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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Sent you a PM
  2. They can wear slacks as long as they don't display 'profiles'. ????
  3. Thanks
  4. Thanks. If I do it it would be a toyota straight 6 to replace a non toyota straight 6. So. buy imprted toyota engine with its paperwork from BKK. Fit in the car, (tell insurance) and take the car to DLT, and it should be ok.
  5. What paperwork is required if you change the engine in your car?
  6. But it was ok when we built it. Too many people walking on it probably.
  7. The sexual life of the camel is stranger than anyone thinks At the height of the mating season it climbs on the back of the sphinx. But the sphinx's hexagonal rear end is buried deep in the sands of the Nile and this explains the hump on the camels back and the sphinx's inscrutable smile.
  8. You can always watch the porn channel if the game is boring.
  9. Got my pool ready for the final. Don't care who is playing.
  10. That's why in the old cowboy movies they quite often had the scene where the test on the 'gold coin' was biting. A strong bite would leave a mark
  11. Good grief I didn't know that. PS. It's not too brittle, it's too soft and wears quickly.
  12. 18 carat is not solid gold. It is 18/24ths of gold and 6/24ths of base metal. I would call 24/24ths 'solid gold'.
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