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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. If may have skipped your attention but women like sex as much as men do. Too many men firmly believe on a night out, in uk/usa/eu, the woman they talked to on a night out and went home with them is all down to their smooth chat and that they are irresistible. It's because the woman wanted a 'bit' as well. If hard cash for it enters the arena she's a 'hooker'.
  2. Just binge watched Trigger Point (first series) and previously Cracker. TP is ok but the scenes of defusing some of the explosive devices are a bit 'off'. Cracker was entertaining.
  3. I honestly don't get this I wouldn't marry an english/scottish/welsh/irish girl. Let's say she is slim, attractive, educated and even has a good job. Where's the problem if you both feel the same about each other?
  4. If someone met a hooker (bar girl)? in uk usa or eu would you 1 Think about getting married to her? 2 Give her parents a lump of cash? Just askin'.
  5. As it was 2009. Only 3 or 4 bars left now it seems.
  6. If all goes well and she gets the visa and you have shown booked flights for eg to uk 1/××/2022 and back to Thailand 30/××/2022. Do not decide to stay another 4/5/6 weeks past the return date. If you do want/need to extend email to uk Imm' with why, how, where etc etc and keep a copy of the email and any reply. If you stay longer than the dates you stated on the application they will know and it could cause rejection for any other visa application.
  7. Today have info from KLM and Finnair that no PCR required for UK. Thai Air should be the same but you have to call them yourself.
  8. You really need to ask the airline. Another thread is running on this. At the moment some airlines are still asking for it and some are not. I assume some airlines will assume that if Thailand asks for it then other countries will as well.
  9. Couple of airlines I've looked at are still quoting PCR pre flight and locator forms on day 3 for uk. I do wish they would all 'catch up'.
  10. OP, just be careful if you get a local 'gardener' to cut any grass you do get growing well. 99% of them tend to cut back to soil level using what I call 'industrial scalpers' usually called strimmers. In 10 minutes they can turn a nice green lawn into a fair representation of the sahara and it can take a long time to recover depending on the time of year.
  11. At one time we had 3 or 4 combs on the front door overhang. Not sure what 'species' of bee but they were very 'calm' bees and never reacted in any way to us going in and out past them. We never bothered them and they never bothered us.
  12. It seems that some bees in this part of the world do change location (migrate) at times. One article I read saying they do an altitude change and not just a location change related to seasons. Seems worker bees live only weeks but the queen can live 5 or 6 years.
  13. Interesting post. I'll try to find that.
  14. Well, generally if you google something you get directed to answers on usa websites. Asean now, formerly Thai Visa is much more Thai oriented so you are more likely to get answers from people who are here long term and have 'Thai related' experience or knowledge especially whe it comes to Thai local dogs. You think all dogs are the same, they're not.
  15. When it was the fashion to stick snuff up your nose (nowadays cocaine has taken over it seems) the gentry carried brown silk hankies. You can picture why if you imagine a white hankie being used if you've stuck a load of brown powder up your nostrils.
  16. But the story does it's job in getting so many to click on it, gets airtime for the ads.
  17. Thai dog. She would probably like that. ????????
  18. ???? (Nice sign) We do change food brand quite often. She is now about 12/13 years old and isn't the energetic dog she was. Sleep/eat seems to be her lifestyle now. Neighbour suggested adding some pineapple to her food, seems the result is that the 'processed' pineapple smell puts dogs off eating the result.
  19. Go back to the playground, your bestest friend ever is missing you.
  20. And people blow loads of germ laden snot into a hankie and then stick it in their pocket to carry it around with them all day. Me, I usually go to the loo, use tissue to blow my nose and then flush it.
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