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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. True story. I had a dose of the runs ( in Germany ) We, army section, had stopped to buy roast chicken and chips at one point. You get sachets of wet towels for wiping your hands when finished eating. I finished having a 'squirt' and then realised there was no toilet paper. I found one of the wet wipes in my combat jacket pocket and proceeded not realising it was lemon impregnated, don't know if it was crying or just massive eye watering.
  2. Did you here about the girl from Nakon Nowhere who couldn't tell the difference between KY jelly and Putty? All her windows fell out.
  3. For a fee I'll supply my mate's wife's phone number. Take her to walk about two yards in front of you. When it comes to mosquitos she is like a sacrificial anode.
  4. Different cultures, different ways. In Italy people would go for a coffee in the morning and it was always 'chatty' before and after. Can't remember any grumpies, just guys chatting and enjoying the time. Maybe the weather made a difference.
  5. As I said, just what I was told. Never really bothered with weed myself. Always find it slightly amusing when expat 'retirees' go on about it here. 99% of them sound a bit ridiculous when they go on about it. Maybe takes them back to school days, or something.
  6. They might drop the test on arrival and day 5 but my feeling is the vax requirement will stay a while longer. It may even be vax and booster required. Just sayin'.
  7. Friends in Canada used to keep the female plants sealed in polythene as they swore they keep producing 'resin' until they are fertilized. Don't know if it's true or not. I'm not a user, prefer my couple of G&T's at night, or a couple of good single malts. Hic!!
  8. Yew really make me pine for a good joke. Maybe yew can root around for one.
  9. My first time working in Norway for the first few nights out I wondered why some of the locals got a bit drunk on two beers. It was explained to me that they would drink at home before going out, much cheaper, and only buy a couple in the bar, much more expensive.
  10. I think it was on the books but really ignored for many years. It was 'discovered' again and then enforced again, but what year I'm not sure.
  11. The biggest worry is the Thai rice farmers getting hooked on vintage and classic red wines. Once they have sampled some really good Italian and French reds they will just sit around all day discussing them, instead of going back to work in the afternoon they will be going to wine shops at 2pm for a few more bottles.
  12. It's been dying a slow death for a good few years. As you say Covid was the final nail in the coffin.
  13. Yes boss, we walked all that section yesterday and we're sure it wasn't there then.
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