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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. And if you still don't pay your car could be auctioned or crushed.
  2. It's for 1 passenger no matter how many you 'click' on.
  3. Went through the book for 1 system and I got the same price. As others have said I think it's clever wording to keep you 'on-line' as long as possible and get as much info as possible on you.
  4. Done all that. Just asking about the 'wording' and what others would understand by it.
  5. If you are booking flights for 2 people and it shows the words $xxx for all passengers, what would your understanding be? Price for each or Price for two? Just askin'
  6. To be honest. There's 'stupid' and there's 'more stupid' then 'most stupid'. ????????
  7. Or even let down a bit.
  8. As long as you get the point. You know this could be a long thread.
  9. That should have readers in stiches.
  10. All the paper 50's/20's being replaced by plastic notes.
  11. Quick heads up. In about 3 months the paper 50 and 20 notes can only be paid into your bank or post office in UK. If you have any here in LOS not sure what you can do with them.
  12. I suppose it was really meant to be one of those info-mercials. I was stoned when I watched it years ago and can't remember anything about it.
  13. Now you know why I'm confused. ????????
  14. Still a pain with tests insurance etc. I'll wait. Thanks.
  15. Is Vietnam opening up again and what are the requirements for a short holiday? Uk and thai passports. So many different posts on so many different sites it's confusing.
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