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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Headline should read Out of this world and inside farmer Somchai.
  2. For a couple of reasons the house number will change by the addition of /x. Would you bother changing it on 90 day reports or leave until next extention renewal?
  3. overherebc


    Who or what establishment sets off fireworks most if not all saturdays in Bangkok?
  4. Seems it's back to the drawing board. They found the box but the Phad Krapao had gone. Only the rice was left. ???????????????? Not a joke
  5. Latest news. They found the package when it fell back, good result on that part. And now the sad part. Someone had opened it and scoffed the Phad Krapao, but left the rice. I'm not joking.
  6. Do you really thinkit's a good idea to get involved? Better to sit back and let them knock 7 bells out of each other. Too many cases everywhere nowadays where knives and guns appear.
  7. In the 80's the last pay toll area on the autostrada just before Naples gunfire used to happen a lot. People trying to get their cars into the front at the pay booth.
  8. To fix a leak in a seabed pipeline first you have to get the pipeline to the surface. It is unfortunate that residual oil can escape while doing this as is very likely in this case.
  9. Don't think so. They are now sending Phad Thai up in the air tied to balloons to see if it changes its nutitional value. How they find it when it comes back down I don't know. Edit. Sorry it's Phad Krapao that's getting the balloon ride. ???? You think I'm joking??
  10. An add on. What this means is that a company might be limited to buý from only supply companies that are registered under, for example, ISO etc. It won't matter if real engineers know a supplier that can provide a better quality product. If that company can't produce suitable QA documentation then it won't be possible to buy their product.
  11. Think you'll be waiting a long time for the bars to open on the strip.. Even pre-covid the strip was usually dead by 9-9.30.
  12. Years ago it was usual to have inspection plans and systems in place that covered 100% of fabrications. As time went on the inspection programmes became more and more under the control of the bean counters. Inspections are no longer under the control of qualified engineers but are controlled by finance departments. Another part of it is the fact that QA has taken over, QA and QC are two different animals. One produces paperwork and the other produces results that can produce costs. QC has been reduced to help finance QA which is really only a load of printed waffle on how well a company does things. Whether it does things well or not doesn't actually matter, it's the printed word that's important, not the facts.
  13. Maybe you should think it's residual oil in the pipeline spilling when the line is being lifted to do repairs in the first place and not as you imagine a faulty repair.
  14. Why not post photographs of the Torrey Canyon then? Of course an oil leak into the sea is not good but posting a photograph of a previous leak hitting the beach is a bit off as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure the hotels near that beach area will be impressed by it.
  15. That photo is not the second leak. It's the last one. A bit sensational to post it I think.
  16. Scary thought for the ones on 'agent bought' extensions and minimum pension income.
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