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Posts posted by Longtooth

  1. All Muslims are not terrorists.............but all terrorists are Muslims.

    Which would be one reason to burn the book of lies. :realangry:

    I might burn one now.....( not the book) :whistling:

    I just noticed that if you're signed in you get to see the pictures with the article! Anyway, how can a person comment on a book they have never read? Has someone out there read the Koran? Is it a primer for terrorism that needs to have it's contents explained away with double talk.... OR NOT??????? Is it a book of peace and love, or a rulebook for war and killing? This question pertains to the article in that the article stated there was ill feeling about a Mosque being built too close to the Twin Towers site. Why was there ill feeling? What difference does/did it make what religion the hijackers were? I don't have a copy. I'd like to know. Let's hear it. Maybe some illustrative quotes from a widely accepted translation....? Educate me. (For free, of course!)

  2. My perception of this phenomenon is they are "wanna be" gangsters. They see American gangsters in the movies and think it is cool. They try to flash gang-sign that they do not fully understand. They walk the gangster swagger, etc.

    I've only seen it a few times in Thailand...in clumps. If no other youngster is around to appreciate it or fear it, what they do is meaningless. It's like a game of , "Let's all pretend we're gangsters! It'll be cool!" The culture and the way of thinking here does not support the mentality. There was a gang of "kids" around ChiangMai about 5 or 6 years ago that went around on motorcycles killing people with Samurai style swords. I believe the police basically "exterminated" them, which is surely what should have been done in America when gangs first sprouted up there. Mexico is no longer run by the government, the drug gangs have the government and the law abiding population on the run, with lots of gangsters, guns, and the blackest of black hearts. Let's hope that here, unlike the west, the police will have the wherewithal and "patriotism" (if you will) to nip this phenomenon in the bud. The "powers that were", in the west, were forced to stand back and watch while their country went down the tubes, because of certain interpretations of laws and social correctness. Here I believe the police have more latitude, by tradition and law. The current "state of emergency" in Bangkok, giving the police even more latitude, is an excellent opportunity to "Nip this in the bud, or Rue the Day!"

  3. <br>There are about 200+ earthquakes every week.<br>Earthquakes have always been more commonplace than most people realise. The amount of earthquakes each week is quite amazing, particularly when you see them all marked out on a global map.<br><br>Take a look here...http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/<br>
    <br><br>Except for the smudge on the left side of my screen I just made, I<b> really like</b> your avatar!<br><br><br>
  4. I agree with the gentleman above. If Thailand was serious about its future, they would shrug-off the phony "Green Energy" propaganda and fully embrace nuclear water desalinization coupled with a revamping of their entire retail electrical distribution systems.

    On edit: Build two, and cut the cost of electricity for consumers. Thailand possesses the capital to carry it through to fruition. What better way to help the poor?

    If you haven't read the English newspapers in Thailand regularly, you might not realize their is a grass root level opposition to nuclear power by certain NGOs. They are stirred up by greenpeace international reps who are selling the same anti-nuclear propoganda that slowed down the development of nuclear energy in the States. These greenpeace types, who breed local Thai opposition, are selling the same ridiculous "clean coal" agenda. When was coal ever clean...the stuff is black and made of carbon.

    Every time the Thai govt looks in nuclear power, these Thai NGOs stir up some villagers and kill the idea. I've read 3 articles on this in the 18 months I lived in LOS full time. Nuclear power will likely NEVER take off in Thailand.

    Do we give up on making the world last MUCH longer? Spend the money now spent on wars on R&D for HUGE bores toward the core of the earth, Inconel alloy (spelling probably wrong, {super-high temp rated stainless steel}) tubes with circulating liquid sodium metal as the cooling/heat-exchanging medium. (Don't forget the blowout head, alla the Gulf oil disaster.) But I'm still serious. What is the ultimate solution for our planet if it is to go thousands of years more? Going back to the stone age is another option.

  5. Best rain so far this year tonight here in Huay Sak!

    In one hour we got more rain than we previously got this year!

    Come on, keep coming!


    I guess we all got that one Sven. Rained heavily all night here, I couldn't sleep as I wasn't used to it. Lets hope I get used to it again.

    The Sky does appear heavy still. There's more to come.

    Here, (I hope) is a picture of something that is being built post-97155-053716900 1277200082_thumb.jpnear the Kok river in Chiangrai. What does this guy know that he hasn't told us? If I start seeing animals going in two by two, I'm heading for the high ground!

  6. I can imagine a scenario where this will drag out for weeks with hundreds dead. A single violent incident which ends this in one evening would cause less harm to the country in the long run and I imagine less non protesters would get caught up in it. Especially now the journalists said they are leaving.

    Having said that I think that even if the protests are forcibly split up today more will follow.

    So the journalists said they are leaving because it became obvious they were deliberately targeted. One side or the other doesn't want video witness to future possible actions. Wouldn't you think?

  7. I think there are a number of (ex)military- or police-specialists in this forum, so a question to them: It was reported that the hospital operated on Seh Daeng this morning and removed a bullet. If he was shot by a sniper, assuming from some distance, wouldn't the high-speed bullet have passed through his head and made a sizable exit.wound instead ? Does the fact that he had a bullet in the head imply a shot from a less-powerful weapon, perhaps closer than your typical sniper would use ?
    I think so. Or, if it was a hollow-point small caliber from long range, the internal damage will be irreparable. (A hollow-point "mushrooms" on impact for greater damage, and could conceivably not exit.)
  8. This USA embassy temporary closure is a neutrality move designed to show that the USA is deliberately taking a neutral position and not becoming publicly involved because they, like all of Thailand's best allies have a strong interest in a stable, democratic Thai society. It would be wise for both sides to ask for and use (perhaps privately so Thailand can save face as an independent nation) the assistance of USA mediation -- after all, a country like the USA which has 250+ years of experience in democracy may have some good experience and ideas; whereas Thailand has less than 80 years, and all of it fraught with coups, tension, and conflict. Thailand should realize it is in the infancy of democracy and needs to understand how to deal with it.

    If Thailand is ever to be respected by the international community, it must show STABILITY, CONSISTENCY, PEACE and the ability to quickly and peacefully resolve internal conflicts. There must never be any more violence between Thais vs. Thais ever, or else poor Thailand will be forever ridiculed and distrusted by worldwide investors, tourists, and even its own citizens who could otherwise build Thailand into first world country. If Thai people could ever look at the big picture and consider that, perhaps privately, they could take advantage of the wise consul of elder statesmen from democracies oldest bastions they could much more effectively resolve these current issues.

    The 250+ year period did have a little issue between about 1865 and 1869 called the "American Civil War", due to the northern states,with the governmental center, over-controlling the southern, rural/agricultural states. (Monetarily, of course. Which is what it always comes down to. "Slavery" was not the actual big reason. And, of course, after the north won, with GIGANTIC loss of life on both sides, it ground the south into the dirt with it's heal. Hence the term "Carpetbaggers", where representatives of the north came to the south, stuffed illicit war reparations into a carpet-bag (figuratively speaking), and went back north.) Here also could be a lesson from a distinguished democracy. Which is: "Civil War=BAD, Peaceful Discussions=GOOD!"
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7oKenp6ZLw

    This video shows black clad gunmen firing at army lines.

    Thanks for posting this. This was the video I referenced earlier in the thread. At least one of the people with shields protecting the gunmen is wearing red. I can't find the webpage, but there was a site with several still shots from the video, and seemed to be in a higher resolution than the Youtube version.

    For those that can't watch the video, I've attached a quick screen cap of the "man in black" firing towards the army.

    As to the second video, you'll notice the green lasers being used used to mark the possible sniper in the building, similar to what the army says was used to target the army leaders. So it looks like you have people with laser pointers trying to locate targets for those with the guns.

    I'm no ballistic expert but this is what UDD Thailand had to say about the video

    "Muzzle flash is way too big, it is clearly an automatic weapon and yet only one shot is fired- rubber bullet attachment on the end of the barrel? "

    Sounds a pretty shaky defence even to me who has no knowledge of ballistics.

    You know, I did think the muzzle flash was EXTREMELY big. You can see all the partially burned grains of propellant still burning WELL past the muzzle.

    Could this imply there was inadequate back pressure and time for a complete burn? In other words, no lead bullet, only a rubber projectile launched from it's

    mounting at the tip of the barrel? I think a definite MAYBE!

  10. 122408.jpg

    This picture accompanied the story, so these MIGHT be the items in question. Of course, given the state of Thai journalism, this might just be a stock photo of some machine parts.

    I believe some Filipinos fought the Japanese during WW II with two pieces of pipe. One piece of pipe slid outside the other with a nail to percuss the primer on a shotgun shell. High tech gives you a nice reliable machine. Now, where do you get the rounds???!!! :) Sincerely, McGyver
  11. Yes, Rim Kok. Probably 2 km out of town. Best breakfast, best pool, on the river, boat trip up to elephant camp for extra baht. Rent bikes or motorbikes in town. "Fat Free" bikes,"S.T." motorbikes on Jetyod road. See "Wat Rung Koon" the White Temple (and check out the paintings in the exhibit building on the grounds by the same artist of the Wat, you can buy copies. Extraordinary! I bought a print on canvas of H.M. the King portrayed as helping the souls of Thailand.Which I had framed. Inspiring! ) Khun Korn waterfall is nice, buy some bar-b-q chicken about half way up the final road on the right. Go way up to the Queen's garden up around Doi Tung- Doi Mae Salong. Mae Sai up on the Burma border is just not my cup of tea. See tour guides for whatever. Suzuki 4 wheel to Doi Chung is fun. Expect the air to have some smoke. I have lived here for 4 years, and hope to die here. Cheers!

  12. Pardon my ignorance, what is a VFW meeting?

    Maybe I will try those monthly VFW meetings..

    "Veterans of Foreign Wars", bro'! Many, many of us early-retired "here til we die" types are Viet Nam vets from America. VFW is an organization that can help you with your governmental or even some individual issues or problems. It's like a club of people with some "like experiences". It would be where you would only see other fallung.

  13. OK...What if...all the money ever spent on wars was spent on getting energy from "deep within" the earth? Do you know you can boil water in a paper cup over an open flame? The water cools the paper to 100 degrees C until the water is gone. Then the cup burns up. Circulating liquid sodium in 4 meter diameter cores with co-axial Inconel alloy pipes to deliver the cooler sodium down the outside layer and retrieve it up the inner pipe. Heat exchangers and turbines up top. The Inconel doesn't melt as long as the liquid sodium is circulating. You would have to actually drill with the circulating sodium or your drill would melt. As deep as it takes. 10x deeper than the deepest well ever drilled? No idea. Expensive R&D? What is the worth of a living planet as opposed to the worth of the planet Mercury? I'm not talking dollars, I'm talking... "If there is such a thing as sin, wouldn't the greatest sin in all existence be to extinguish all known life in the discernible universe?" (Hello, Planet Earth.) I'm not trying to sell you my design, it's off the top of my head. I'm trying to sell you the idea of the comparative worth of "money" against the worth of "all known life." That sales pitch comes from the bottom of my heart.

  14. Well, I had my second cataract surgery at Rutnin three days ago. Perfect. Automatic sliding glass doors to the pre-op and operating rooms. You gown-up in pre-op and they give you white shoes with a pair of tongs. Post-op medications in a little purse-like bag with super-clear instructions. I had Dr. Roy Chumdermpadetsuk,who has the steady hands of a diamond-cutter and who speaks better American-English than I do, and I'm from California. Lovely, lovely. I always see well-dressed people from countries other than Thailand there, so I'm thinking it is probably the best in the region, let alone in Thailand. Rutnin Eye Hospital has been here for 45 years. Education, learning from experience, striving for perfection... it depends if a hospital administrator cares or not, I would say. I'm sure cost and profit are in there also, unfortunately. But "culture", if it is not the correct "culture" (using "business-speak" for "culture" in a business, not talking about a country's culture) needs to be changed if it is going to be disadvantageous. Once bacteria was discovered with the invention of the microscope, it seems like the road ahead to clean hospital conditions should be clearly seen. I dunno....

  15. I fly to Bangkok in 3 hours for cataract surgery on my left eye. I have had the right done already at Rutnin Eye Hospital. I can't imagine a better hospital exists even in the US. Double the money it would have cost up here in the north, but I think in this case you get what you pay for. Lovely. Clean, new, well structured pre and post op procedures, drugs etc. well labeled, clear instructions, well pleased. 29 doctors-- only eyes. No pain. Great sight. It's on the web, of course. Making the appointment is the hardest part.

  16. Gas water heaters are readily available up here in the north for about 2000 baht. They work GREAT and are cheap to run. 1 1/2 volt flashlight battery ignites with the touch of a button. The picture shown DOES have a ground fault interrupter on the chassis, but as someone pointed out, it probably has no ground wire attached to it. If visiting somewhere and you are in doubt, push the test button there and see if it kicks off. If it does, it is OK. Reset by pushing back up the button that popped down on the underside of the unit directly under where you pushed the "test" button. (not the same button) If you're getting shocked by refrigerators, computers, microwaves, etc., screw a ground wire to the major metal case in the back and run the wire through a window or drill a small hole in the wall and run it down to a 4' long x 1/2" diameter copper clad ground rod with correct attachment clamp, driven all the way into the ground except for a few inches above ground to receive the clamp and wire. No more shocks. If it then kicks your breaker or blows your fuse, you have a fault and need to take that unit in for repair. I would not be writing this or anything else (as I would be DEAD from electrocution!) if I had not installed a 30 milliamp ground fault interrupter as the MAIN on my electrical panel. I tested it by accident through my chin to my right forearm. Kicked off the whole house, of course. The overcurrent trip rating (like 63 Amps, 42 Amps, etc.) is irrelevant to the 30 milliamp unbalanced trip current that may save your life. It has a test button and advises to test monthly. Happy trails. PS I think they might also call GFI's "residual current protectors" or somesuch, here. You can get "Square D", "Seimens", and other name brands to match your panel. Keep hunting for it. It's out there.

  17. Anyone proficient in TIG welding on stainless should be able to turn down the amps on their machine, and using a long, thin strip of the aluminum you're welding (for the same alloy, for good bonding.) just do the same thing they do with stainless. If they did one test weld, they would probably have it down. (Amps WAY down)

  18. "Holland" will flood from Global Warming, and most of the displaced people will try to emigrate to The Kingdom of Thailand. Those that are allowed in will live in the low-lying areas. Some experienced Dutch engineers will be allowed to assist with the water exclusion system around Bangkok. (I just scared myself writing this.) :) See the topic "Where is the best place to live in Thailand?", and then look for major land areas over 1000' in elevation on Google earth. I live up in there somewhere. :D

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