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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. I'm a bit concerned about the price of my weekly can of Buluga Caviar to be honest.
  2. If it is positive you will most likely be given a time the next day for a PCR ( most likely pos' result ) and stay wherever??? until you are escorted to your 10 day location.
  3. To be honest it's unlikely to be the pipes and more likely to be the flexi-joints between the pipes.
  4. Not sure if it's true but I read that Spike Milligans headstone says I told you I was sick.
  5. If it fell on a clergyman you might have charged with bleach of the priest.
  6. Worked with a guy who 'returned' from Zimbabwe. Every month he was allowed to transfer back to UK 1% of the interest ?% his money (that he had to leave there) made.
  7. Is this social scale based on the misconception that the more money you make/have the less your s--t stinks?
  8. Electric wheelchair only does 8kph so doubt if it's speeding. ????????
  9. Just had a call from a number starting +997 saying I had an outstanding driving fine to pay. I just hung up on it. Checked +997 code and it is noted as unassigned. Scam or what?
  10. No, legally she can't. If it's only in your name it can't be touched by anyone else.
  11. I think a few years ago the plots were numbered as they were sold. Number 1 obviously being the first and obviously next sold was 2 even if it was 15 or 20 plots away. Last place we had was xxx/43 and next door was xxx/51. ????????????
  12. They will probably maybe declare it endemic by the end of the year.
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