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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Can't argue with any of your points. And it's those points that made it an embarrassment to the majority of Thais and the government/Tourist Authority. I have no idea how they plan to change it or what they plan to replace it with. Maybe like this
  2. Bar owners and whoremongers are such a nice lot who do so much for the country. Come on, don't kid yourself.
  3. Where do get the idea I have an obsession with gogo bars? I do have an obsession with fast cars and motorbikes, but that's beside the point. Also the next time I worry about what other people think of me will be the first. I don't spend my time trying to win points over others. I just say what I think. It would be nice if others did the same...
  4. But that isn't plastered all over the press in the west because there is no interest in it in the west. And it has nothing to do with the tourist industry.
  5. Your last sentence. Probably yes they are. How 'hands on' they will be in taking care of and making sure what they offer is another point. Making up lovely stories is fine if what they advertise actually exists.
  6. If improving it involves making it more pleasant for everyone eg a sewage system that works, lots of nice areas to visit to sit, relax and watch the world go past. Not having to see drunks from wherever on the streets all the time. Not being choked by exhaust fumes from traffic jams most of the time etc etc then I see no reason not to change.
  7. It's been in decline for years. Covid just added to the decline, slow to almost overnight
  8. Well, it's closed for those who came for 2/3/4 weeks, whatever, for beer and sex. Most of them couldn't get lucky in deathrow in a womens prison with a handful of pardons. I wonder how many posters on here have a business interest in the bargirl scene or are really so concerned about the lack of work/income for those who are.
  9. Will it make Thailand a bad place to bring your family on holiday if the sex industry is gone or vastly reduced? Just askin'
  10. Could be that way. It begs the question what will happen to all the real estate in say pattaya that 'was' reliant on dare I say 'the sex industry'? Will it all end up as family restaurants, Indian tailors and Chinese take aways? It's all going to be very interesting to say the least. A lot of other countries have busy tourist businesses that don't rely on an in your face sex industry.
  11. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the bars to open. Restaurants selling alcohol again, yes, most likely.
  12. Re' flights. Read this morning ( newspaper can't be named ) some gov'minister or other said these conditions all aplly to chartered flights, all others must sandbox. Maybe I'm reading it wrong !!!
  13. I really am asking for a friend who is talking about bringing his car from Australia. I thought they had stopped all import of personal cars to here. Sure I read it on here somewhere. I've told him even if he could do the import duties would probably be more than the value of the car. Anyone can confirm or deny? Thanks.
  14. Thay were standard issue in the British Army in the 70's and might even still be.
  15. Thought Covid extensions were done at Muang Thon Thani not Chang Wattana.
  16. Should add we are/will be double vaxxed. My 2nd 8 days before planned date of visit (AZ). My wife 2 Sinovac 2nd a month ago.
  17. Travelling to Trat from Bangkok. 2 x Astrazenica required. 14 day period. Does the 14 day start from date of first or second injection?
  18. A quick look up and down to guesstimate what you can afford or how 'scruffy' you look and off you go to nice room or cardboard bed heaven, maybe.
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