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Posts posted by just_Elaine

  1. Is Na Na Bakery. still good and do you still have to get there before 9am to get the chocolate croissant?

    Went there yesterday after 12 and the chocolate pain and croissants where delicious.

    Much better than the place on kampheangdin Rd. which is now for sale.

    I don't understand why they did not improved their products in the 1 year they where open.

    Thanks. I'll need to get over there!

  2. i must be lucky,in eight years in,ive never had a proplem at petrol stations when buying petrol,i usually only get 500bhts worth nearly every time,there is a self service petrol station on the moat if it is handy for you,though even that i suppose u could be short changed,but not get incorrect fuel,

    I saw it quickly in passing and it did not keep in my brain. Do you remember the location of that self-service petrol station?

  3. Thank you for all your help, i will be sure to check out the places you mentioned. I checked out Somerville as well, although they had the containers and tables, their table came with a fridge at the bottom.

    butterisbetter - do you by any chance have the phone number of the place you mentioned?

    eyecatcher - is Canal Road known by another name? i was able to locate Suthep road on Google maps but not Canal Road.

    Sorry, i have not been here long so still finding my way around smile.png

    Canal road does have another name. I can't remember it, but it is marked as road 121 on google maps.

  4. We will never go to that gas station again either. We didn't have a change experience. We asked for 91 and the guy put in 95. I got out of the car and said that we wanted 91. The guy said it was 91 and really acted like he didn't give a sh*t. We paid the 95 price per liter so we were pretty sure we were right. Never again.

  5. I went last year and really enjoyed it but I didn't get to see the whole park so am very disappointed to hear it won't be open this year. I was under the impression it was open every year from December till around April.

    City-now has the event at "Royal Park Rachapruek from 1-Dec-2012 to 28-Feb-2013". It says there are over 300 kinds of orchids/flowers. There is a phone number 053-114-110, but no other information.

  6. I have watched youtube videos of this and it does not make sense unless you are using a food blender,

    how do you turn 1cm cubes of butter and flour and into something that looks like breadcrumbs, at the same time keeping everything cold.

    Obviously it can be done but I don't understand the process.

    My grandmother would bake apple pie back in the day when refrigerators were unheard of so there has to be some practical solution to making decent apple pie.

    Your grandmother probably used lard.

  7. Last month I flew, one way, China Air from LAX to Chiang Mai, stopping over in Taiwan. The stopover was 12 hours. The cost of the ticket was $700. I bought the ticket 3 days before I left. All the other carriers were booked and wanted $2500-5000 for full fare seats and up. The layover was a drag, but the cost was exceptional. And directly to Chiang Mai.

    Wow... Is that a return fare?

  8. I used to enjoy it [from a distance], but now I just endure it and hunker down in my home bunker.

    same same for new years and songkran.......

    For Songkran, we supply ourselves with food and drink and don't go out for days!

  9. We were out and about on the night of the 28th. We ate out and walked from Rachadamoen to Art Cafe area then to the night bazaar. People were setting off balloons and enjoying the experience. There were some dangerous takeoffs, but mostly the liftoffs went smoothly. The firecrackers, cherry bomb sounding things and gun-like things that shoot off firecrackers were interesting. We did make some detours when areas sounded too loud. We stopped in at Boy Blues Bar and listened to blues, watched the balloons and fireworks. It was a nice place to be that night. We didn't float a kratong though, but based on what we saw, maybe next year? It's been about 10 years since we last did that. So we enjoyed Loy Kratong - well at least one night of it.

  10. For the past 3 yrs, whenever i need a massage, i go to the massage school behind Rimping Market (nim center - across from airport plaza). I think it is the Old Medicine Hospital, in English. Entry from back of rimping parking lot or on the other main street near the front of the school.

    I personally go there for a "nerve" massage from Khun Sert. He is very knowledgeable about nerve techniques and fixes my bad shoulder and back when i need him. For an overall strong, tonic thai massage, Sert's sister (don't know her name) gives a very penetrating yet enjoyable massage if that is what you need.

    I've had good massages there, but I'm hardly in the area. It is good to know that they are still going strong. I remember they were pretty reasonably priced, right?

  11. There are two massage places in the basement of KadSuanKaew. I have had good experiences at both. 140-150bt/hour.

    One is called 'Golden Hands" (I think), and it is right beside the basement food-court.

    The other has the lovely name of "The Doi Saket Chiangmai Seniors Citizen Club". It is at the back on the right of KSK - just up a few stairs into the Kad Muang Traditional Bazzar and to the right.

    I was there today and had a particularly good traditional Thai massage with a woman named K. Gik. I was very pleased. Firm but no surprises. Very nice slow deep movements. And good awareness. She even took me through some of the twisty stuff (that I usually don't like), and I felt very safe in her hands. Speaks a little English.

    I haven't been to Golden Hands for years because I was tired of all the talking. I only used them for foot massage then, but a friend felt funny with a person giving him a massage so I just totally stopped using them.

    I still use The Doi Saket Senior Citizens one. I had a foot massage the other day and it was good. While I was having a foot massage, I saw a woman there that gave me some massages years ago and she is terrific. I don't know her name. She is a bit heavy set and is tanned. It looks like she is doing traditional Thai massage. Actually, I lucked out 3 years ago and got her again. Do you know if they let you request a specific person there?

    I am getting a pretty good Traditional Thai massage at Sabai Sabai Massage on Ratchaphuek Rd. She used to be near the Taiwan Restaurant, but she has moved around the corner. Anyway, from Lemon Tree/Pern's/Salsa Kitchen walking towards Nimmanhaemin make the first right, go 1 block and make a right then make the first left. They are on the right side of the street past the laundry and before the good noodle (kow soi and gwatio beef) place (on the left). I think they is right where a guest house is located. 180 baht for an hour. Small place; only 3 mattresses. I only know two of the ladies and they are both good. Oh, just a basic place and outside they might have a television on. They usually don't chatter much.

  12. Don't know why I thought of Ikea when I saw your post. I know it's in Bangkok, but if push comes to shove maybe you can have it sent to you. Here's a link:http://www.ikea.com/...ducts/90226518/. Also, it looks like there is an extension if it is not wide enough.

    Nice but 2700 THB. The thing at Makro is about 200 THB and works great and you can pick it up right away.

    Wow.. What a difference. Maybe they have it at the Makro here.

  13. still sup Chang or Leo on an everyday basis

    Can I ask why you drink the rubbish they have the gall to call it beer, even on an everyday basis ? Personally I will stick to London Pride, at least it tastes like beer.

    Morland's Old Golden/Crafty, or any other name you can think of, I have to admit does not taste quite the same as when it was brewed in Abingdon - but still a million times better than the local swill

    We drinks it for the buzz, actually with spicy local food it is only half bad. Since there are no Oregon microbrewed ales available some Brit brews are an acceptable subsitiute when the budget allows.

    Agree, the local beer is quite good with the local spicy food. Regarding my Oregon comment, I only meant that you don't have to be a Brit to really enjoy or obsess over a brew. I quite liked Kilkenny, but it has been ages since I've had one. Draught, too.. How much? I may have to talk someone into it...

  14. 249bt paeng paeng,

    I was dining 3 doors down from there; large leo, fanta, dish padgrapow, 2 plate chcken fried rice, sun dried pork to chew on, large plate morning glory, and something else... 280bt, and that of course a more than substantial meal for 2


    Yes, we go there and get stuff to take home - our favorites are laab mu, pad phet pla-duk, yam wun sen and they know we like it spicy. I just felt like eating something different that day.

    Yes, it is Lemon Tree.

  15. Just fyi:

    We walked by Su Casa and it isn't there any more. I don't remember seeing that anyone posted that and thought some people might want to know this.

    Pern's Restaurant had and interesting special yesterday - Pork Belly, Sausages, homemade sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. 249 baht. It was pretty good.

  16. Thanks folks will take your advice...hope i dont suffer from motion sickness..BTW hotels rates all gone up double this time of the year..

    Drivers won't suffer, they're too busy focusing on the road. Passengers need not suffer either if they do the same.

    Not all hotels have done that in pai. In fact there aren't really many hotels there at all. For those that wish to there are still several places for 200 baht a night. Most places go up about 50%.

    I went last week, and i'll just mention that a couple of sections (a few kms each time) have rather potholed roads after the latest rainy season. Clearly they've not got round to filling them in yet. Hope they're not doing that when you're driving up there, or you'll have a long drive.

    Pai is still outstanding, and from my experience last weekend the usual numbers of bkk citizens i've seen the last few years are not there. I have heard that they're getting bored with pai, which is good news in my view. I also saw quite a few of the mushroom concrete resorts built to cater to this fickle demand from the capital city shut down. This in mid-nov which definitely qualifies as high season there.

    Have a good time, it's a great place.

    Yes, we had someone in the back seat that had somewhat of a problem, but she didn't puke (only threatened to!).

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