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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. I did at one time do a speed reading course. At the end I read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It's about Russia.
  2. Mid-Sommer in England seems to have about 5 murders a week. It's true, I've seen it on TV, in colour. ????????
  3. Because I mis-read as vaccination trip. I would probably have written vacation or trip, not both.
  4. @Upnotover Just wondering what's funny about getting 2 jabs and a booster?
  5. Just out of interest why are you leaving to get a vaccine? I've had my 2 and booster booked for next week.
  6. Reading/understanding the small print on any insurance policy nowadays might possibly require the services of a lawyer.
  7. In the middle east that was managed by issuing a contract to a Filipino company.
  8. Haven't seen mentioned what treatment you are offered/given if on positive test you end up in hospital for 10 days. Assuming you have no symptoms.
  9. Looking at this cropped area I do get the impression it wasn't born with that shape of neck.
  10. Strange post. Of course it's a file photo. Believe it or not I don't keep a suuply of live snakes around to photograph. The OP's photo is a bit distant and needs to be expanded to try and get a good look at the snake.
  11. Now it's had its neck broken does it matter? Looks like an ex kukri. Harmless.
  12. I did ask about if you go for a weekend away and, let's say ìt's not made obvious to you, it's a hotel used by T&G and a day 5 guest is positive are you going to get roped in as a close contact. Couple of answers said don't use a SHA+ hotel but would you feel safe knowing the place isn't SHA+? Staying home seems a better choice at the moment.
  13. I would take a prnt out of the email to the office that issued the WP show them and ask their advice. They will direct you to the Labour Court office.
  14. Many Thais in BKK wear masks a lot of the time, even pre covid. Air quality has a lot to do with it.
  15. I am not aware that that situation exists and would not be able to comment on it if it did in fact exist or I was made aware that it may in fact exist.
  16. How long exactly were you employed and were you offered severence pay? Talk to the office that issued the WP to find out what you are entitled to.
  17. I come from a line of PhDs. Painters, house Decorators. Nine years in the army and was awarded the CDM. Cadbury's Dairy Milk VD and Scar. On my final day the DCB. Don't Come Back.
  18. Ok I wear a mask when out and about, it's no big problem but I do like the following
  19. No. On another news programme (Thaiger News) it was reported that Pattaya would become an Islamic friendly destination. Does that mean the roast pig and balloons outside the restaurant/bar will be a no-no?
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