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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Generally people post questions on here because they can get an answer from someone who has had experience of the problem and that experience is most likely Thailand related. Google is fine if you want an answer that is USA based.
  2. Every so often our thai dog (female) eats its poo. It's not regular, as in every day. Usually she poos and heads back to her own area and we scoop the poop and bin it. If we take our eyes off her when she has 'done' just now and then she'll scoop it first. Anyone know why she does this and is there any change we can make to her diet or, and it would be last resort, any meds that can make her poo un-tasty? for her. Her diet is normally dried dog food, plenty of fresh water and cooked meat now and then.
  3. China doesn't need/want aggression to take over another country.
  4. Just sometimes!!!! LINE_MOVIE_1646193720778.mp4
  5. In particular I'm looking for front tyres/wheels that are NOT the hard solid type. Softer rubber or even pnuematic. Does anyone know of s supplier in Bsngkok? Lots of adds for wheels on the usual shopping on line sites but never enough or too much info to sort through. Thanks in advance.
  6. A quick check at the hospital, mine was done at Bangkok/Pattaya. They take a small skin sample and send it for analysis. Dlctor was concerned it might have been skin cancer but result was psoriasis. Daivonex worked well to control it, edges of feet and palm edges. After my 2nd AZ jab it really flared up on tops of my feet and lower shins. I ended up going back to hospital in Bangkok when Daivonex really didn't do much for it and was given Daivobet, well bought Daivobet, and that seems to work fast when needed.
  7. Legs stick out on the sides, centipede. Legs underneath, millipede. ????
  8. Check updated other new sources ( that can't be mentioned) reporting Putin has put his nuke defenses on standby so I'd forget worrying about the price of petrol.
  9. It's not everyday normal. We had to do similar at times when our GSD got old and lost a bit of control in the pee and poo department. Most times she would make it out to the grass but every so often she didn't. However I do think it's a bit odd to put nappies on a young dog.
  10. Every now and then we get a small grey centipede in the bathroom. Sorry no photo as yet. About one inch (in old money) 25mm long. Not fast moving. I've searched and googled but can't find anything that looks like it. Anyone else seen anything like the description
  11. Just saying as the OP only mentions Thai Air and that could be mis-leading to some readers/posters. It also states Thai Airways is the only carrier flying to Europe and that is mis-leading.
  12. Check any airline that flies into/out Thailand and you'll find none of them are using Ukraine's airspace.
  13. Getting a bottle of wine here without having to search the label for the print, that requires a magnifying glass, saying 'Fruit Wine' meaning it's up to 15% added fruit juice or whatever is the most annoying thing about wine here. And nowadays it's not much cheaper than a half decent real wine.
  14. This was the Ferrari model with the Prancing Horse addition.
  15. I heard the convertible model was called The Lada Skip. Edit. The model in the photo had a heated rear window. Designed to keep your hands warm when pushing it in the winter time.
  16. See someone in uk begging using a sign saying 'Need money for food'. Offer them a fresh burger and fries they will probably throw it at you.
  17. Troop sergeant we had reckoned one story was the best looking 'tranny' at one time was an RAF corporal. Edit. Photo from the 70's, I think
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