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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Last time in UK when we visited the local castle, .My wife enjoys the walk around and the history, the prices for entry on the board at the ticket office were Entry £x Over 65's 30% discount. Students 40% discount. Children £1. Would you call that double or whatever pricing?
  2. Someone did ask the question in the thread why not Canada to Thailand? If one is asking then for sure someone will do.
  3. Yep, checking back it looks like at the start not too bad but the closing of russian airspace made the big difference.
  4. Finnair at one point said 10 to 20 minutes increase due to going slightly further south. Don't know if it's still the same.
  5. If someone asks Do you know who my father is? Just say no, your best bet is to ask your mother.
  6. Do you take things so seriously all the time. The emoji should show how I feel about politicians. ????
  7. Heard 'stories' that the stuff from Burma was laced with Coke/Heroin etc and other unknowns. Don't know if true or not.
  8. I need a sarcasm emoji. According to one gov' spokesman it is not against the law so is not morally wrong. ????
  9. In Glasgow the contents of the tray was known as a 99. The original 99 I believe was from wringing the towels on the bar into glasses at closing time.
  10. I would not be surprised if decisions on it are palmed off onto province governors causing even more confusion.
  11. New rules coming in August??? That will be of interest to a few posters.
  12. Being Scottish/French je ne dinny ken pas.
  13. I don't understand how people can eat it. One poster saying it always has had cannabis in it!!!!. If that's true then what else is in it? After end of business each day are the dregs of soup left unrefridgerated to breed a few bugs, or what?
  14. Why is it if you have a different thought or belief from someone you are instantly told you are wrong. I don't want to eat street food, I dislike the whole idea. I don't want cannabis leaves or whatever put in my food. I will eat in places that I enjoy and I really don't want anyone to say I'm wrong for doing so.
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