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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Is there a Q system and if so has anyone news on waiting time after getting in the Q.
  2. With a work permit yes. Requirement for a wp is a non-immigrant visa or extension of stay.
  3. Re application form. Is it ok to print it on A4 paper and submit at VFS Bangkok? Down to 7 or 8 pages and want to replace. Expires next year.
  4. Or, these flashing lights allow me to double park and block the road for 20 minutes while I go to buy something from the shop around the corner.
  5. Add in the guys who work 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. ????????
  6. Lots of people are stupid enough to pay more for it because it's different.
  7. ???? Do a google on the Asian Red dog and the Aussie Dingo. It's reckoned the dingo came from Asian Reds taken on fishing boats a very long time ago to the Aussie mainland. Now they are a very distinct breed.
  8. You are the first to mention poodles forking poodles, I think. He said domestic dogs.
  9. Wrong. He's talking about letting all dogs fork whatever they want and eventually all the breeds we know will end up disappearing and there will be only real dogs produced.
  10. And therein lies an answer. If there was a body of government with men who had the authority to catch people breaking the law and fine them then people might think twice about throwing rubbish about.
  11. Should be correct then and type 'orses 'oof, john. ????????
  12. Haven't heard 'horses hoof' for years. ???? I assume it's Cockney?
  13. To the sad posters. Been on bikes since I was 15/16 years old. Always big capacity machines. Rode her for about 4 weeks then decided there are too many FW's on the roads here so stopped riding. A bike here is not fun.
  14. If they are experienced they should go to Bira circuit on open days and they can speed all they like. Also a good chance if they come off they will only hurt themselves.
  15. For all the 'confused'. This is sold as a road tyre and has in the description the words 'semi-slick'. If you are confused the reason slicks are better in the dry is simply because there is more rubber in contact with the road. Some road tyres now have even less in the way of so called tread.
  16. Unfortunately had two deaths so far, as of yesterday. One on the bikes and one on the sidecar events. Haven't seen todays news yet. I'm watching things a day behind on uk tv.
  17. Watching the TT over the past couple of days they can do that in about 2 minutes, including re-fill and a new visor. Are you that quick as well??? ????????
  18. Would have been better if they could have changed his common sense rating.
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