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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Yep, that's people, they just do that.
  2. Nowhere near as nasty as most people and they don't make nasty comments about each other.
  3. That is the only way. Thai drivers don't need to learn anything. They believe they know it all already.
  4. You got serious problems. I came here to work, unlike you I didn't come looking for women, you can do that anywhere.
  5. Thread on the left is UNC so that is the imperial end
  6. Next time in Penang you get a free curry in Kashmir. ????
  7. That's about 560 baht a week on the bill. Interested to know posters views on it being too much or an ok add-on.
  8. I think Baron Samedi and myself should thank you for keeping us on our toes, eh?
  9. Not sure what they were caught with but Singapore has just execured two drug smugglers on Thursday. Just be careful you don't forget that you have a joint or two ready rolled in a pocket somewhere is plan going there.
  10. Well, a communist is someone who has nothing and would love to share equally with you.
  11. Strange that some are 'confused' It just shows that my wife paid exactly the same as locals and the discounts are there for people who deserve them. Pensioners who paid tax and NI all their lives and students who might need info for studies. My wife wasn't charged more than any other category just because her skin isn't white.
  12. I believe some who might have been close to booking a holiday here, if they see the reports on social media might decide to forget it and go elsewhere. My thoughts.
  13. Even if they don't go ahead with this idea the damage has been done and will take a long, long time to be undone.
  14. Some people actually believe telling someone 'we know you are all rich and it is easy for you to pay' is a compliment.
  15. For your info' Charging extra for any made up reason or charging extra based on race would likely end up with you being charged and in court.
  16. No it isn't. It's a discount for pensioners, (like the bus pass), a discount for students etc.
  17. So if I book a cottage in Wales for two weeks 'self catering' and I pay for it in uk currency with a uk card they will charge me extra because my wife is Thai but grew up in NZ and how will they know that? It will be my name on the booking for 2 people. Please explain???
  18. If tourists pay more, as you are saying, why does my wife pay the same as me for everything in UK?
  19. Nor should you be prepared to admit that they exist, and you should deny any knowledge referring to the fact that they may or may not exist.
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