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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Why is it if you have a different thought or belief from someone you are instantly told you are wrong. I don't want to eat street food, I dislike the whole idea. I don't want cannabis leaves or whatever put in my food. I will eat in places that I enjoy and I really don't want anyone to say I'm wrong for doing so.
  2. I'm talking about expats not locals.
  3. Anyone who eats/ate soup or food from a street cart is really living on the courage of ignorance
  4. Well, All those big spending quality tourist families will be fighting to get on the planes to Thailand. You know, husband, wife, 2 young kids coming here so they can introduce their 8 to 10 year olds to the joys of cheap cannabis. Do food vendors really believe that foreign tourists only come here for cannabis in their Tom Yam Kung?
  5. Ask them if they can make a fast decision and they'll answer can we let you know next week?
  6. If you are consuming the legal stuff at point 2% then it's not really likely to be obvious in a test so there's no problem, but use the 20% and above stuff that is not legal then it's much more likely it will register on a test the following morning.
  7. In uk there is a data base on offshore workers that employers can access and if you've been dismissed because of 'substance abuse' you will most likely not be offered another job in the industry. The data base also holds your 'offshore training' records and other relevant data. Offshore safety and firefighting training I think has to be renewed every five years.
  8. Be prepared to be called a bullsh----r on this ???? if the callers can put their joints down for a minute. ????????????
  9. Lots of companies have 'substance abuse' clauses in their contracts now. With alcohol the usual is a breathalyser test based on the national drink/driving limit. Last project I worked on in Thailand if anyone tested over the alcohol limit on the first time they could have a day off and no more was said. If drug tested positive it was usually go home and don't come back. Re your question lots of people go work sober and depending on compsny policy maybe still get alcohol tested.
  10. Becoming quite common now for companies to test for what is termed substance/alcohol abuse so it aint BS. Different companies will have different reactions to positive test but that will probably be noted in the employment contract. Dome will sack outright and some may have 'help' services.
  11. Services provided all over uk and eu as well.
  12. See my next post. For North Sea it didn't matter what your job was.
  13. 100% true on the north sea story. Last project I worked on in Thailand was in LamChabang and alcohol/drug testing was carried out usually twice a week 6 names pulled from the full list at the morning toolbox meetings. Oz friend on his last project in Oz along with all others was breath tested every morning at the gate on the way in.
  14. Isn't nepotism all ok nowadays, at least morally??
  15. Had a friend in uk who was tested prior to going offshore, north sea, and came up positive. Friend had put it in his curry, for a laugh. Lost his job and no longer allowed offshore anywhere in uk. Haven't worked for years in Thailand but last job was random tests twice a week on the project. The fact it's now being touted as legal I don't think will be a defence in the workplace.
  16. I really don't care about the reefer madness thing. We all know it's BS. I just don't believe that this will be the big cannabis freedom happening that so many believe. Have no fear the laws will change. I really don't care one way or the other.
  17. Why should I give a BRA about people who get themselves into situations all on their own. Far too many people get themselves into deep ---- and then either complain about the result or try to go down the 'it's legal so not really my fault'. Edit. People who want to get 'stoned' or drunk and then drive cars or motorbikes do it because they think it's clever or smart. DUI drink or drugs should get 1 year inside with hard labour and chipped to ensure they will never get a licence again.
  18. Don't agree. 99% of the posts are on the side of 'wacky baccy' for all so if they want to get bombed and cause problems on the road then it's down to them and they alone accept the consequences.
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