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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. So flowers and buds are not hemp or cannabis? Where do they come from? Just askin'.
  2. Just thought I'd mention the expat in Ban Chang ( couple of years ago ) who bit the end off another expats nose. Whatever happened to him?
  3. When I started work there it was near the end of the process for drying the swamp, so I have always known it as swampy. Does that mean I have a fake relationship with Thailand? Saw the biggest cobra I've ever seen in Thailand there.
  4. Tourists who want to come to smoke should be dicouraged??
  5. Smoking in public, Illegal. That really leaves smoking at home. Can grow 5 plants at home. If you are Thai over 20 etç. Where does that leave expats and tourists?
  6. The only way. Spot of butter then drop the egg in. You can see the eggs poaching and lift out when you want.
  7. One thing I can't stand is vinegar. I ask in restaurants, please poach my egg without vinegar. Yes sir. Egg comes and tastes of nothing but vinegar. I ask did you put vinegar in? Yes sir but only only nid noi. Well nid noi it away and I'm not paying.
  8. Today there is a report that says state of emergy will end 1st October along with Covid downgrade status. Could change things. Not BP but the other paper.
  9. If the 2nd reading on the bill goes through and then becomes law ( no online sales ) will this advert suddenly disappear?
  10. So no clauses for recreational use will make it legal?
  11. Yep. We don't mind you smoking, it will come in handy for us when you grab a smoke in public in a place we decided we can go tonight and make a few baht.
  12. And accept that it is illegal and if we decide to clamp down sometimes on smoking in public and hit you with fines, deportation and blacklistings don't say we didn't warn you.
  13. The bill in for 2nd reading says no more than 15 plants but you must register, be Thai and over 20 years old. Looks also like no advertising or selling on line allowed, and a lot of restrictions on who can process and sell.
  14. Why does TV state it's all about money? Of course it is, or do people expect Thailand to pay airfares etc for tourists to come?
  15. Doesn't anyone have school friends from when they were kids anymore?
  16. And the guy who invented the Hokey Cokey died as well. Took hours to get all of him in the coffin.
  17. How many more posts before Sin Sod rears it's ugly head? Oops.
  18. I always thought it was him holding her hand because he's paid up front and doesn't want her to do a runner.
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