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Posts posted by skippy

  1. This is simply the demonstration of a tremendous lack of perspective. She had it all, and she blew it anyway. Some people are given all they need to live a good life, and they screw it up anyway. Imagine his surprise, to find the mother of his children not only dead, but killed by a slimy drug punk. Wow. What can one say?

    I always say time is our ally, but not theirs. Take you time getting to know someone. So many rush in. And so many find out later just who this person is, that they have settled down with. Often, the woman is pushing the agenda. We need to push back. No, this is my time frame, and if it does not work for you, you are free to leave anytime. Do not push me. I am not going to respond to that. Real men do not respond to that kind of pressure. There are just too many choices out there.

    keep pushing mike - marry your mother could be an option ?

  2. I watched this live on TNN from the best vantage point any sniper could not have ended this with a simple shot to the leg to disarm him.

    It never happened and the rest transpired into a calamity of sorts.

    In my opinion, this man did not take his own life and this is based purely on the reaction of the young lady on her knees on the point of hearing an impact.

    Find that video and then discuss. (I cannot locate it but it will be online somewhere)

    Watch for yourselves with my thinking and what I saw at the time live.

    Please also notice that everyone rushed to the scene without even caring for a split second the well being of the young lady who was there for hours pleading with the man to stand down and was on her knees more times that once and when the final shot was taken.

    I will be interested in your comments.

  3. Headline... 5 Dead.

    From the story "The head-on collision killed both drivers of the bus and truck and two other passengers, who include a Myanmar man and a woman."

    I may be old and I know my math skills are not what they used to be, BUT, 2 drivers killed, plus 2 passengers. Last time I checked, 2+2=4 not 5.

    I do wish Thai reporters would check their facts, and proofread the stories.

    ... and the road carnage continues.

    Paradoxically, it may mean that the bus, being a long distance transport, had two drivers, for"safety"?

    or one downstairs checking baggage.

  4. Headline... 5 Dead.

    From the story "The head-on collision killed both drivers of the bus and truck and two other passengers, who include a Myanmar man and a woman."

    I may be old and I know my math skills are not what they used to be, BUT, 2 drivers killed, plus 2 passengers. Last time I checked, 2+2=4 not 5.

    I do wish Thai reporters would check their facts, and proofread the stories.

    ... and the road carnage continues.

    That has got burma back in the news, plus 2 dead and the running ghost which equals 5.

  5. Disgusting! No respect for those killed and injured in Paris! Trying to capitalise on another country's tragedy is deplorable. She had no need to mention Paris in announcing tourist figures. Most other countries offer help, sympathy and support to France, but Thailand's tourism must go on! Please have some respect.

    In a perverse way she was showing respect but to the only thing that matters here, MONEY !

    TV muppets again having a go at the people that allow them to stay in The Kingdom. #Tossers

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