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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Farang. Generally used by uneducated, low class Thais when talking to or referring to people who are not Thai and are considered to be of lower social standing then themselves.
  2. Anyone shouts 'hey' to me I usually shout back 'it's good for horses'. Or if they say 'hey farang' I answer yes banana what do you want?
  3. Don't care what this lot call me. They're not that important to me.
  4. I see a need for a translator to first turn Biden's statements into understandable english then a translator for that into Thai. What could go wrong?
  5. Agree. 3 or 4 days holiday, forget the tests, we'll do them when we're home.
  6. The whole point is if you haven't got it for sale don't advertise it.
  7. You eat what you want. I'll eat what I want. Why do people try to dictate what others should eat? Anyway that's not not the point of my opening post.
  8. Ok. Decided to book a couple of nights in a beach resort. Obvoiusly can't name it. On line menu shows a good selection of of 'western dishes'. Settled in, nice room etc. Got to the restaurant and asked for a couple of things. Sorry, was the answer, we no longer have anyone who can cook western food. What is the problem with these idiots. 'We need need more tourists but they will eat what we supply, not what they want'. Rant over.
  9. She stopped doing it after a couple of weeks. So really none the wiser why she started in the first place.
  10. A lot of them are more switched on than you think.
  11. 140 baht for a small beer in an open air bar next to the road and traffic fumes doesn't really appeal. ????
  12. Cheers, but see last post ???? he's/we've cancelled as he atk'd pos' yesterday.
  13. Reason for asking is because a friend and his wife want to visit us in BKK on 17th and he asked if I thought it would be bad traffic 'to BKK'.
  14. Sort of related. When will the mass exodus start back to Bangkok, 17th or 18th. Just thinking about which direction will be busiest, to or from Bangkok?
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