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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Wouldn't be interesting if the uk chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng had the middle name Kenneth.
  2. When I was 17 my parents died and left me an orphan. I was devastated as I really wanted the house and the car.
  3. Justice. Jamaican for I only want this one thing.
  4. Motorcycle hit the back of a car outside the house last night. One guy pushing through the onlookers shouting let me through, let me through. Someone said oh good, are you a doctor? No he said, that's my pizza.
  5. Seems you can bring the scammer out of Nigeria.
  6. I do remember the asking price for horizontal entertainment going up. Reason given was 'you get twice as many baht now for £ or $ so you still pay same in £ or $ if I charge twice as many baht'.
  7. My own experience of it worked out quite well. Nothing to do with planning just dumb luck. I wasn't even looking at exchange rates changing. I found a car I wanted to buy, worked out the sterling I needed to get transferred and called my brother to do the transfer. He did that and 'faxed' me the details. Waited a few days and went to the bank where I was told 'no money come'. This happened a few times until my brother faxed confirmation the money had arrived. End result was a very high 80 something rate so I ended up with enough to buy the car and almost the same amount of baht left over.
  8. No arguement. As you say some exchanges will have their own rates. Airports tend to be the worst.
  9. You meen nuffink. I shouldn't really have started it as I have made some big spelling mistakes myself on here..
  10. Contact your local Dept of Employment. They are very helpful.
  11. What have you herd about that?
  12. He will probably be put in isolation and treated by feeding with toast, pizza and pancakes as those are easy to slide under the door.
  13. I remember one guy in the unit doing a floppy like that. We had bayonnets fixed, on SLR's not SA80's, and by good luck it kind of slid down the outside of the leg on the guy in front. 2 inches to the left and it may have had a different result.
  14. That would depend on who their father is.
  15. Mate bought a guard dog for the house but it just kept letting everyone into the garden. Turns out it was a UK Border Collie.
  16. Irish knocks the door looking for some work. Lady answers and she's holding a paint brush. Need work she says? Hands the brush and goes inside and comes back with a tin of paint. Go round the back she says and paint the porch. 30 min later he knocks the door and says I've finished and by the way it's a jaguar not a porch.
  17. These are for completing the rounding of the bolt head.
  18. These are for starting the rounding of a bolt head.
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