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Posts posted by happyinkathu

  1. Since you have friends who saw the Canadian initiate the violence, why do you find it nescesary to try to excuse the tuk tuk driver on the basis that he has a hard life. Isnt' self protection sufficient justification for beating the tourist. But can your friends explain why, after the Canadian had kicked the driver, he waited around while the driver phoned his buddies- surely they must have found that a bit odd and related that part to you...

    I have in no way excused the tuk-tuk driver..i have simply tried to post some little known facts as they stand.As for the canadian standing around..<deleted> The other thai was there in very short time,obviously located nearby when called.Whats odd about that?ODD COMMENT YOU MAKE>>WHY?

    You make some interesting points however, however I am curious where you got the stat that only 20% of the drivers own the tuk tuks. How many are there in total and what did you do talk to all of them? Second, I have been to Hua Hin twice where it appears you may reside. I found it interesting that on both occassions no matter where or how far I had to go the fee was 150 baht to start. Seems like someone got together to collude on a set price.

    As far as the poor drivers queing up to take over a failed driver I find that hard to believe. These people althougth uneducated all seem to know each other no matter what the business they are in. Stupid is what stupid does but no one can be that stupid can they????

    :) I have a brother-in-law who owns his tuk-tuk..his estimate is that 20% of tuk-tuks are owned...why would he not tell me the facts?

    As far as queing up for ''a great job'' earning ''big money'' hey if you are a near illiterate labourer in Isaan or Chiang mai/chiangrai where the average days pay is..give or take a baht or two, maybe 180 baht,would you not travel to Patong to earn the promised big money.?

    Like any mafia type operations honesty is not their no.1 virtue, they scam their own people as well you know!

    You are severely mistaken if you think Kathu is near Hua Hin..What is your meaning here? I'm interested to know?Really!


    Your comment''immaginary friends''Hey i have many friends, both thai and farang..some good some not so good, but my friend NON are immaginary. Can you say the same? :D

  2. One thing is obvious from the story. The driver in this case, and many, many others I have met while living here, seem to have forgotten the GOLDEN RULE of business. " The customer is always right"!

    :) Sure but what if the customer gets right in your face, poking his finger , screaming etc, and then actually kicks you ,albeit only in the leg, not chest as told, [fact!!] He is right but moreso he is very wrong>> :D

  3. I have friends who did in fact see the canadian first verbally, and then physically attack the driver!!

    BUT consider the following..long i know but shows the facts.

    I am the first to agree that violence is not always the way to solve a problem,but please ,all you expats consider what goes on in your own countries,they are not immune to these types of goings on at all. Most taxi and/or tuk-tuk drivers anywhere in the world are not exactly rocket scientists but most are good people, and it only takes a few bad apples to upset the works.

    The difference is that in expats home countries these people are probably on a salary plus percent as income or they are owner drivers..The few bad apples there are either greedy and/or predatory in an bid to increse their take home pay.

    In phuket only 20% are owner drivers, so the majority are leasees.These guys have to pay 500 baht dailey in the high season, and 300 baht in the low,[ and the low these days is probably at least 8 months long] to their collective employers..Who they are i can not find out yet, but no doubt they are in the upper end of society!and anonamous for their own protection.

    They ,like any mafia around the world have underlings to do their menial tasks, such as finance collection,self protection,standovers, etc.Basically these upper enders are the very ones that some of you misguided expats think are the ones to appeal to to stop this rot. IMPOSSIBLE..They are not at all concerned.

    What you are seeing is the tip of the iceburg [the drivers] .They are visible to us at all times, and sadly when one snaps due to the situation they are in regards finances in this quiet high season the sh--t hits the fan and ,well look at some of the outragious comments posted, unbelievable statements from some 'educated expats', quite embarressing some of them!

    Anyway back to the root cause of all this; The drivers [scapegoats] are made the villain in all this.

    Like i said ,high season..500 baht, low season 300 baht to be paid to the MAN. Come hel_l or high water this money MUST be paid.

    They are given grace of 3 days of non pay ,then they get the visit.A beating, followed by the taking back of the tuk-tuk and basically told GO HOME and don't return..huge loss of face as well as loss of employment. Of course there is a queue of potential new drivers waiting to take his place to earn BIG MONEY [as they are told] and this cycle repeats and repeats.

    And the uppers naturally want more and more tuk-tuks to provide more and more daily income...not a problem in their eyes.

    Consider the sheer number of tuk-tuks now,compared to the lower number of fares, and you don't have to be Einstein to see that the drivers are stuggling to meet their financial obligations, after also paying running costs, it is near impossible to earn a basic living even now , let alone after Feb.

    The consequence of all this is exactly what we see now!

    When times get tough[er] a man will react, often violently in a bid to have at least some income.

    This is the case in the whole TWO incidents so far regarding drivers over reacting!!

    IMO this is going to get far, far more common an occurance as time goes on, as more and more drivers can not meet their obligations to the secretive bosses.....Desperate people often make the wrong decisions..thats human nature!!

    I agree totally, If you want to get rid of a problem, you need to go to the source! I nearly gave up on TV, as it seems lately it is just full of ads and post from people who would be better off not having a computer IMHO. It's a delight to read something so well thought through! Thank you.

    Thank you jbhh and i totally agree with your comment re; ''posts from people who would be better off not having a computer""

    It is very obvious that these people are sensationalists and have no idea of the real goings on in this ''saga''..much addo about not much at all in the grander scheme of things.

    It seems to me that those who are included in the above,with all there handwringing and breastbeating, about the potential demise of Phuket,seem to have this desire for my chosen home to suffer this fate [demise] so they can come back later and say..see i told you so!

    You have read and understood the facts as i posted, but sadly, and as a reflection of the ''motives'' of the above people, they choose to ignore this and go off on there little personal vendettas and Thai bashing as usual.The guy that wants to go a bash 'em all is a great ambassador for his country..two wrongs don't make a right bud!...all talk or hopefully just a comedianne...

  4. Interesting twist. Did he plead guilty to get out of the country? Did he do it? I see a saga beginning.

    I would not be surprised if he really kicked the tuk tuk driver.....I have seen too many aggressive farangs.

    Here here and there are always two sides to any story!

    I have friends who did in fact see the canadian first verbally, and then physically attack the driver!!

    BUT consider the following..long i know but shows the facts.

    I am the first to agree that violence is not always the way to solve a problem,but please ,all you expats consider what goes on in your own countries,they are not immune to these types of goings on at all. Most taxi and/or tuk-tuk drivers anywhere in the world are not exactly rocket scientists but most are good people, and it only takes a few bad apples to upset the works.

    The difference is that in expats home countries these people are probably on a salary plus percent as income or they are owner drivers..The few bad apples there are either greedy and/or predatory in an bid to increse their take home pay.

    In phuket only 20% are owner drivers, so the majority are leasees.These guys have to pay 500 baht dailey in the high season, and 300 baht in the low,[ and the low these days is probably at least 8 months long] to their collective employers..Who they are i can not find out yet, but no doubt they are in the upper end of society!and anonamous for their own protection.

    They ,like any mafia around the world have underlings to do their menial tasks, such as finance collection,self protection,standovers, etc.Basically these upper enders are the very ones that some of you misguided expats think are the ones to appeal to to stop this rot. IMPOSSIBLE..They are not at all concerned.

    What you are seeing is the tip of the iceburg [the drivers] .They are visible to us at all times, and sadly when one snaps due to the situation they are in regards finances in this quiet high season the sh--t hits the fan and ,well look at some of the outragious comments posted, unbelievable statements from some 'educated expats', quite embarressing some of them!

    Anyway back to the root cause of all this; The drivers [scapegoats] are made the villain in all this.

    Like i said ,high season..500 baht, low season 300 baht to be paid to the MAN. Come hel_l or high water this money MUST be paid.

    They are given grace of 3 days of non pay ,then they get the visit.A beating, followed by the taking back of the tuk-tuk and basically told GO HOME and don't return..huge loss of face as well as loss of employment. Of course there is a queue of potential new drivers waiting to take his place to earn BIG MONEY [as they are told] and this cycle repeats and repeats.

    And the uppers naturally want more and more tuk-tuks to provide more and more daily income...not a problem in their eyes.

    Consider the sheer number of tuk-tuks now,compared to the lower number of fares, and you don't have to be Einstein to see that the drivers are stuggling to meet their financial obligations, after also paying running costs, it is near impossible to earn a basic living even now , let alone after Feb.

    The consequence of all this is exactly what we see now!

    When times get tough[er] a man will react, often violently in a bid to have at least some income.

    This is the case in the whole TWO incidents so far regarding drivers over reacting!!

    IMO this is going to get far, far more common an occurance as time goes on, as more and more drivers can not meet their obligations to the secretive bosses.....Desperate people often make the wrong decisions..thats human nature!!

  5. Hi alfbondi. Don't worry. It's the ocean. That's where jellyfish live. It's definitely not a box jelly. They are quite small. Like this


    Totally erroneous and potentially fatal advise to the OP

    Alfbondi asked a question about the possibility of a box jellyfish presense and you gave him bad advice.

    For your information box jellyfish grow to a size of 20- 30 cm.. soccerball size! this is not ''quite small'' and are they are lethal!

    If you are swimming in unfamiliar waters and encounter any type of jellyfish treat it like an electrical cable[big or small]ie; always presume its live!! Ditto for jellyfish..presume its dangerous.Box jellyfish can and do kill.

    Hope this answers your query a/b Easy to be aware, not afraid. :)

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