THC and CBD showing in drug tests.
CBD will not 'generally' show in a drug test, however it seems that not all CBD 'meds' are 100% THC clear.
Probabably depends on who produces the
CBD 'meds' so if you are using the wrongly or poorly produced CBD meds you could find yourself in the do-do in Malaysia, Japan Singapore or maybe the ME.
In the case of the 3 Thais being checked going into Malaysia I obviously can't say because it will end up as a they say/we say situation.
Maybe Malaysia did this just to send the message to tourists and locals going in and out down south. The message being don't use cannabis even if it's legal in your country.
Will it make some Malaysians stop coming into Thailand or stop some Thais going to Malaysia? I don't know.
Could be a good money maker.