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Posts posted by happyinkathu

  1. I sense this sensitivity here quite often on tv, but: has nothing to do with seeing a farang. Quite often they will try to jump the queu,on the road, in the shop, whereever, it really does not matter who is in front.


    This is exactly what happens and does so all over the world [and especially in so called developed countries!!] There are always going to be arrogant people , world wide, who have the desire to assert their will in all situations in life, beit on the road or just in the check out queue or as one often see's , right here on TV forum...Up to them...me i sit back and let em go...Jai yen yen..easy!

    One disturbing trend though is the apparent desire by a few expats to need to use every single incident as an excuse to denigrate ALL Thais in general ..Quite sad to see.. IMO!! ALL Thais in Phuket are not the lowlifes that some people portay them as, just as ALL falang are not inflicted with the ''Superiority complex'' that is very apparent on this forum.

  2. So you just live in fear ?? No thanks I'll take my chances..

    Good on you mate.....This is why you have had so many incidents in Thaland i figure.

    A couple of brushes over a decade hardly 'many incidents' in my book..


    Sorry you didn't get the gist of my reply to your comment ''So you just live in fear?? No thanks i'll take my chances..''

    You have used this type of ''tough talk'' and similar terminology in multiple posts ,not just this one.

    Hence, my reply.

    But this post from mikebike portrays the facts better than i can...Thanks M/b

    No... the ones livin' in fear are those who are afraid they're manhood is in question if someone does something to invoke their ire... the ones who fear that giving way to an erratic driver will somehow diminish their superior driving skills, the ones who are so afraid that they must carry a weapon to defend themselves from the unseen villains lurking in the shadows... that, mon ami, is livin'(LOS) in fear.

  3. So you just live in fear ?? No thanks I'll take my chances..

    Good on you mate.....This is why you have had so many incidents in Thaland i figure.

    Movie quotes are easy.... Another Clint Eastwood one you could use..[ Go ahead, make my day..]

    There is a name for people who understand the ramifications, but choose to be irrational...can't say it on here probably...anyway i guess you have been told many times before what it is.

  4. :) The real point i was making SB is the all too often used ''FOR SELF DEFENSE'' explanation given by people who feel the need to carry a weapon.

    As i posted already the conseqences of such actions i wont do say again.

    But here is my first hand account of what can happen and did happen to a good mate;

    In the late 60s we were in an outlaw m/c club...all staunch and tough and bullet proof and full of attitude and booze.

    Many members'' packed ''guns ,clubs , knives ,good ol knuckledusters etc. I chose not to for my own reasons.

    Anyway in the pub as usual on a saturday and my mate goes outside to pee [mid afternoon, fairly sober] and he is confronted by a ''bikie hater''and given an unprovocked punch to the head.

    This guy maybe 6' and 200lb,... my mate ,about the size of your average Thai ,5' and 120 lb. Mate goes OK f-#$%$#@ you and pulls a 6'' knife FOR SELF DEFENSE

    The big guy goes..c'mon,c'mon tough guy,what ya gonna do? And starts swinging...little mate goes SH$%# and stabs him [ ]once in the gut. One split second of SELF DEFENSE ended in 18 years in max security prison. This is what happens when people go armed only FOR SELF DEFENSE !!

    He spent every[ single day[/ f those 18 years regretting the fact that he went armed.Thats why im saying that being armed is a crazy move! The potential consequenses are not worth it! :D

    PS i did accidently omit the fact that the guy died of his wound....just so no one needs to ask..very sad for all.

  5. Your assuming alot here. Of course avoiding confrontation is always the best course of action. I admit flipping him off was not and example of me adhering to this rule. (A result of frustration built up over years from these fuc_kers I think) Getting distance from the angry Thai is what I tried to do after my momentary lack of judgment. I wouldn't stick around long enough for him to call even 1 friend. I don't think I in any way "went looking for trouble" that day. I am not a confrontational person at all. Quite the opposite actually, but will admit I do sometimes probably let certain things effect me too much, and this guys behavior was one of those things.

    Yeah, I won't take "a younger guy with too much testosterone flowing" the wrong way. lol

    :) The real point i was making SB is the all too often used ''FOR SELF DEFENSE'' explanation given by people who feel the need to carry a weapon.

    As i posted already the conseqences of such actions i wont do say again.

    But here is my first hand account of what can happen and did happen to a good mate;

    In the late 60s we were in an outlaw m/c club...all staunch and tough and bullet proof and full of attitude and booze.

    Many members'' packed ''guns ,clubs , knives ,good ol knuckledusters etc. I chose not to for my own reasons.

    Anyway in the pub as usual on a saturday and my mate goes outside to pee [mid afternoon, fairly sober] and he is confronted by a ''bikie hater''and given an unprovocked punch to the head.

    This guy maybe 6' and 200lb,... my mate ,about the size of your average Thai ,5' and 120 lb. Mate goes OK f-#$%$#@ you and pulls a 6'' knife FOR SELF DEFENSE

    The big guy goes..c'mon,c'mon tough guy,what ya gonna do? And starts swinging...little mate goes SH$%# and stabs him [ ]once in the gut. One split second of SELF DEFENSE ended in 18 years in max security prison. This is what happens when people go armed only FOR SELF DEFENSE !!

    He spent every[ single day[/ f those 18 years regretting the fact that he went armed.Thats why im saying that being armed is a crazy move! The potential consequenses are not worth it! :D

  6. I always rent from a taxi in phuket town. He takes me from phuket town to kata noi and comes get me when im finished, all for 400baht.

    Not bad id say? there's a ton of other guys like him. Also if i want to borrow his car, its only 500-800baht per day.(he delivers it anywhere).

    You can rent a brand new honda jazz for 1000baht a day at the airport. 100baht a day for GPS.

    You can rent motorbike for 100baht a day.

    You really have to be looking for trouble to be taking tuktuks, i dont even see why people would take them even if they were cheap. when traveling in poor and warm countries, renting 4x4's and motorbike is half the fun of the vacation. Goto cuba/dominican republic and all you'll see is westerners on motorbikes and vtt's, even if they're 70years old.

    i do understand that they alone made that choice..i have never inferred otherwise. Try kindy again this year and ,just mayby you will learn a little comprehension.

  7. Your the one missing the plot. It was clearly intended for self defense only.

    No im not missing the plot at all and i can quantify this statement....Your words ''it was clearly intended for self defense"" can only mean only this;

    If i am threatened i produce ''the bat'' yes? For self defense. Yes? Which is going to mean you may have to injure someone. Yes?

    If so then as i posted immediately applies....

    You stand up to one or two,as you say show that you can defend yourself, great and a quick ph.call and you have 5-6, you stand up to them[but very unlikely for Joe Average] another call then you have 7,8, 9 a hundred even! Then what? You are in a no win situation

    End of story...better to ignore their presence , and get on with life....unless that is, you do have a death wish. Life is too short for this sort of bull s##%%##

    If you aren't killed or are only hospitalised think what happens when you go to court SB ...take a look in the mirror, you are a falang,

    therefore you are the instigator and automatically the guilty one..Yes. And the best lawyer money can buy will not change this.

    I'm not in any way having a go at you but it is pure logic and factual.

    Dont take this the wrong way please, but my immpression of you is ''of a younger guy with too much testosterone flowing'' . This is normal ,but in reading some previous posts, you do come across as a very confrontational guy , thats your choice, but remember ''if you go look for trouble, trouble will soon find you""[saw this on a post somewhere] but very true. Jai yen yen mate.

  8. hmm, Iv been here 7 years done 3-400.000 km. There is no "turn light" in this place, vehicles crossing a 2 lane road with oncoming traffic speeding 60-120 kmh and havent seen anyone driving like this tuk tuk ever in this place. tuk tuk was giving OP the option to be rammed by oncomming traffic or just continue and not yield for tuk tuk. Wisely he continued.

    The Thai way.

    He learned it years ago.

    Not being impolite, just a clarification..have you really done 3-400.000 ks in 7 years or is this a typo?

    I'm impressed if you have done 40-60,000 ks perannum on Thai roads.Are you maybe moonlighting as a taxi driver?? :)

  9. I've been pulled over for the lane thing many times.

    The strangest one however was being pulled over for driving at daytime with low-beam lights on.


    Wife and i were driving up to Chiang mai from Phuket last year.

    Basically in the middle of nowhere a roadblock appears, and i was stopped.

    What is the problem says my wife...get this.''We stop you because falang drive the car without shirt on''

    I understand the ''polite''thing is not to be seen without a shirt on in public [wish they'd tell all the scandinavians, both male and female who are here now, that one]

    BUT i am in my private vehical, with tinted windows also!

    No fine to pay but the BIB was very ''fired up'' about it.

  10. Report it to the Governor in any case. No time like the present.


    And tell him what,pray tell..Even if you did get to his office, does he care? He's one of the Bosses for cripes sake!!

    Even going to the BIB[also bosses] but you may well get into the office.Then this scenario; BIB clerk... Make a statement please sir.


    OK i was driving and the Tuk-tuk passed me and made me angry and when a big truck came along i refused to yield, creating the possibility of a multi vehical collision,and potentially multi deaths {i hope you do realise the folly of your actions SB] because guess what YOU would have been found the culpible driver, by the Thai reasoning of you being falang!! GUILTY!!

    Also, if the above scenario had played out [which easily could have], apart from having the legal ramifications, can you even start to immagine how you would be feeling right now if your desire to ''teach the low life tuk- tuk driver not to pass me in the wrong place''[which is basically what you did] resulted in deaths, and having someone elses blood on your hands.

    Your actions are just as dangerous and crazy as the ''CRAZY TUK_TUK DRIVER" IMHO! Jai yen yen, people, please!!

  11. If I knew I was going to take a beating, I would want the satisfation that I could cause some damage before I was overwhelmed, but hey.......that's just me.

    Yeeehhh right, the guy takes your bat and returns your compliment with 100%.

    Have you ever really felt the pain of multiple fractures..i have and if you think that , that sort of pain would be overcome by the fact that you ''caused some damage'' you are in for a HUGE shock.And after the event ie for the comming 3-6 months of ops and physio you soon realise your folly.

    Believe me a'' severe beating'' you have watched on cable is far, far removed from actually taking a beating in real life.

    Walk away..easy! :)

  12. You don't also think that presenting a baseball bat is also not outragiously bad advise?

    All you guys wanting guns and carrying baseball bats have really lost the plot.

    I bet the French guy who had his arm broken wished he had a base-ball bat to hand.

    Maybe if you show that you are able to defend yourself, these cowardly tuk-tuk drivers would think twice about using violence.

    Please, use some common sense here, i figure youv been here long enough to understand better.

    You stand up to one or two,as you say show that you can defend yourself, great and a quick ph.call and you have 5-6, you stand up to them[but very unlikely for Joe Average] another call then you have 7,8, 9 a hundred even! Then what? You are in a no win situation

    End of story...better to ignore their presence , and get on with life....unless that is, you do have a death wish. Life is too short for this sort of bull s##%%##

    As with the OP ..i bet the driver all ready has OP details from his BOSSES the good ol BIB...Take care my friend.You will forget him long before he forgets you.

  13. So the boss are the ones going to the tuktuk drivers, putting a knife to their throat in their small village and telling them to come pay him 500$ baht a day and sit around all day drinking and harrassing tourists?

    No, wait.. the driver does this on his own, he chose the easiest job he could find

    :) Very sorry my friend, but your reply seems to make no sense at all in respect of the context of my post. Please feel free to have another go.

  14. Good post on wages and conditions.

    Taxi driver in Sydney will only rape you?? What about the St George Court case going on at the moment. Problems everywhere. Just hope the Taxi driver in Sydney has good English?


    Thanks Chris..very nice to have another intelligent post.All i have tried to do is put the other side out there, but as you can see the sensationalist anti-everything Thai, posters simply can not /will not except this.

  15. I was kinda wishing I had taken up my friends offer to get me a gun in case this guy really decided some payback was in order.

    Owning a gun is fine, as long as it does not leave your property.

    If you even showed your gun off property, the book would be thrown at you. Tell your mate he is giving outrageously bad advice.

    I recommend a base-ball bat on the back seat.


    You don't also think that presenting a baseball bat is also not outragiously bad advise?

    Come on guys..every country in the world has ,what they call ROAD RAGE...And if you flip someone in AUS you will get the bashing!!

    You should consider yourself extremely lucky that you didn't receive the bash this time.

    The tuk-tuk was breaking the law..thats his problem, why antagonise things.You are not the police are you?

    All you guys wanting guns and carrying baseball bats have really lost the plot.Try it in your own country...doomed to failure ,same as here.FACT; you produce a weapon of any type..you are going to have to use it! Then what ,heroes? IMO you watch too many movies, not the same in reality boys!

    What are you going to do? Shoot or bat a crazy man because he upset you in the traffic..hope you enjoy prison food, or more likely providing fertiliser for the Daiseys. Jai yen-yen chaps :D

  16. I am a foreigner ( iranian/dutch) living in holland. When i came here i was surprised about the fact that foreigners did not try to behave as they should in a country where they are new comers ( specially a portion of people from certain countries wich were at the time mostly completely uneducated guest workers ). As a foreigner/new comer you have a responsibility to behave better than the standards in that society and even then you will have trouble being accepted a little by the people of that country. We can find many excuses for the people who could or would not blend in or even behave... :)

    First time i was in thailand i was even more shocked about the bad behaviour of the tourist :D s/expats and after i got to know some people i noticed that thai people i knew started complaining to me and telling me all the shit :D they had to put up with the "farangs" who behave like they own the place and thais who are seving them in a way ( hotel/hospital etc) are actualy their servants :D .

    20 years ago i was wandering when the situation is going to change and anti immigrant sentiments which are very common and natural to humans going to surface ( it did ) the same thing seems realistic in the way thai people are ever more viewing the tourists/ new comers with 1 big difference that the foreigners mostly brig money into country and create jobs and are needen to some extent.

    I don't know why i started this but just look around in thailand and you will see that a lot of people coming here have not learned to behave themself. I am not trying to say that the thais are perfect, yes a lot of things annoy me ass well. But let's look at our own faults too.

    No one could tell for sure what the story behind this canadian-tuk tuk fight is, but yes the drivers have a rough life as do the BG etc

    One taxidriver in bangkok brought me to a tailor so he could get a coupon for gas as a reward from the owner. I went in, talked to the guy and came back after few minutes, they told the driver that he wouldn't get shit because they knew that i was tricked by him to come and pretend like i am a customer lol he was so upset he started hitting himself and almost cried ( dam_n i got scared of him loosing his mind and kill me :D ) i did feel bad for the old bugger but ..........


    At last..a sensible and honest post about the other side of the coin..but dont expect a good response from all the Tuk-tuk haters[ make that Thai, in general haters] Thanks ARas for promoting another perspective.

  17. I have posted similar opinions as Happy In K regarding the culture of VIOLENCE that the tuk tuk mafia drivers find themselves in. They are subject to violence if they don't follow their mafia rules, they are prone to violence if customers don't cave in to their over the top expectations. However, I couldn't disagree more that they are going to revolt and give Phuket a cost efficient and convenient public transportation system. They aren't the slightest bit interested in the public good. Yes it is all survival and money for them. No, that alone doesn't make them evil, of course. However it is a dream that a tuk tuk mafia drivers revolt (if it happens) is going to change things for the better for the PUBLIC. Maybe for them. Only a government that actually cares about the public and that includes TOURISTS (whose happiness is vital to Phuket's future as a popular destination) have the potential power to really make a positive change for the public. Will they do anything other than lip service? Fat chance, also.

    Real life example. How did it happen that Bangkok's taxi meters now mostly use their meters when it used to be none of them did? Was it a driver's revolt? Of course not! It was strong government.


    OMG.. whats with you guys..another case of ''please read and understand'' the post before you come out with ''YOUR VERSION"" of what i said..BUT I DIDN"T SAY!!! PLLLEEEAAASSS !!

    Where did i say ''The tuk-tuk drivers will revolt'' Please put your glasses on, put your brain in gear, read this over and over SLOWLY and try and understand this time""ONLY THE COLLECTIVE ANGRY POWER OF THE AVERAGE, LONG SUFFERING THAI CITIZENS WILL CHANGE THIS SITUATION''...easy huh, now go have a nice cuppa and post a reply with your re-thought reply..Thank you very much.

    Also regarding your comment re Bangkok taxis not adrivers revolt , but strong government...I agree 100% but this is not Bangkok..Please also read as i posted, again that you didn't absorb, or chose not too..

    The sheer number of tuk-tuks that are leased to these drivers by the owners [the big money makers] are the root cause of all these problems. Unfortunately the people who are the cause are also the ones who have the power [probably by law or at least legislation] to put an end to this fiasco!! Are they going to? 5555555 No way, far too big an earner for them


    Certainly the Governor of Phuket - who probably gets kickbacks from the Tuk Tuk mob - isn't going to do anything. He is a big talker. He is all over the island dining with big wheels and talking. That's all he does, talk, talk, talk.

    I am not at all interested in continueally going head to head with you or any other person,who continually misconstrue clear posts.

    If you are doing it for a stir or perhaps simply boredom,please go play somewhere else.Much appreciated Sir.

  18. I agree that the biggest villains are the `Dons` - the owners who pay the graft contributing to the predominant rotten corruption. But you are way off mark portraying the the drivers as innocent hard working artisans.

    Tuk tuk experiences are the number one bad experience tourists complain of when visiting the island. Why is that? Most don`t read this forum so are unlikely to be predjudiced. That must leave their experiences - of being charged 1st world prices in a 3rd world country for a 10th rate service. Of agreeing one (overpriced) fare and being charged more upon arrival at destination, often with menaces. Of being driven by a surly drunk. Of being constantlty pestered while out for a leisurely stroll. Of having nowhere to park, and being attacked if they park in a public spot stolen by these thugs.

    No one forces these guys to be tuk tuk drivers. There are plenty of jobs on the building sites where it seems only the burmese are prepared to get their hands dirty.

    I really think they expect tourists to walk towards them with their wallets open inviting them to take what they want. When that doesnt happen, thats when they get angry and violent.

    :) Please read and understand my post, , where in gods name ,tell me did i ever come near to saying''the drivers are innocent hard working artisans''[even though a lot of them are !!

    I merely have made an effort to balance this debate by posting some facts that many people dont know or more likely dont want to know[dont want to have facts interferring with a good ''lynch mob hysteria do we''!]

    You or i or anyone else who unfortunately found themselves caught up in a similar situation would have no option but to do the same.IT IS SURVIVAL for them.Also as i said I DO NOT CONDONE IN ANY WAY, THEIR ACTIONS!!

    Sure ,there is also an element of thugs entrenched there, and that no doubt extends from the very visible driver right up to the hidden money makers in high society[iMO the biggest thugs] but that is no different to,; many western police forces, military, taxis, football teams,etc, etc ad nauseum;All over the world, in every walk of life, you will find thugs!

    And yes i do agree with what you have said above..they are a blight, and annoying and yes they take all the car parks, but as i said ''

    The sheer number of tuk-tuks that are leased to these drivers by the owners [the big money makers] are the root cause of all these problems. Unfortunately the people who are the cause are also the ones who have the power [probably by law or at least legislation] to put an end to this fiasco!! Are they going to? 5555555 No way, far too big an earner for them!!.

    As i have said in another post. ONLY THE COLLECTIVE ANGRY POWER OF THE AVERAGE, LONG SUFFERING THAI CITIZENS WILL CHANGE THIS SITUATION And i know for a fact that a lot of regular Thais have had enough of this already. It will happen IMHO....

  19. violence is predominant in Thai tourist resorts,

    this is very obvious to many visitors who visit over the past three years ,we can turn a blind eye and say well Farangs are basically offensive rude to the Buddhist pacifist Thais, when you have to feed your family and mafia are ruling your community there is no choice. Be aware be very careful times are a changing and most phuked residence know this now but are afraid to say as property prices have plummeted.

    it is a sorry state but till those who are influential and are willing to stand up to the Thai mafia you are doomed I am sorry to say.

    :) This is absolutely correct, and all the expat hysteria will not change this, it will only change when the true residents[Thais] not us long term visitors, are effected enough and en-masse turn against the various mafia groups and say'' enough is enough'' and petition or protest to the powers that be ,or take to the streets themselves!! At the moment ALL the other Thais are petrified of the repercussions from this minority of gangsters. And BTW there still are ahell of a lot of NICE Thais, working for a pittance,but getting on with life[surviving]and minding their own business.

    There are many who think this is 100% Thai/Farang problem,but this is not true.

    The desperation of theses mafia types is becoming more and more evident and they are attacking fellow Thais more and more frequently..eg

    A friend who has been "based ''outside my condo for some 15 years as a tuk-tuk driver ,last year sold his tuk-tuk and is paying off a 7 seat SUV [air-con and comfort for the same fare] and also all the larger than large visiters were using his new service, and he was doing ok.His car was parked amongst all his ''mates' tuk-tuks, and as usual they sit and eat and drink together every day.

    I was sharing a Chang or 6 with him early on New years evening and a surley looking elder Thai came over and shared a beer.My Thai is basic but the body language said it all.

    3-4 mins later when the guy left, friend told me he had just been told in no uncertain terms ;You must go away from here and not come back..you are not ''one of us'' anymore and your car is taking OUR fares!!

    On the 2 Jan he pulled up to 'test the waters' and was immediately puched out by 2 ''ex friends''..Sorry they said but Big Boss told us to do so, otherwise WE get the same....no win for any EXCEPT the dogs at the top.

    Another incident re;a Tuk- tuk driver friend who is also outside our condo, took a fare at xmas to Junceylon to shop.HE told them he would wait down the road and they should call him when ready.He parks near the back of Baan Saan market and next thing he receives a punch through the window and told by a member of JUNGCEYLON mafia..F....off WE ALONE take customers away from shops!!!

    Times are hard and going to get harder for all and as you know the average Thai can not afford to even use the public transport..give it time Thais in general will stand up against this controlling minority as they see their already poor lifestyle going down the drain. The collective power of downtrodden people can be very strong, and those of you who think the average thai is just a little weak guy who can't/won't do anything..look at the redshirt/blue shirt/yellow shirt confrontations...When they have a cause they HAVE to win, they will come out and do it.And become extremely aggressive!!

    I realise that a lot of you expats truely believe that posting your venom and often generalisation of all thais on forum will help, but you are fooling yourselves big time.Vent your spleen ,if that makes you feel better, but it will not change anything!!

    And some of the comments being made really do belong down with the few scumbags who are causing the problems.Many of you come accross as no better than they ,IMO ! Tough guys wanting to go out and bash and take over the beach road , teach them a lesson etc,etc.. Two wrongs do not make a right! But i for one would enjoy seeing you do so.In reality not as easy as tough talk on forum.

  20. :)

    Hey jingthing...as a business operater here in Phuket,do you really expect me and many others to suffer even more financial hardship so you can''have some fun'' Thanks a lot ...Why dont you keep your great ideas for the dump you live in ''Patts'' i do believe it is!!There must be plenty over there for you to focus on.

    The hysteria being created about a few very unfortunate and unnecessary incidents is already very damaging for us all.

    Consider the amount of people who actually do have a problem, compared to the number of visiters and it is a very small percentage.It does happen, no doubt about it and every effort should be made to to prevent any more, but hey, any touristy destination in the world has similar problems!! BTW....I DO NOT CONDONE THEIR BEHAVIOUR IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM!!

    Your ''solution'' to hurt the various ''mafia's'' will hurt all of us directly in the hip pocket and with this predicted short high season we already have enough problems here thank you very much!!!Please butt out!

    Sure, make people aware of what can happen but dont make us all suffer more than is neccessary for your fun!!

  21. Uh, happyinkathu, 150 baht for a one minute fare means a very short distance. 500 baht per day to rent the tuk-tuk. 4 fares and he has covered his daily nut. Minimum fare is 100 baht. 5 fares and he has made his daily nut. 4 or 5 of these fares represent about 30 minutes total running time. That would be about 50 baht max in fuel. Explain the economic oppression again, please? Taxis overseas operate the same way, only they paid about US$90 per day 10 years ago in NY City. No way they could ever cover that in 30 minutes. So, please explain again the rationale for pitying the tuk-tuk drivers. Correct me if I am wrong, but what I see in your opining is a lethargic entitlement mindset, viz., because they pay 500 baht they are entitled to adequate income. Well, excuse me, but if they have only one minimum fare an hour during high season and work, (if you can call sleeping and waiting for a fare to wake you up work), 9 hours a day they earn about 10-12K a month. During slow seasons their revenues increase by 200 baht per day or 5-6K per month, based on one minimum fare per hour. I know families living on half that amount. Of course, you have to stay awake.

    Entitlement mindsets preclude the concept of earning, and the idea of "value for money" is foreign. But not always. There is lethargy in NY as well and the entitlement mindset there is in full bloom now. Doesn't the driver have the option to negotiate renting 10 tuk-tuks? Possibly getting a marginal volume discount? But even without the discount, since you say there is a queue of potential new drivers, he can re-rent them for 550-600 baht per day, with no capital investment! He could sleep all day and make the same amount, guaranteed. Or, instead of sleeping, he could train drivers to clean the vehicles, dress in a flattering way and offer a free bottle of chilled water which costs him 7 baht or less. Now he is offering added value and expands to 50 vehicles, which he doesn't even have to buy. His drivers are his own little union and can control the main pickup spots by thumping the individual drivers on the nose to clear them out. At this point, he is earning 500-600K a month with no captial investment, based on only one minimum fare per hour. Now, happyinkathu, before you rush out the door and launch this new enterprise, here is the best part. As you grow a thousand or more drivers and offer them training and protection, these secretive uppers as you call them will, have to pay you to get their tuk-tuks on the street. Or you could buy your own vehicles and become one of them. Cheers!


    Great ramble my friend..very obvious you have very little understanding of the tuk-tuk situation in Phuket.

    Like i said ''the sheer amount of tuk-tuks now on the streets combined with this ''quiet'' high season'' means that often a driver has only a few fares daily. Sure a few of them in high profile areas do make a quid but very few !!This high season income is needed to tide them over the long low season where drivers can go 2-3 days and more without a single fare. Your rave ,my friend is very flawed huh!Cheers to you..PS. now i have re-read your post i see you are only joking..right!..sorry yesdavy :D

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