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Posts posted by weescotsguy66

  1. Why not give police officers a commission for traffic law breakers with a percentage of the fine given to them as tea money? That way you still screw law breakers whilst keeping officers actually wanting to do their job. Thai police are obviously corrupt and now we need to get creative in order to still provide them an incentive. Have all officers wear head mounted cameras so all interactions with civilians are recorded.

    Another way of corruption buy them from China and charge double the price just like the Chinese tablets.

    We already have the highest amount of cameras in a city but nobody actually looks at them or enforces them violation from them probably cause they do not work with the equipment that has been bought.

  2. Having read the topic of Yellow Book.

    I see in most of the comments you need a Marriage Certificate and a Non Imm - O visa with the new laws of obtaining a Non Imm - O it is harder to get one if you are under 50 and not married, so my thinking was to get married. (I know big step)

    Well although I have been in the country for over 10 years I work outside the country, so no WP.

    In the affirmation of freedom to marry you need your address and your have to put in the divorce papers with your affirmation which states you are free to marry.

    If I am staying in Thailand will the British Embassy or the Thai Government as for my Yellow Book which I do not have yet.


  3. The best way to keep the jet ski business within the realms is NOT TO USE them, failing that ask the jet ski guy to show you his video (SMART TELEPHONE) of THAT MORNING of the jet ski being OK, likelihood it is NOT damaged, now we all know this is not going to happen and we all know that the jet ski boys are out to skim the tourists for all they can since it is so expensive to pay off the Marine Department and now the Pattaya Town Hall now.

    All embassies should be given out warning NOT to use JET SKI in Thailand, all airlines should do the same until they really get their act together this is not Europe this is the Land of Smiles enjoy and be happy!!!!

  4. In 10 years your gf has not discussed your rights to you what you can and cannot do this to me is a red flag, everyone from the highest perch to the lowest knows the rules for Farang, and she would have discussed them with you, for your retirement and you overall plans for the rest of your life.

    Think best to say your looking for the right house right area and don't invest too much initially so you can walk away if it goes belly up.

    • Like 1
  5. There's been general interference with everyone's signal by the sound of it. I have sky news on often and about 3-4 times an hour the signal becomes distorted for a few seconds. Can only hope they boost the signal in order to rectify the problem. Last night it cut out completely for a few minutes around 10:30! I've noticed also they have issues with the signal for CI channel and fox sports news. Fox sports was off from about 3:30 - 5pm today.

    How do you get Sky News? I use Astro never seen Sky News yet in BKK?


  6. Unemployment is almost nil so if you do not like the job you are doing, go do something else instead that gives you a decent salary, we all need less taxis on the road and more decent other forms of public transportation, like air con buses, most skytrains and underground.

    We all know where the heart of Yinyuck support comes from and road transportation, so anything relating to roads network and away from the rail network will keep her support.

    As I said if you are not making ends meet then go do another job like construction since this is in dire need of more workers or is it you just want to sit on your a*se and rip off the tourists and smear the good name of Thailand like Phuket is doing now!!!!

  7. Not sure why if we have a minimum wage now why they would be in debt more than any other citizen if they are living outwith their means they need to not spend so much even although they are providing a public service so are the many other public servants, to encourage then into to default in order to get lower interest rates on their loans is just asking for trouble.

    If they are being asked to do additional duties which cause them to spend more money then the educational establishment must pay for that additional expense in the form of higher salaries otherwise it is all about learning to live within their means.

    So first it will be teachers, then janitors, then cleaners then land office assistants, then drivers of refuse collection where will it stop.

    If the salaries are not correct given that they are higher trained then give them a proper raise do not just give them a way to get cheap loans and say I helped you, look how good I am...

    • Like 1
  8. This is really shoddy journalism but let us take some of the points,

    1 One World moving to Don Mueng we have already had the head of One World saying it would never happen

    2 She wants to get all the other agencies on board with getting it in order, in other word it is not the over bloated AOT to blame it is always some one else

    3 Some good points more space required at check in, good point so why does AOT not hire some people to keep walkable areas free

    4 Trolley Helpers at the top of moving walkways are just sitting next to air con units and not helping passengers for some reason these trolleys do not work well and sometimes roll back, get new ones without the corruption bidding ways you obviously bought the wrong ones last time

    5 More lifts and larger one so trolleys can fitted in even with all the lazy stewardess and king power people getting in them, king power should be banned from lifts they are for customers not work people

    6 Big improvement in immigration queues now so since we have a single lines we can have checkers to the immigration slips to make sure they are valid before they get to the immigration counters, we have people assigning what queues they should go to based on the size of outstanding queue.

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  9. They are lots now in Thailand with BBL, True and others, with regards to playing iplayer you may require a VPN to get it but also look to download THAI TV an apps on your iphone which will give you a selection of English speaking TV BBC NEWS, BBC World News, CNN and a few others.

    Look to getting cable in as a cheaper option to Satellite all the locals will know where to get it will give you a shit load of TV I use the Astro Chanel from Malaysia.

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  10. If you can already speak Thai you must know the culture here, his Mom is handicap and he is possibly stealing since he gives her some money, the police will do nothing unless you pay them to do something but if he had the support of the community then you will not get anywhere consider moving to a nicer neighbourhood to avoid these issues and remember making too much noise could lead a friend of his to clear up the problem ie YOU

  11. I have used both French and Italian Embassy on both times my gf was granted a visa for both, make sure you have your itinerary and where she lands first she should have the visa for that place, if you are going to multiplie places.

    We used the same documentation for the Schengen visa as we did with the UK visa. On the Italian visa there was a request for our 22 year daughter to return to the embassy on her return, not for my younger daughter 17 or gf.

  12. and so the 'loophole' was closed... goodbye company route to foreign land ownership.

    I am sure there will be still another way around this but it will get more expensive to own land, another way maybe use a umbrella company, whereby it is run 50 50 with a you having to pay the Thai portion of the income tax to use it. This will be more expensive but if you want a house it may be one way around it.

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