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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Just don't get seriously ill or have a serious accident.
  2. Yep, 100,000 baht a year, and not even looking at inflation over 30 years is base survival, not comfortable.
  3. Bangkok to Khon Khen two days ago proof of vax required, mask on all the way, no food or drink on the plane.
  4. For me, you write down her vital statistics, plus as follows, 382436 add two zeros so 38,243,600 (baht) and she says I have all this in the bank and here is your ATM card to use as you want.
  5. Here we are again Happy as can be All good friends But you're not as lovely as me.
  6. Queen of UK got pregnant and they fired a 21 gun salute. Two nuns got pregnant and they fired a dirty old canon.
  7. Wouldn't it be interesting if all the guys who post on the lines of I've seen better, she's nothing special, seen better in the local 7/11 blah blah blah had to post a genuine photo of themselves in shorts and T shirt in the bar or on the beach!!!!!. ???? Take me for instance, well on in years, pipe stem legs that only just work on a good day, more wrinkles than a 4 day T shirt and ass cheeks like spaniel's ears, and those are the good bits, well still got a full head of hair. ????????
  8. Not making light of the subject but a short video that explains it. 1649408415824.mp4
  9. For some of these desks it's worthwhile buying a bit of 5mm plywood and screwing it on the back to strengthen them up a bit. Stops the sometimes side to side wobble they might have.
  10. Same. Heavy as well, feels like solid wood, not cheap compressed sawdust. Note, I only said 'feels' like, before we get the usual 'can't buy solid wood here' brigade spouting forth.
  11. Unless you have some kind of training to handle a drunk or junkie with a knife then sorry to say keep out of it.
  12. Thanks. Answers my opening post. Hope the moving of 'online' goes ok as well.
  13. Now that 90 day reports will stop at MTT and move to CW I hope the online system for those using it has a flawless and hiccup free move as well. Just sayin'
  14. What services are now left at MTT if 90 day reports and short term visas are moving shop?
  15. No Check the other thread on other services moving as well. MTT was temporary.
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