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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. By 'the good old days' do you mean 'when the natives knew their place'?
  2. Second extension but first at CW and 90 coincides with renewal date if that makes a difference. The IO did say it was considered a first because we moved and renewed at CW.
  3. Is renewing your extension considered as one of your 90 day reports. If yes, thanks. If no, what happens when you do your report 90 days after you do the extension?
  4. Politicians always all over the world always seem to end up rich. This leads to the question 'who is smart?' Or maybe it's more animal cunning than intelligence.
  5. Confirms my thoughts. Setting to 9 is coldest. Thanks. Edit. Old freezer was the other way around, coldest on left. SWMBO was the one who was tending to think this new one worked the same way.
  6. That's theway I look at it, but, I have a wife who can't decide whether the 'arrow' means warmer or colder. ????????
  7. Might seem daft question. What is the coldest setting, on the left or on the right? Model B
  8. Every generation of 'youth' always has been classed as lazy. Generally by old gits like me and everyone my age.
  9. Nothing is going to be cheaper when it all starts again. The business idea of fewer customers so raise the prices will never die.
  10. More likely a 50% surcharge for double vaxxed models. ????????
  11. Order what you want on Grab or Line apps. Would that include your night time 'entertainment' for your hotel room? Edit. Could you insist that your delivery had been double jabbed ( with vaccine that is )?
  12. So that means the bar industry isn't needed? Not quite sure if hotel room orgies are going to save the tourist industry.
  13. Wouldn't the term permanent resident mean being resident and would that be the same/similar to being a sort of resident, maybe? But, when you land in Thailand you will be using for eg a UK/USA etc passport so how will they classify you?
  14. These work well. Most home stores have them and also on line.
  15. Sad but it's a sign of the times. Public toilets classed as a security risk because of the crazies with bombs etc.
  16. ???? The original was known as a 'desert rose'. It had a funnel top and with a good sprinkle of DDT arond it served two purposes. Pee went about 12" to 18" under the surface and the DDT killed off the flies searching for moisture. ????????
  17. Many just don't care if the new pick up gets taken away. It seems to be accepted as 'that's the way it is'. Somehow a few months later a new one appears outside the house.
  18. I do really know a guy who did that and gave his wife a 'little present'. Antibiotics cleared it up but it ended up in divorce back in UK. Cost him plenty.
  19. If the bar/sex industry goes completely from Pattaya how many will really start looking to move and where to?
  20. It is going to take a long time to change perceptions for sure.
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