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  1. Pure legend. May I be your padawan grand master kenobi? Teach us please.
  2. As a camel farmer, I plead innocent.
  3. Shinawatra chinese gangster family = lies, lies and lies, whenever they open their mouth
  4. Dirty corrupt chinese gangster Shinawatra family
  5. The Shinawatras - A family of Chinese criminals who stole their wealth from the poor. Obsessed with power and all corrupt.
  6. Welcome to LOS - Land of Scam. Well done once again corrupt chinese gangster.
  7. Some just forgot to bribe our royal police heroes. Now they ve learned their lesson and the day to day business will continue.
  8. Thank you for making Thailand great again royal thai police. Now we are safe again.
  9. How someone can be that silly to sell dope for a few bucks profit in Thailand? I will never understand that. Sell it in Europe if you ve to, but Thailand? Oh man. Brainless. And if you do it at Tao, pay the police first stupido.
  10. Two russians. A blind could see that. Disgusting. Bitc..es. of course they ve to pay the toll.
  11. Good old Farang/Thai Ladyboy Partys. Sorry man, but deal is deal 😄 Nice lesson.
  12. Comon guys. He is innocent. There is no corruption in Thailand. Please show some respect for the hard working royal thai police. Big joke is a honest man. Cuz of him we all also know, there are no sex woker in pattaya and also no sex tourism.
  13. What a fake show. Neck brace, arm bandaged. The poor dog probably fought a tiger in the police hospital. Disgusting chinese gangster.
  14. That's why no one likes brits. So many fu.. up.
  15. The only thing that will happen with fees is that the police and politicians will fill their pockets.
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