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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. I wore those in the north of Canada and got to admit when you had to go in minus 20C they were a good idea.
  2. Just think, an hour earlier they could have saved his/her (just to stay on topic????) other three legs.
  3. Do you think I'm as stupid as most who would believe it's real. Stop taking yourself so seriously, no-one else does.
  4. The whole load of ideas that their is some great bearded being in the sky who is in charge of everything and can see and hear all the people on the planet (at the same time). Have you ever seen any of the great master pieces of adam and eve? Look closely and you'll see they've got belly buttons. Think about that for as long as you like. ????
  5. True, but let's keep all religions going. Each one is the perfect excuse for a war. And don't forget God is on YOUR side.
  6. Yes, but it is always the fault of the oppostion. Where's the sarky button??
  7. Only side effect I had was a flair up of my psoriasis. Usually I get a couple of small patches but after my first AZ I got much larger patches with a bit of swelling I've never had before. It was something I had never heard of and a bit of searching showed it's uncommon but is being reported elsewhere and studied. My usual cream did clear it but it took much longer than usual to do so. Interested to know if anyone else has had a similar experience.
  8. I haven't been a 'bar regular' for many years now, (married), so for me the closing of the bars doesn't really bother me (still feel for those who now have no income though). What I did notice more after settling down when talking to people at work/in the office etc was the sense of embarrassment that many Thai people had with regard to the 'expat bar scene'. I often wonder how many expats realise how much the majority of Thais look down on them and the bar scene. My last sentence is the reason I believe the 'open to view' is in the sights for culling. Maybe one of the reasons behind the continuing requirements for entry, (no great rush of sexpats returning). Let's face it, if you starve it long enough it will die. I'm not saying all the above is 100% the way it will be or not. Just mulling.
  9. Just got typed letter from a girl who used to work in a bar in Soi 4. Do you think it's an anagram
  10. I have a feeling that the 'openly obvious' dare I use the expresion sex oriented bars could be a thing of the past. Very likely the bars with the girls sitting outside may not be seen again. Will they survive with only the 'waitresses' inside and out of sight? I also reckon the pole dancing bars have gone for good. The underlying industry will still be there but in a different form. Can I say more behind closed doors? Where would that leave places like Nana and Soi Cowboy?
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