, just a battle between the Shinawatra's and other elites. Correct?

  2. Sondhi is back! The airport closer. The seditionist who brought the country to its knees by occupying its international airport for a week and causing a month of disintermediation in international air travel. Sondhi, the best airport closer in the world. The military let him operate at will as well. He is a powerhouse. We should rejoice that this powerful and knowing Thai leader is back on the scene.

    Perhaps he has recovered from the bullet wound to his brain when Thaksin had his SUV sprayed with 200 rounds of automatic rifle fire? That Sondhi?

    And of course you have irrefutable evidence that Thaksin ordered that incident in order to make such a blatant comment such as that, correct? Or are you just talking out of your nether region?

    Isn't a more reasonable standard "beyond a reasonable doubt". Is there any evidence that is truly irrefutable. You see me do something. I just claim it was someone disguised as me. Refer to Hollywood for how well someone could pose as someone else (or perhaps I should reference Mission Impossible).

    At the same time rabas should probably have rephrased as "Perhaps he has recovered from the bullet wound to his brain when his SUV was sprayed with 200 rounds of automatic rife fire, possibly at the orders of Thaksin". All depending on the level of proof available. It probably was political, and the likely suspect was Thaksin, though it could always have been some other fanatic from that side, or as someone will undoubtedly suggest, he shot his car and himself looking for sympathy.

  3. if you want to fight for democracy your supporting the wrong team sunshine...now why is it they call the reds kwai..w00t.gif

    You look at the red leaders bank accounts and you look at your bank account and than you reconsider who the kwai is.

    I am sure the man in Dubai pays them very well to fight for HIS democracy.

    Low blow. I look at my bank account and now realize that contrary to what I previously believed about myself I am one of the biggest buffalo around. (I assume that I am interpreting your statement correctly, small bank account, big buffalo, big bank account, small buffalo).

    Sigh! It was a nice day.

    • Like 2
  4. PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

    You should be banned for inciting problems on near every post--as they provoke-because they are OTT. Clearly your posts are not just normal replies.

    Yes , in your opinion as you stated many times, anyone who opposes you Suthep should be banned.

    Yes, moonao has his opinions and possibly even a mission to present his point of view and maybe even sway people to that point of view.

    The somewhat funny thing is that it's easy to flip his statements around.


    PCAD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

    the reverse position:

    PTP/UDD aren't interested in media rights, democracy, checks and balances, civilian lives, civil society, they are only and exclusively interested in pursuing their selfish, irrational, hate driven agenda.

    See. Two statements. The first one one group of people will agree with and another group vehemently disagree. The second statement will just reverse the groups. Both groups are reading and reacting honestly according to their belief.

    That's my opinion anyway.

    PS. While I sometimes tire of the predictable nature of his posts, I also find some posts make me think. Sometimes they are entertaining.

    • Like 1
  5. Suthep's threats, ultimatums and pressuring of the media are despicable.

    No "buts." Nothing to do with democracy.

    He's not asking the media to give his ideas equal broadcasting time, but rather to be the only view aired.

    He's not offering a compromise, but rather "My way or the highway".

    Abhisit is one to cite bombings as example government cannot handle the situation.

    Don't recall his government faring much better.

    Interesting that once again CAPO isn't warning off those mysterious people with bad-intentions,

    but rather calls on citizens not to attend. Almost like the weatherman - "it's gonna be rainy, folks, so better stay put".

    Same with CAPO threats towards the media - did CAPO provide any protection or security from the PDRC?

    Does CAPO expect the media to play the hero or what?

    What a load of shameless useless people leading both sides.

    First of all the CAPO has made exactly the same to the media.

    Second what idea is it to give equal time to criminals and murder and compromise?

    Agreed in that criminals and murderers don't need time on air. However we are talking about political groups, major political groups.

    • Like 1
  6. Do you understand freedom of speech? It mostly deals with the relationship between the state and its citizens. It is a consensus among the international community that the most threatening law to freedom of speech in Thailand is Article 112 (lese majeste). The law works decidedly in the establishment's (anti-PTP) favor, as you see many red-shirts are jailed for their speech under this law. How many anti-PTP guys are jailed for their anti-PTP speeches? I don't know any. I mean, half of the TV community would be in jail if the government restricted anti-government speech that way.

    As for intimidation by the red-shirts in the north, it goes both ways. PDRC supporters are intimidated in the north, red-shirts intimidated in the south. This problem has to be dealt with, but how much it affects "free and fair" elections I don't know. All I know is that our elections are deemed free and fair by reputable international observers.

    I don't get it. Just don't say anything bad about the King. In fact, just leave him out of political speeches all together. No problems with lese majeste. Unless you are claiming I can be jailed under lese majeste for saying something bad about Chalerm or Thaksin.

    FYI I am biased. I happen to believe that the King has been very good for Thailand.

    You are entitled to your belief but other people should be allowed to express opposing ones. This is how it works in a liberal democracy. The point of free speech is to protect unpopular speech and speech that you disagree with.

    Unfortunately, Article 112 restricts speeches on here, too. I recommend that you read international commentaries on this topic some time.

    I do understand about theory of free speech. In practice there are always restrictions. My point is that the restriction of not saying bad things about the king seems like it should be a pretty easy restriction to live with and hardly seems like the biggest thing sitting between Thailand and perfection.

  7. You're the boss, and you don't have a key, but your receptionist does?


    Hey, lesson learned.

    It's easy to let staff take care of all of the mundane details here. Open up in the morning and close up at night. Same in other countries.

    • Like 1
  8. Freedom of speech in this country is already a joke, today we reached another level.

    Congratulations to protest leaders... (I am being sarcastic, for who did not get it).

    And worse than you think....they get it from both sides

    CAPO threatens to take legal actions against TV stations that broadcast PDRC's announcements
    May 9, 2014 4:46 pm
    The Centre for Administration of Peace and Order Friday issued an order prohibiting the directors of TV stations from broadcasting statements of the People's Democratic Reform Committee.

    The CAPO said in its latest statement that the directors of TV stations would face both criminal and civil lawsuits if their stations are seen as assisting the PDRC.

    The CAPO said it had to issue the order because the PDRC had tried to force directors and management of Channels 3, 5, 7, 9 and NBT to broadcast its statements.

    The CAPO said the PDRC leaders are facing charges and some of them are accused of being terrorists so the TV stations are not allowed to assist them.

    The Nation


    Well, that answered my previous question. The government (CAPO) is shutting down free speech. The usual threats.

    Why shouldn't the stations broadcast statements, press releases, conferences from the protestors. They do the same for the government, the PTP, UDD etc, don't they?

    • Like 1
  9. Looks like Surachai won. 96 to 51

    Considering the count, it doesn't look good for Yingluck.

    Sounds like there'll be nothing on a new PM for a while. For sure not tonight.

    suthep praised the election of the Senate President in part of his speech tonight, and I quote, "our dream came true".

    So much for the perceived independence of the new Senate President coffee1.gif

    Remember it's just a speech by Suthep. How real his sentiment will reveal itself in the days/weeks/months to come. Wait and see how this Senate Speaker/President acts.

    I think that "our dream came true" is quite far off the mark. I think that the Senate might very well do what it looks like it needs to, which is bless an interim caretaker primeminister (which might just be blessing the PTP choice).

    The most I expect Suthep to get would be Abhisit's proposal of a reform referendum in conjunction with an election for a government to implement the reforms if passed by the referendum. He won't get a peoples council. Again, the future will tell.

  10. He also asked Suthep and his supporters not to resort to violence and illegal methods so that their demands could be met.

    Hmmm..... this reeks as well...lt can be interpreted a number of ways...but none so straight forward as to say 'Hey if you are good you will get what you want Wunderkind Thaugsuban' well folks ya Suthep/Abhisit/Dems/PAD boot lickers ya got what ya wanted.. A surefire Judicial/political coup...hope you're happy with how it plays out in the long run...Thailand has leapt backwards at warp speed...fasten those seatbelts...and somebody arrest this guy... otherwise he wil not go away ....


  11. Just heard from a friend in Bangkok...a policeman has been jkilled in Vipavadee road this afternoon. Non violent my bottom....Hose this scum into the sewers. Suthep needs the army out desperately.....

    For real? Killed by who? How? Shot, bombed, beaten, drowned, trampled?

    Nothing on Khaosod yet or anywhere else.

    Could your bangkok friend be messing with you?

  12. Well, at least they didn't urge the public to join the peaceful UDD led pro-government protests.

    And remember, last time the CAPO warned that some had to be careful because violence could erupt indeed violence eruption with a few grenades lobbed here, there and a CC judge house.

    Truly CAPO wants peace for all the right people and reasons

    Why would they "urge the public to join the peaceful UDD led pro-government protests"? Stupid thing to say really.

    Rubl give up with grenades already. The last time CAPO warned people of violence it was provided by the peaceful PDRC protesters throwing them at the police, or did you conveniently forget that?

    You have a problem with CAPO trying to defuse a potentially violent situation just because it involves people that you supposedly "back"?

    I'm afraid that I missed the PDRC throwing grenades at police. When and where? Was it reported in the media?

    The only time I've seen it claimed that the PDRC threw grenades were TV posters claiming that the protestors were shooting grenades at themselves. (A claim which I believe has little likelihood. I prefer the U.S. CIA theory myself.)

  13. Even Thida is musing about the possibility of Pheu Thai's dissolution. How far the goal posts have moved. There is no mistaking that Pheu Thai is struggling to remain in power. But they do not have the instruments of power. They do not have a prime minister - despite their claims to the contrary. A prime minister can only be constitutionally elected through a quorum-filled parliament or from the Senate in the event of a quorum-less parliament. Period. They have half a cabinet. They have people who refuse to budge. Chalerm's not going. Surapong's not going. Pheu Thai believe that Yingluck is still defense minister. But they have no legislative power. They have no parliament. They have no public mandate. They have no path to a election, either, because only a constitutionally recognized prime minister can set one in motion. So the state of this " administration " is far more tenuous than even this article imagines.

    The CC will probably have to be petitioned and issue a ruling on what body can appoint a caretaker prime minister. Even then there will still be noises from the PTP that the senate can't appoint anyone because there already is an acting caretaker prime minister and so there is no need for a caretaker prime minister. Hey, that just might be a brilliant legal argument!

  14. It would be interesting to see if they have any legal basis for their charges or not.

    It seems like the government/PTP are quick to lay charges when the whim takes them, and then realize afterwards that they have no real basis for the charge.

    Of course with the paucity of details available for all of this who knows. Who knows what the definition of terrorism is here ... it might be enough to say that you think the government is doing a poor job of governing. Obviously Suthep has said a lot more than that, and caused disruptions by demonstrating, occupying streets, a park, and government offices at different times. Personally I don't really see the basis for sedition or for terrorism.

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  15. I thought Charlerm was also removed

    He was.

    It's mildly funny that the Cabinet is saying that Surapong and Chalerm were removed and have assigned new people to take over their old positions. At the same time Chalerm and Surapong are insisting that they are still in their old positions. CAPO headquarters should be interesting now with 4 different people saying they are in charge. Where are Laurel and Hardy when they are really needed!

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