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Posts posted by Longtooth

  1. Should have given him half if the wallet loser was not in a wheelchair. In a wheelchair maybe 100,000. Any more and maybe he couldn't "afford" to stay with his girlfriend. It's a difficult call, actually. Perhaps someone should reward the honesty with a promotion at work or extra points on a Police Entrance Exam or somesuch. Have to admire the honesty. Too bad acclaim does not buy food.

  2. I seem to remember that molecules with the "L" configuration, as opposed to the "R" configuration, are not "taken in" by your body. If this were true, the substance would be inert as far as your body was concerned. I'm not sure of this at all, just a very foggy memory. Maybe just a few minutes to research this particular "twist" on the question?

  3. The listing states "huge land value increase" at the bottom. This would not pertain unless you were buying the land with the house, on this particular listing. As far as your question, I have wondered the same thing myself. Short answer.... dunno. Never done a thorough search, but I've never seen it available. Research, research. My friend with some experience says it's better to just lease, shortish term, in case things change. You may get bored of an area. Change is interesting.

  4. Last night Thai time, 10,25 am US time, our good friend Pat Smasne passed away in a hospital in Washington state.

    Pat has lived here in Chiang Rai the last 10 years and before that he lived some years in Loei province.

    Pat was a special guy and a very good guy. We, his friends will miss him very much!

    RIP Pat !

    Yep, a one of a kind Chiang Rai personality. He always had interesting anecdotes about his life to relate. He knew he was in decline for some time, and he never ever sought sympathy or anything like it. When he recently went back to America for some last ditch treatment from the VA Hospital, he told most of us that he would be back. His departure from us was like you would expect to see from a cowboy hero in an old picture film... calm, matter of fact, some life regrets (but left at that, no details.) And he rides off into the sunset... I hope he has his log cabin with the overlooking view of the big river.

    R.I.P. Ol' Pardner! You won't be forgotten.

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  5. Seems like a straight offer. Maybe see if the embassies of any Arabic speaking nations in Bangkok would let you post your offer where people seeking visas to those countries could see it? Just my first thought. Or offer to be on their referral list of useful businesses, if they have such a list. Or expand your talents to "visa application form assistance" for Arabic speaking Embassies. That's all I can think of. I don't know how it all works. Good Luck and Cheers.

  6. Surely this can't just be caused by the warmer seas. I read it can also be caused by excessive pollution and runoff from waste as well with which seems to be quite excessive in Thailand's beaches and seas. Perhaps they can lay blame to the hot weather, but perhaps their are other factors with which Thailand refuses to admit.

    Huge bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, as well. Check it out. 1 degree Centigrade increase every year for the next 15 years ought to about do it for our sad planet. Humanity has the same level of intelligence as yeast cells in a wine vat. We consume, multiply, and produce waste until it kills us. If I'm ly'n I'm dy'n.

  7. Easily searchable. I like the salt water system. It's available in above ground pool packages. More expensive to buy, but apparently easier to maintain. Maybe slightly less liner life, but new liners are not that expensive. Use the pool cover, as UV is the big damager.

  8. Will they get used to living shoulder to shoulder in their polluted, impolite environment that is China? The answer is probably "only slightly, with huge reservations." Thailand would be a neighboring Eden. (Comparatively speaking) There's the answer. The small leak in the dam for Chinese tourists will become a gusher, and then a deluge.

  9. Any body know if gluten free beer is available in Phuket?

    Beer Lao is brewed with rice, not wheat. So if it is the gluten in wheat that affects you, Beer Lao should be okay.

    It has to be the "light colored" one. Beer Lao Dark has gluten. Cheers.

  10. "Hotels are businesses that consume large amounts of water, he said. If the drought lasts through the months of May and June, which is the tourism low season, the situation will be worse for us.

    Earlier this week the military has ordered all relevant agencies to gear up for the drought season and set aside reserve water supply for the countrys rice farms and orchards. Junta chairman Prayuth Chan-ocha visited farms in Uthai Thani on Friday to inspect drought preparations. "

    But songkran won't affect the drought problem? Yeah...not buying that.

    Why not be honest and admit that songkran water fighting will take place no matter what anyone says?

    Try stopping that and the govt really will face trouble. You can delay elections all you want but don't dare mess with fun.

    Yep. That's it. I like to say, "Reality IS".

  11. I've read talc , when inhaled can have a similar effect on the longs as asbestos. But ovaries ?

    It is the asbestos. There is trace amounts of asbestos in talc. Don't know the percentages or if it varies brand to brand. (Source location to source location.) One thing caused by asbestos is mesothelioma, cancer of the inside lining of the abdominal cavity. How would it get in there? Dunno.

  12. Tea tree oil mixed with Betadine, shake and dab on a few times a day. Cleared up my daughters' molluscum. I got the tea tree oil in Mae Sai at a Royal Project of the Princess. I'm sure it's available elsewhere. That super-expensive cream in tiny packets, forget the name, is proven ineffective according to most authors on the net. I tried it for a time, and it was indeed ineffectual. (It's supposed to boost your body's immune response to the molluscum. I got the feeling your body would clear the infection by itself in the same time period, from my experience.)

  13. I forgot to add: There is no "mountain" high enough in Chiang Rai to escape the smoke. I've checked it out. It's the same high or low. My aunt used to say you could get bad poison oak by being in the smoke of it burning. I guess I'm allergic to whatever bad stuff they're burning, then, because what I have is more than just smoke irritation. Either just south or just north of Hua Hin/ Cha Am was nice. Sea breeze at night, warm, lovely. The cities themselves were WAY too crowded for my taste.

  14. Yep, Cha Am. We went just north of it to "EurAsia Lagoon" last year to escape the smoke. My daughter, who has asthma, and I, improved to normal in only DAYS. My sinuses are so plugged up right now that my hearing in both ears is messed up. Clogged eustation tubes ( or however you spell that. The tube from middle ear to throat. I've got fluid in my middle ear that is not yet infected.) Chiang Rai has the smoke now. Timing is right. I can only guess it's related.

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