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Posts posted by turgid

  1. Her indoors has started a business near Bearing. It's actually at the Sikarin end of Lasalle / 105 so as my lease is up I'm considering a move to that area. I'd prefer BTS end she'd prefer Sikarin.

    There seem to be a zillion places under construction in the Udom Suk, Bang Na, Bearing BTS area, not much actually available and anything finished in the last year is half empty with silly prices attached. . Can anyone suggest buildings I might look at. Looking for 2 bedroom or 1 + something I can use as home studio office 60+ sqM and I'd like to get Bht 20k per month if I can get something presentable. 12 month lease.

  2. Ive been asked to post this for a friend of my girlfriend.

    Thai lady had a relationship with German man which resulted in a child. He was visiting from Germany on a quarterly basis for a couple of years after the child was born and was depositing money on a monthly basis for the childs care.

    The visits and payments have now stopped and she claims she cant get hold of him.

    They didn't marry and to the best of my knowledge there is no legal agreement in place.

    Is there anything she can do to get him to meet his maintenance obligations. Is this something the German embassy could help with?

  3. I got the gold package because it originally had EPL which they have now lost and they seem to rotate the same 10 movies across the 3 movie channels. I was hoping the loss of concession meant there would actually be real competition or alternatives. I dont see why they are offering 20 free channels if they aren't feeling some kind of threat. Or maybe people are abandoning cable and getting all their content from the internet.

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  4. Have Laos friend in town who has never seen the sea or the beach. Im planning a day trip which will probably be a 1 hour photo op and lunch. Is Pattaya the only real day trip option from Bangkok ?

    I've only been to Pattaya once and the beach I found was crowded and dirty. I've been told I missed the good beach so any guidance on where to go ?


  5. A visiting friend will be overstayed 2 days when she leaves tomorrow for a trip to China (she messed up reading the entry / exit dates stamp).

    Does she have to pay first at the airport or wait to be told at the passport counter ?

    Will she have any problem re-entering in 10 days time for the final week of her holiday ?

    Shes a bit panicky so any guidance appreciated (apart from the obvious dont overstay)

  6. Put Chaeng Watthana Road Lak Si Bangkok 10210 Thailand into Google Maps and you get this


    The answer is no. It is nowhere near BTS or MRT it is probably 15KM north of Bang Sue MRT or Mo Chit BTS

    There is a train station Lak Si at the end of the Road but best option is probably take a taxi from Bang Sue or Mo Chit.

  7. To me it looks like Muslim countries like Malaysia and Indonesia have less of a problem of substance abuse. The recently published figures of alcohol use where Thailand tops Asia could be indicative.

    I say this as an Atheist but if you look at Africa the Muslim countries have a lot less HIV and drug problems. There is sadly a strong argument that in the absence of decent health care and education, the discipline and structure of certain religions helps at keeping the majority alive and breeding. Keep that up for a couple of generations while the people who dont accept god fall by the wayside and suddenly you have "proof" that your way is the best and backed by a higher power. Of course facisim and communism can do the same thing.

  8. As others have stated get a blood test and see what your testosterone levels are. I'm also taking Nebido and have seen a lot of the aches and fog disappear. Still struggling with motivation though.

    My experience has been you can get anything you want prescribed in Thailand regardless of what the test results are so be responsible with it.

  9. Paypal has serious security issues. Twice used and twice afterwards bombarded with phising emails claiming to be from the bank I use for Paypal. Coincidence no, definatly a breach on their behalf

    Its not paypal. Some companies and scammers read the cookies left and determine which services you use and then present you with information accordingly. Its how you get targeted advertising if you read online newspapers. They love paypal because you have shown your willingness to shop online and without credit cards. The profiles being constructed on each of us are actually pretty scary.

    Clear your cookies using ccleaner at the end of each session. ccleaner is free - just watch out you dont download extra packages with it.

  10. I know its not made here but I though there might be a beer pub or supermarket that offered it as a guest or imported beer.

    Heineken are quite happy with their tiger beer sales in Thailand so they do compete with themselves.

  11. Is there really no events going on at all?

    If you got to Central World (nearest BTS is Chit Lom or Siam) they have several beer tents and stages set up along the front of the mall with some local live bands. They do a count down for Christmas and New Year. That stretch has many places nearby to eat and drink although not a whole lot of character.

    If you want really expensive Lebua has some formal dinners and entertainment which they been pitching me offers for. Great view but really expensive. Most of the big hotels do something Christmasy for the tourists and most of the Irish and English pubs offer Christmas meals. A lot of the expats go home for Christmas and the Christmas tourists tend to go for the beaches so the entertainment tends towards the local which is shopping, bands, drinking and fireworks.

    New Year is a bigger holiday here.

  12. The Nebido availability issues might be because they are tightly controlling the channels. They have not been able to get FDA approval several times (it is now called Aveed in the USA) and presumably they don't want any "misuse" stories that might cause them problems with the current round of FDA approval process due for review in early 2014. This may also be why it is so expensive here. Its about 5000 Baht in the UK. Controlling "grey" distribution is the best way to maintain price across multiple markets.


    "The FDA outlined the steps necessary to support approval of the New Drug Application (NDA) and updated the requirement for a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). Specifically, the FDA has requested that the REMS include a Medication Guide as well as Elements to Assure Safe Use (ETASU) to mitigate the risks and severe complications related to post-injection reactions"

  13. I want to get a couple of bottles of Bintang beer for a cheap "in joke" Christmas present. The T Shirts are on every market stall but I cant find the beer.

    Anyone know where it might be sold in Bangkok? I've seen Thai beers in Indonesia so i assumed there would be a reciprocal arrangement but I cant find it here.

  14. Have a weekend out on the middle. If you are coming to Asia for the first time you might want to see Singapore or Ankorwat in Cambodia which are both short flights. I've never had a flight ticket checked but if it's a concern get a 30 day flexible ticket and move the return date back when you work out your trip.Note that I only got 15 day visas when I traveled out by land. You get another 30 days if you do the trip out by plane.

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  15. I'm over 50.

    I was issued a 12 month OA Visa on 1st Dec 2012

    This visa requires either 90 day reporting OR 90 day exit entry.

    My last stamp into Thailand on the OA visa was 20 November 2013 which gives me a "final" exit date of 19 November 2014.

    I have now obtained a multiple entry re-entry permit valid until 19 November 2014.

    I have 800K+ Baht on deposit in Thailand

    Based on reading this forum my assumption is to continue my stay I apply for a 12 month extension of stay sometime around early October 2014 and then get another re-entry permit.

    Then repeat annually for as long as I want to stay here or until the rules change.

    Have I understood this correctly or are there other visas or options I should be considering for retirement ?

    Is there anything visa related I should be doing between now and October 2014 apart from 90 day reporting or entry/exit to avoid problems in October 2014.


  16. I did my multiple re-entry permit for the second year of my OA at Suvarnabhumi last week. I took the completed form, photos and copy of passport pages with me but they didnt want any of it.

    There is a 200 Baht procesing fee but they do the photo, passport scanning and completion of all documents for you. Total cost 4000 Baht. The only thing you need to do is to write down your address in Thailand and check and sign the form.

    I allowed two extra hours but it actually took 15 mins and there were 4 people in the queue. Very easy.

  17. Myself @ 67 yrs have been feeling lowered libido and general fatigue/depression and thin skin over the last year and it's not getting any better....................all normal symptoms of low testosterone.

    Anyone else have anything to say about Nebido?? Availability, cost, side effects etc??

    I have very low T and am trying this. I'm mid fifties but was very lethargic,non existent sex drive and even though I exercise regularly have no muscle mass.

    I took a blood test which indicated very low T so took it to BGrad where another test which confirmed it. I had a 1 month trial jab which didn't do much so he suggested Nebido. The first jab was for six weeks and I just had the second one which should be for 12 weeks.

    It's a big injection and goes in your backside muscle. Takes about 2 mins and isn't agony but is uncomfortable. Having read up it seems like nearly all problems result at the injection site including abscesses and blood poisoning so make sure the person doing the jab has been trained for this product. Reading between the lines it seems that controlling the quality of injections and opportunity for abuse is the main reason the FDA won't approve it.

    Around week 2 I felt a lot better. Brain fog cleared, morning errections are back and I actually mentally felt like sex. It started to fade around week 5.

    Costs at Bgrad are about 11k baht including the pretty useless doctor chat. Nebido itself is 9.5k of that. If anyone can suggest a reputable but cheaper supplier with trained nurse I'd appreciate it.

    Negative side effects:

    Small amount of Acne on my body.

    My balls have shrunk

    Positive side effects apart from those mentioned. I slept better in those middle 4 weeks. I've had an aching tooth for 4 years which dentists have failed to fix.It may be a coincidence but it doesn't hurt anymore.

    I'm still not sure how even the distribution will be over 90 days and many of the body building boards make this comment. One of the problems with T issues is getting real advice for "normal" people because of the huge amount of steroid abuse.

    Hope this helps.

  18. Thanks to all who responded.

    Yes you can rent bikes. They are OK but fairly old single speed (even the ones that look like they have gears are set to only use one speed) and cost 50 Bht an hour or 100 Bht for the day. We went on a Tuesday and didnt see any other tourists although there were some Indians shooting a movie on the roads.

    It was a pleasant morning out and i'd recommend it for someone who wants to escape the endless bars markets and shopping centres of Bangkok. We did cycle into the park area which has the aura of a place that was once heavily invested in but has been ignored for many years and I do wonder if commercial redevelopment is imminent.

  19. I used to have similar issue

    Was eating to much sugar in the form of fruits and carbs. Fungus eats sugar.

    Cut way back on the sugars and fungus went away. Helped sinus issues also.

    Interesting. Is this medically proven or just something you've worked out. I do get sinus problems here but assumed it was air pollution.
  20. As per post #2, Mycoderm-C powder.

    Seems to be the sole brand here, why I don't know, as creams and ointments do aggravate matters.

    Vinegar foot soaks may also be helpful. Dry thoroughly afterwards, but don't rinse.

    Thanks, I know antibiotics were restricted in some Asian markets for a long time to protect local herbal doctors who had a big lobby. Once they were allowed in a lot of those guys disappeared. Perhaps there is some big foot medicine lobby here. With the heat humidity and bare feet I cant believe its not a big problem. Or maybe Thai feet have evolved immunity.

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