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Posts posted by indyuk

  1. This is  the latest evidence of the pitiful ignorance of soldiers when it comes to permissible behavior when dealing with the population's human rights be the individuals be citizens or foreign visitors, resident or otherwise. On no account should any Thai Policman carry out any duty suporting this sencus in order to avoid a prison sentence when the Nation returns a democratic civilian government .


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  2. I am 76 and have received PoL form every year since I was 66 years of age, Your Thai Lawyer is the best bet for proof of life signature and Chop (stamp). Alternatively you can go to one of the Thai Social Security (SSO)Offices I have two pensions and get my proof of life forms from each of them around my birth date. Most lawyers charge a half hour consultation (approx 1,000 Baht)

  3. Of course he's ready, he's already been told by NACC that he and Suthep will be found innocent! This is just to give the appearance that the Junta is unbiased. What a sham!!

    What you claim implies that there is continuing criminality in the currently rigidly controlled management of reforms by the present government. I cannot accept that that can be true because it would invalidate the entire reform process.

  4. People more informed than me suggest that the army fear the Democrats cutting off their money train more than PTP.

    Personally i find it difficult to agree, but we shall see.

    It is something the Dems could win wide support on, and they should push it.

    Abhisit or Korn are still the best options for PM of the country, probably the latter, but they need to cut ties which is nearly impossible.

    Dear Sir you are overlooking the fact that the Democrats need to radically reform their party and its policies before they would be a credible adversary at the next election. It is unlikely that Khun Mark Abhisit would be deemed a suitable leader after the Democratic Party reform on the justification that he has been responsible for many serious errors of judgement when in office.

  5. I really don't know what to think. Pattaya is hurting. It's my hometown and I care about that. Already since the search for peace and order started last November. Commercially Pattaya seems to be in terminal decline. Today I visited Central Festival having heard that they are doing better than most. Wrong, most of the floors were devoid of all but a trickle of shoppers at Noon.

    The inevitable conclusion for pattaya will be continuing failure of businesses and the ultimate economic collapse of our city.

    The billions of Baht don't seem to be for Pats anymore.

    • Like 1
  6. Where is the promised political reform going to come from if the reformers continue to allow scallywags to hound another Prime Minister. into political and financial destruction.

    The Thai Judiciary continues to be motivated by the same scallywags that generated six months of discontent of 2014.

    The whole conspiritus ensemble of scallywags is skilled in the art of the destruction of noteable Thai people.

    This destructive force will always be there. As determined a necessity this force will destroy any future prime minister, whether democratically elected or not.

  7. Get him out, hasn't done a single noteworthy thing in the past four years, not one thing.

    When he was in office he did very little as well, this guys get a free pass from expats because he is fluent in English and studied in Britain. He cares nothing for your average Thai.

    Thats rubbish - the democrats have always been battling against corrupt PT bought elections - we know he cares very deeply about Thailand as he is devoted to the welfare of the country as a whole - not giving into populist policies that bankrupt the country.When in office his most notable accomplishment was to clear the protestors - remember the one that burnt tires all across bangkok and set light to central world.Now he is calling for the military backed regime to be monitored - which is correct because they now have too many powers.Good governance requires a strong opposition -

    DTL2014 I think that you are confused. The list of Khun Abhisit's failed projects is long and embarrassing. While his claimed successes brought him to criminal court and ridicule. I'm sure that Mark Abhisit Verejever is a loyal Thai Citizen and is personally Trustworthy. However IMO he is not a suitable candidate for reelection in Thailand.

  8. Sorry to hear. This would be my biggest fear. I know another guy who was supposed to get 1/2 of a house he bought and he'd even bought a 30 lease on the land. But that did him no good when he went back and some Thais promised to kill him if he ever came around again.

    If you can afford it, I'd just walk. Life is short enough and I hate court fights. Somehow I get bigger and better emotionally when I just walk from something rather than get into a protracted hassle. At least I know who the better man is.

    I sincerely hope you can afford to put it behind you and get on with your life.

    Others may disagree with me and tell you to fight it. Up to you. I wouldn't.

    I agree with NeverSure Don't take her to court unless your losses are ruining you. Walk! If you don't you may well finish up dead. I know it hurts to walk away from your losses. I know because I walked on all I had in Thailand including two Thai children at the end of 2008. Now I'm married to another Thai and everything is fine. Good Luck my friend

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  9. Surely the Thai Police will have to get a warrant allowing them to to take DNA samples from the Poo Jai or Kaman of the Island, and his family. This is because he has publically offered a million Baht for sight of evidence secured. His statement is surely suspicious because it implies a double bluff and that all he really wanted was access to evidence in order to challenge or destroy it.

  10. I think that we are missing the point. Which is that in order to make foreigners safe the Thai Establishment want to know more about we foreigners than they do already.

    Given that the Immigration Police already extract more data from us than the hold for most Thai citizens, it sometime it seems that Thai police favour foreigner cash fraudulently flowing to the Thai (including themselves) via a criminal although they swear that they stopped collecting tea money a long time ago.

  11. An alternative system that really would make Tourists safer would be to require any Thai wanting to enter a resort area apply for a colored wristband which he or she must wear at all times while in the Resort Area.

    Wrist Band colors as follows:-

    GOLD Has own home, Has Bank Account, Professionally employed, HIV Free, has Thai ID Card

    Green Student, Lives with Mum, has part time job, never arrested, HIV Free, Has Thai ID Card

    YELLOW Homeless, unemployed, no Bank Account, Has HIV, Has done time.Has Thai ID Card

    PINK Ladyboy, transvestite, or homosexual, Lives from day to day, No fixed address. Medical History Unknown, No ID.

    Of course the Director of Tourism will need to develop this idea further to make it acceptable to Thai people whilst making the project efficacious resource for resource operators still suffering from the delinquent conduct of Thai politicians.

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  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Democracy is a self fulfilling philosophy which enables a feudal system to transfer its power to the people. Once democratised the people exert their power by electing a government and an opposition to rule the nation in accordance with the laws enshrined in their constitution. The people reelect a party to government on the evidence of government's behaviour when in office. The peoples opposition moderates the excesses of the elected government in accordance with the constitution. Over time the democratic system modifies the constitution based on their experience of the efficacy of the original constitution and its amendments. These amendments to an existing constitution eventually achieve a peoples constitution thats is infallible.

    And who have the right to judge the governments acts: The army and its political wing the Democrats?

    If a government is acting in a manner contrary to the needs of the nation, following their own narrow self serving agenda, and against the democratic procedures of that country, then an army should not support it.

    But he failed to explain that the army failed to support the elected government making it powerless.

    Not a fan of the Shins, but it is a dangerous path!

    As for the "returning happiness to the people" BS, This was never about the people, but about keeping the existing feudal system in place!

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