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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. 'They' not me, will tell you that's why you should have 800,000 in the bank or 65,000 income a month. PS i'm not saying good or bad, I'm just saying that is very likely the answer you will get from 'them'.
  2. 6 months ago it was (midrate) 37 to £1. Now (midrate) it's around 44 to £1. Isn't that better for uk tourists? Sorry, a year ago, not 6 months.
  3. My wife said to me last night that she wished she had bigger boobs. I said rub tissue paper between them every day. Will that work? she asked. I said it should do, it seems to have worked on your backside. Please send help!!!!!
  4. For some countries I think 'scare-ient' rather than varient fits better.
  5. Would suggest you buy insurance from a uk company and get confirmation they will pay if on 2nd test you are positive but show no symptoms. This would mean 10 days in hospital/hospitel and it appears now that Thai insurance companies will only pay if you are ill and require treatment in hospital. Check these points carefully. There is a thread running on Asean now on these points.
  6. Amazing. Still on page one and no mention of Sin-Sod. ???????????? Must have been typing at the same time as @Sydebolle ????????
  7. I only read this because the headline made me think he had been shooting 'at' his salt field.. ????????????
  8. Read my post carefully and you will actually see I was only expressing a little bit of surprise that seed grown, say seeds from store bought avocados, would produce good fruit. I do know that wild orange trees in south Italy produce fruit but they are so bitter and with so little juice they are impossible to eat. I know, I've tried.
  9. I was always told grown from seed it is very unlikely to produce fruit. Normally it's done by a transplanted branch from a tree actually producing fruit.
  10. From other sources I'm reading they were offered for training purposes. That could be taken as familiarisation with control systems etc. A lot of that could be done without actually having to go sub-surface or in fact going to sea.
  11. In the event of sudden loss of cabin pressure rolls of duct tape will fall from the overhead panels.
  12. I think it's to stop you disappearing after you take the second test. I believe 'officially' you must remain in your room until the result of the test is known
  13. How would the transport be arranged if you book t&g for Koh Chang? Hotel would have send a car/minibus? How would that work if your flight arrived too late for a ferry that day where would you have to spend the first night?
  14. Anyone ever cut one of these back. Did it spread new tops or just grow one new top from a shoot at the cut line.
  15. Where is he going, Phuket? I would imagine with sandbox history the hotels there might be more up to speed with the systems now in place.
  16. So, If the hotel for day 5 responds prior to the hotel for day 1 will that cause the application to be rejected?
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