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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Rode bikes for years in UK and the EU. Two weeks was enough in Thailand and decided it was not a good idea. As for people who rent little bikes here, don't have insurance or a licence when you get hurt it's your fault, why should others pay for you.
  2. Still off the weed. Feel like sh-t though. Cough still there but Strepsils (originals) are helping.
  3. As above and I would throw in two basic seasons, summer/winter and this means people have always been used to planning for a cold time of the year. Thailand has really no winter and every day is the same as yesterday (basically) so planning has never been required. Any planning here is done by other nationalities.
  4. No gum, patches, e-cigs etc. We just decided we'd had enough and both stopped at the same time.
  5. It gets a bit 'uncomfortable' and is making me a bit hoarse.
  6. 7 days now and starting to develop a cough that is producing a bit of phlem. Is this a normal reaction to stopping?
  7. You're making silly points for some reason. Basic training remains as basic training. All I said was 'bad language' is not now allowed
  8. If I posted my opinion of your comment and of you, based on your comment I would get a posting holiday.
  9. It may have some some nice places but, at least pre covid, it had the name internationaly as the place where older 'farang', ( on topic ???? ) went for cheap sex with women or girls or ladyboys.
  10. ????. The whole concept is strange. I was very surprised when I went to visit a friend who stayed on in the army after I left (the army ). He stayed on as a drill-pig, ie one of the nco's in basic training. He was telling me that it's no longer permitted to even swear at new recruits. It seems they can complain if they're sworn at. The mind boggles.
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