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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Find ants in your garden? Burn them out with a squirt of bottled gas, easy and fast. 1649324583811.mp4
  2. And in the back room you can get your feet washed with your shoes and socks on. ????
  3. And 4 different lawyers will give you 4 different answers I'll bet.
  4. Searches to find out what the entry conditions are on a daily basis??
  5. I see it a little differently. If all entry is based on lets say 2 vax and 1 booster only, a lot of the Thais who can easily afford it will want to start travelling again and come back without risking time spent in any sort of quarantine, free or not. So, as well as your point, that would mean money going out, not coming in. Just sayin' it's a maybe.
  6. Reminds me of the Chinese couple who divorced. She went back to Peking and he went home to open that restaurant.
  7. And the Thai you learn will raise eyebrows in a Thai slum. ????
  8. Couple of weeks ago the ferry was fairly quiet and no checks before getting on. No testing at hotel either.
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